Prayers for Nurses

A Nurses Prayer In Difficult Times

Dear Lord, give me an understanding heart I pray, and a fill my lips with words of comfort and encouragement, as I deal with the nursing duties that I am called upon to do, and especially Lord, when I am confronted with uncooperative patients or unsympathetic doctors.

Be with me I pray, as I care for the patients in my charge today, and I ask that You would guide my tongue from hasty words. Give me grace and wisdom, when I am called upon to deal with the irritations of patients that complain and make me sensitive towards those that try to hide their fears behind a mask of indifference.

Let Your love shine through me today, and pour Your compassion into my heart, so that I may bring comfort and joy into the lives of different people today.

Lord, I pray that I may do my very best today, simply because You are there to lead and guide in all things. In Jesus' name I pray,


Nurses Prayer - For Guidance And Grace

Dear Father God, please guide me as I begin my work today, I pray. Inspire and grant me Your grace and wisdom with all those that are sick and suffering, and use me to be a light in a darkened world and refreshment to souls that are weary.

Give me the grace to deal with whatever I may encounter today, and help me to be use of You to minister healing and help to hurting people, both physically and in other ways.

Use me I pray, to be Your hands, and help and guide me in the things that I should say and keep me I pray, from speaking out, when quietness would be more appropriate. I look to You as my help and guide in Whom I place my trust. In Jesus' name I pray,


Nurses Prayer - For Nursing Colleagues

Father God, I thank You that You have brought me into this great profession of nursing and I pray that You would be with me today and with all my nursing colleagues. Give each one of us the strength and gentleness we need to deal with the many and varied duties we will be called upon to face today.

Lord, I ask that You would give me and each of my nursing colleagues the patience, wisdom and the grace to deal with the people with whom we will come in contact today and an understanding of how to deal with the varied ailments and illness that they are facing. Give each of us a gentle attitude and the ability to allay unfounded fears, calm troubled hearts and support those that are weary and afraid.

Help us all to demonstrate a genuine care for our patients and may our actions and attitudes give the reassurance and comfort that so many seek. Help us to understand the fears that so often flood the minds of the patient who come under our particular charge, and I pray that You would give me an opportunity to share forth Your love, both by my words and in my actions. In Jesus' name I pray,


Nurses Prayer To God

Dear Lord, thank You for the great opportunity You have opened up for me to tend those that are sick and to nurse those that are ill. I pray for Your strength and wisdom to deal with the many different kinds of health difficulties and emotional problems that people are facing today. 

Lord, I want to be used by You to minister to those that come into my care and pray that You would give me the right words to say to those that are hurting, and the right treatment to those that are suffering.

Help me to be able to give hope to those that are worried and comfort to those that are sorrowing. Help me to lift up those that are weary and be compassionate and tender towards those that are upset.

Help me to be both compassionate and encouraging to all who cross my path and may my life demonstrate the joy of the Lord to all with whom I come in contact. I pray that I may be a real blessing in their lives and draw me ever closer to Your heart of love, as I continue in the work into which You have graciously placed me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Nurses And Nursing Staff

Dear Heavenly Father, how I thank You for those men and women who have dedicated themselves to nursing the sick and dying, and I pray that You would give them strength and grace as they tend to the ailments, injuries and sicknesses of so many people in their care.

Give them the strength and courage to be able to face the many hurts and health problems of those that come into their clinics or hospital, and I ask that You would give them wisdom and patience to tend to the sick with kindness, and to be able to minister graciously to those that are facing problems or severe illnesses.

Father, I pray that You would bestow on them the strength, dedication and skill that’s needed to face the many challenges to their nursing training and skills, especially when they are weary or tired. And I pray that You would use those nurses that are Your children to be a true witness to Your love and grace. In Jesus' name,


Scripture Meditation on Nurses