Loving Father You have graciously given us the night time for slumber and sleep so that we may be rested and refreshed in body soul and spirit, but all to often the imagination of our hearts, the thoughts of our minds and the difficulties that we are facing in life conjure up unwholesome imagination and unpleasant mental pictures, which all too often interrupt our sleep and can even cause us to be tormented with restlessness, bad dreams and frightening nightmares.
And so we bring to You those that are struggling with this sort of interrupted sleep, knowing that this is not what You want for any of Your children.. for Your Word says:- “I will lay me down to sleep in peace, for You, Lord, make me to dwell in safety.” Father this is what You desire for all Your children and so we ask that You would guide those that are experiencing difficulties in their sleep pattern or who are being tormented by sleeplessness, dreams or nightmares, to fix their mind on You and reflect on the glory of Your holy name and perfect character.. as they prepare to go to sleep each night.
We pray that those who are struggling with interrupted sleep will learn to fix their thoughts on You and meditate on that which is good and true, honorable and right, pure and lovely, and admirable. We pray that they will learn to take every thought captive to Christ and reflect on Your love and grace.. and all that is excellent. and worthy of praise - so that instead of fearing nightmares and interrupted sleep, they may approach bedtime in quite stillness of heart and fall into a relaxed sleep each night, as they rest in Your love - and in the morning wake refreshed in body soul and spirit, in Jesus name we pray,