Older Woman’s Prayer Of Grace In Pregnancy

Loving Lord, I hardly know whether to laugh with joy like Sarah or cry in disbelief like Elizabeth’s husband Zacharias, when they discovered that they were to have a baby. Here I am thinking that my parenting days were long gone and I discover that I am pregnant once more!

Lord, I come humbly before You. I am not even sure that I am strong enough to bring up another child, but Lord my life is in Your hands and I pray that You would give me the wisdom and grace to go through this unexpected pregnancy, and the strength Lord, to start once again with sleepless nights and child-training. 

Lord, I thank You for this baby and I give my pregnancy to You, praying that throughout the whole time You will be there to comfort and encourage and strengthen each member of the family. And Lord, I pray that You would place Your hand of blessing on this little human being that is being formed in my womb. May he or she grow up to know You Lord, and may they become a mighty man or woman of God.

Thank You for all my children, which have become such a blessing to me. Into Your hands I commit myself, my husband, my family and this precious little addition to our home, for which I praise You Lord. 
