Fireman Prayers

A Prayer For Fireman

Dear Father God, thank You for the firemen and women that are so often called upon to protect us from the dangers of fires and accidents that can happen in our lives so quickly. Thank You for the unselfish way that they put their lives on the line, in order to save those that may be trapped by a burning inferno that can so quickly endanger lives.

Protect each one, and give them the courage and strength to tackle whatever dangers may occur on their watch. Help them Lord, and keep them safe when they are engulfed in the choking smoke and flames. Enable them to quickly locate any victims that may be trapped or even unconscious.

Lord, thank You for those that have already come to faith in the Lord Jesus. Uphold each one by Your mighty power. But I also pray for those firemen and women that may not know You as their Personal Saviour and plead on their behalf, that You would draw each one into a saving faith in Jesus Christ, Who gave His life as a ransom for theirs, so that they might gain eternal life. 

Thank You Lord for hearing and answering prayer. In Jesus' name,


A Fire Chief’s Prayer

Thank You, Father, for placing me in the responsible position as Fire Chief, and for the many men and women that You have placed under my charge. Keep my eye focussed on You Lord, as there are many duties and responsibilities that require me to remain alert and aware on every occasion, knowing that precious lives so often depend on the decisions I make. Give me wisdom I pray, and understanding to discern what needs to be done on each occasion.

Bless each member of my crew that are under my jurisdiction. May I be wise and fair in my dealings with my crew and with others, knowing that the stress of the job can have a severe toll on the lives and emotions of those that have made fire fighting their chosen career.

Thank You for my own family. Be close to them day by day, knowing that my position causes much strain on us all, especially when I am obliged to keep unsociable hours for the good of the community. Keep us all strong in the faith, and I pray that we all may grow closer to Jesus through the twists and turns of life.

Thank You for my life Lord, and help me to be a good witness to others as I go about my duties. May all I do be pleasing in Your sight, so that Your name may be glorified in all I do. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Fireman’s Prayer For Today

Dear Lord, You have placed me in this responsible job and I pray that You will give me the courage to face whatever difficulties arise to today. As I am called to tackle the suffocating flames and smoke that so quickly engulf peoples’ homes and lives, or called to assist in so many accidents and problems that befall so many people, I pray that You will be with me, to lead and to guide.

Give me an alert mind and a sensitive ear that can trace a person who may be been trapped in the fires of destruction. Give me wisdom as I have to make those spilt second decisions that can so often result in the death or life for someone that is trapped. Give me the courage to face whatever dangers and difficulties may arise for the team today, I pray.

Protect us all Lord, as we face the day. May my life be a true witness of Your grace and compassion in whatever situation we find ourselves in. And may I personally draw ever closer to the You, for You alone are my strength and my sufficiency. In Jesus' name I pray,


Remembering A Firefighter Who Died On Duty

Loving Heavenly Father, I come to You today in loving remembrance and grateful thanks for the brave fire-fighter who recently died in the recent raging fire, while carrying out his duty.

Thank You for his life, his efforts and the many people that he has brought to safety in the course of his career. And now Lord, he has died in an attempt to rescue those that were perishing in the smoke and flames of this recent fire tragedy.

Lord, I ask for Your comfort for his wife, his family, his friends and colleagues, and pray that You will be very close to them all in this time of such great sadness and sorrow.

Father, I pray that You would provide for all their needs, both financial and emotional. I also pray that You would draw very close to them spiritually. May they know Your presence with them, upholding them and keeping them throughout this difficult time.

I ask this in the precious name of the Lord Jesus,
