Prayer For Stress In The Family

Dear Heavenly Father, there is such a lot of stress in our family and I just pray that it would simply stop. It seems that never a day goes past without someone getting stressed out, and we are all getting so weary and worn out.
Please help our family I pray, to get on with each other and Lord, I do pray that the build up of stress and tension would stop, and that we start to live with each other in the way that You meant families to live.
Lord, I love my family and I know that this is not good for any of us to be in this constant state of pressure and nervous tension. Give me wisdom I pray, to know how to deal with this in the future and to know what to do and to say, or what not to say, to help the rest of the family release their stress, so that we may learn  to live together in godly unity. I ask this in Jesus' name,