Prayers for Hard Times

For God’s Strength In Troubled Times

Thank You, Lord, that You are my refuge and my strength in hard times and an ever present helper in times of trouble. Help me to cling to You and this truth from the Bible that You keep bringing to my mind.

I know that You are the only all-powerful God, and that there is nothing that is too difficult in my life for You to deal with, nor is there any obstacle in my path that is so insurmountable that I cannot cross, knowing that You are by my side.

Please give me Your strength to face today’s hard and troubled times, with the confidence of knowing that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Thank You that my strength comes from You, and that Your grace is sufficient for all the tasks and duties that will cross my daily path, not only for today but for the rest of my journey through life.

Thank You, Father, that Your grace is sufficient. Help me to meditate on this truth every day,


For The Hard Times That I Am Facing Today

Lord, I am facing such hard times, times that have become much more difficult with each passing day, and at times I get quite anxious and afraid, wondering how we are going to manage.

Lord, I know that You have promised to care for all Your children, but there are so many, I don’t understand how You can care for us all. Nevertheless, I want to trust You to keep Your Word because You have promised, and You are faithful to keep Your promises.

Thank You, Lord, that You are my light and my salvation. I know that there is nothing to worry about when You are my strength and stay. Lord, I believe that there is nothing that You cannot do. Please help my unbelief Lord Jesus, for I know that when You are the stronghold of my life there is nothing of which to be afraid.

Thank You Lord,


Prayer To Keep Me From Fear When Times Are Hard

Lord Jesus, I come to You because when I look at the hard times that we are facing, my heart seems to fail as I don’t know which way to turn, except to You. Thank You, that You have always been there for me, and thank You that you have always come through with Your help in time of need. Always at the right time and always in the right way.

Keep me from fear of what tomorrow may bring, knowing that I do not need to be afraid or fearful, because You have promised to supply all my needs according to Your riches in mercy.

Thank You, Lord, for Your Word which has so many beautiful truths and wonderful promises. It tells me that You are always there to help when times are hard. Thank You for this scripture from the Bible, which someone gave me today,  "do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." 

Thank You for this lovely truth and for the many promises that You have given to all Your children. May my heart rest in You Lord, and keep me from fear in these difficult times. In Jesus' name I pray,


To Provide My Family’s Need In Hard Times

Loving Lord, You are the One that gives the swallow its nest and paints the wayside flowers with such vibrant colours, and I know that if You care so lovingly for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, how much more is Your loving-kindness poured out on each of Your children.

Lord, I know this truth and I trust Your Word of truth, but I also know that we who are Your children are to live by faith just like the birds and the flowers, without striving to do everything ourselves, but rather trusting Your provision.

Oh Lord, we are facing many difficulties in these hard times. I know that so many others families are also finding it hard to make ends meet, and at times it is hard to trust You to provide for all our needs. But Lord, please calm my worried thoughts and help me to rest all my family needs in You.

Thank You, Lord, for the way that You have provided all our needs in the past, and give me the grace to lay all my burdens at Your feet, knowing that we are much more precious to You than the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. 

Let me trust in You and not be afraid in these hard times. In Jesus' name I pray,



Prayed for 179 time. I Prayed For This
My Lord Jesus Christ and Savior, I come to you as humbly as I know how to. You have blessed ME with the joy of pregnancy. I ask that you watch over my baby so that it will be healthy as well as me.I need your help in all ways...your guidance, financial stability, strength, allowing to let go of those who are not good for me, allowing me to love myself but most of all hold on to your steadfast love and to TRUST that you GOT THIS!
Received: August 19, 2015

Thank you Lord Jesus

Prayed for 134 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father, thank you for your everlasting love and for forgiving my sins. I am humbled before you, Jesus. Please protect me from Satan as he has been under attack and is wronged so many people on this earth. I pray for the person who got away with murdering a women dying of cancer will be brought to justice. We know who the murderer is but she continues to walk the streets and is now attacking me and more of your servants. Father God continue to walk with each of us in the upcoming days and forever as we fall under your protection in that you will keep us from harm and we pray you will bring to justice to the women, who would like to destroy the lives of the innocent. We will wear your armour dear Father and thank you again for all you do for us each and every day. I love you, Jesus.
Received: August 16, 2015

Strength to carry on

Prayed for 160 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, I come to you today as a sinner, I pray that you give me strength to carry on because I feel so tired of everything, I feel like the walls are closing in on me cos everything I try to fix gets more mixed up. Lord, I need you to help me to conquer my financial troubles. Bless my family and every obstacle we are faced with u said in your word that everything we ask in your name we shall get please help my husband to get a job, I pray for all these in Jesus name, Amen.
Received: August 14, 2015

In very difficult financial situations

Prayed for 138 time. I Prayed For This
We troubled finically and completely unable pay our debts, which include rents for office and home, salaries of employees individuals, court cases, etc. it's humanly impossible to handle, but we believe and trust that nothing is impossible with God!
Philip and Bernadette
Received: May 4, 2015

Praying for homelenss prevention

Prayed for 86 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, we're standing in agreement with you daily to grant my family finance blessing to come out of coldness of the winter to lives into a decent place to lives. I know you will covers my family in this storm. I seeks knock and ask in your holy son name Jesus Christ all...hallelujah.Amen
Received: February 9, 2015

Prayers for Family Restoration and Addiction

Prayed for 89 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, I need your help. I'm sorry I walked away from you. My life has been a terrible mess full of drugs and booze-fueled evenings. I've deserted my children numerous times over the past few months. I've been selfish. I want my family back - I need healing, strength and courage for the alcohol abuse and cover my family heavenly Father so that we can begin to work on becoming whole again. I pray for the courage to say no, and not run to alcohol when I begin to feel the shame and guilt rise up from these past few months. I pray for strength to continue to do your will and restart my walk with you God.
Received: January 22, 2015

Solutions to problems

Prayed for 107 time. I Prayed For This
God I first have to thank you for giving me much strength such that it doesn't cross my mind that I should forget nor leave you. I ask now my Lord to lead me to the way where all my problems will stay in the past and follow you with no burdens. I also ask you as you have said in your word: we must let you carry our troubles and take your own yoke as it is not so much heavy to carry. Be with me in my financial constraints,my kids,my family and my car. I thank you and know that you will walk with me always. Amen
Received: October 12, 2014

Your Favor

Prayed for 63 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord I'm coming to you to ask for your favor in my life.  I am in need of a job and I have prayed that I will get the call. I have been waiting for the job interview that I went on a week ago. Lord I ask you for favor regarding a home for me and my family that God will build up people and resources to help us.

Shenise Rush
Received: October 29, 2013

We look to you

Prayed for 85 time. I Prayed For This
For the past year my family have been in many hardships, even though we work extremely hard. Whenever there is money one or two of us goes ill in such a way that all the money has to be spent on there health. Please have mercy on us. We trust you to provide our necessarily needs. Lord we are yours. Amen.
Received: October 9, 2013