Prayers for Provision

Prayer For Financial Provision

Dear Father in heaven, thank You that You are my God and my Shepherd and that You lead me beside still waters. Thank You, that You restore my soul and thank You that in You I have lacked no good thing.

Oh, forgive me for the times when my faith in Your gracious provision wears thin and I start to take thought for my own needs instead of casting all my cares upon Your shoulders. Thank You that when my faith does start to tremble at the knees, You remain faithful to me, for You are a good and a gracious God and I love You.

Lord, You know the difficult financial position I am finding myself in and Lord my faith feels as if it is wearing thin, for although I know that You can provide for me, little seeds of doubt keep flooding my mind.

Father dear Father, I cast all my care on You. All the cares and financial concerns that I am currently facing. Lord, I cast every one at Your feet. I confess that there is a part of me that just does not know what to do and how I am going to get through this difficult patch in my life. Nevertheless, You have promised in Your Word to supply all our needs and necessities according to the riches of Your grace, and so I cast all my burdens, including this financial concern on You.

Thank You that You are a God that hears the cries of Your children and thank You for the answer that I know is speeding on its way. Help me not to miss Your answer, knowing that You so often surprise us with an answer that we do not expect. And so, to You be all the praise and honour due, in Jesus' name,


Thank You My Provider And Provision

Heavenly Father, I praise Your holy name that You are both our Provider and our Provision. You give us all that we need for both our physical and spiritual needs and You Yourself are that Provision for You are Life and Light, Health and Wholeness. You are the Way and You are the Truth. You are my Saviour and You are my Friend.

Thank You, that You have provided all that is needed for holiness and righteousness in Christ Jesus, and that in Him I have all that I need to live godly in Christ Jesus. Keep me ever looking to Jesus and keep me I pray, from straying away from Your loving embrace.

Thank You that You have promised to supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory, and thank You that You loved me so much that You sent Your only begotten Son to die in my place on the cross and to pay the price for my sins. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For A Thankful Heart.

Thank You, Lord, that You know all my needs and necessities of life, and thank You that You delight to provide for each of Your children day by day. I praise You that You are willing and able to make all grace abound towards each one of Your children, so that we have all sufficiency in all things and for every good work.

Teach me Lord, to pray for all my needs with a grateful and thankful heart, and keep me from using prayer as a lever to get my own way, but rather may I come to see prayer as an opportunity to pray into Your will, so that Your will for my life becomes my own will and prayer and petition.

And Lord, when I pray for the things that I think I need, help me not to miss Your alternative and better provision. Give me discernment to see and gratefully accept all that You have purposed for me with a heart that overflows with thankful praise for Your goodness and grace towards me.

Teach me to pray according to You, my gracious Giver and Provider, before I look for the gifts that You are so willing to drop into my lap. Thank You that You are my Father and thank You for your never-ending and never-failing love for me. Teach me to love You Lord as You deserve, for You alone are worthy. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Provision

Dear Father in heaven, I do bless and glorify Your name for Your graciousness towards me and for Your day by day provision You have faithfully provided for me and my family all our lives. Thank You that you are always faithful to Your promises of provision.

Lord, it is a great comfort to know that You know everything about me and that You know when I sit or stand. You know the needs I have before they arise, and You faithfully set in motion the answers to my prayers even before I call. And Lord, even though the answers to my prayers may sometimes be delayed, I so often see Your hand of blessing in so many other ways. Thank You for the way that You have used difficulties and delays to perfect and develop my trust in You. And Lord, although I do not always understand when things do not work out the way that I expect, I do thank You that You have always been there to provide for my needs in Your time and in Your way.

Keep my heart ever thankful for Your gracious provision and loving kindness towards me, and may I grow in grace and come to know You more and more in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name I pray,


To Learn To Say Thy Will Be Done

Dear Heavenly Father, too often I have not come to You in prayerful submission, and offered my prayers and request to You as I ought, but have sought to provide for what I thought I needed, without coming to You first in prayer. I have tried to do things in my own strength in the area of relationship, job, finances and even happiness, and I have discovered that the things that I so often desire turn out to be the opposite of what is best for my life.

Forgive me for not relying on You as I ought. Forgive me for trying to make things work out my way and trying to provide what I think is best for myself. Lord, You know me better than I know myself and I want to learn to rely on You and not to try to do everything in my own strength.

Teach me Your ways and Your will. Help me to seek first the things of God and help me to learn how to hand over the reins of my life to You on a daily basis, for You know the way I should take and You know what I best need for my life.

Thank You for what You are teaching me. I pray You would teach me more and more to rely on You and to rely less and less on myself. To You be all praise and glory, in Jesus' name,


Prayers for our house to be debt free in the name of Jesus.

Prayed for 97 time. I Prayed For This
We pray and believe to receive our house to be debt free in the name of Jesus and give thanks Jesus for the miracle financial and breakthrough our financial are meet PHIL 4:19 and Mat 22:21
Received: August 8, 2015

Mortgage payment

Prayed for 87 time. I Prayed For This
I pray for provision to make mortgage payments. Recent months have been unexpectedly difficult
Received: July 30, 2015

Prayer for transport and utensils for Soup Kitchen

Prayed for 83 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord I humbly plead with you to make possible means for us to get kitchen utensils and a panel van to continue our feeding at the Soup Kitchen ! We desperately need this to do your will and feed your sheep !
Received: April 14, 2015

Prayer for transport and utensils for Soup Kitchen

Prayed for 70 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord I humbly plead with you to make possible means for us to get kitchen utensils and a panel van to continue our feeding at the Soup Kitchen ! We desperately need this to do your will and feed your sheep !
Received: April 14, 2015

Just Thanks

Prayed for 71 time. I Prayed For This
Received: November 28, 2014