Prayer Of Thanks For My Salvation In Christ

Heavenly Father, thank You that You know all about me and that You even knew that one day I would accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Father, I don’t understand this, but I do believe it because Your Word says that it is true, and that before the world began, You knew all about me and predestined me to be Your child in Christ.

Father, the incredible privileges and tremendous blessings that are mine, simply because I have trusted in Christ Jesus are amazing, and I praise and thank You for all Your goodness and loving-kindness to me.

I pray that I may live a godly life that is pleasing to You, and that all I say and do may honour Your name, for it is such a privilege to be Your child and I want to serve You with my whole being. I ask that You would use me to tell forth the glorious gospel of grace to all whom You put into my path.

Father, so many are lost and weary, sad and sorrowing, discouraged and depressed, but I pray that many will come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and be adopted into Your family, and we will sing of Your praises throughout eternity for the amazing grace that You have shown to so many.

Thank You, Father, for adopting us into Your family and seating us together with Christ in heavenly places. In Jesus' name,
