Prayers for Stress

For Help To Carry The Burdens Of Life

Loving Father, I need You in my life because it is so full of stress and problems at the moment, and I am incapable of sorting them out by myself. Please help me Father.

Things have piled up more and more over the last few months and I don’t know what to do. But I do know that You told us to come to You if we are burdened and heavy laden and You will give us rest. I come to You now. I come to You, Jesus, and ask You to carry every single difficulty in my life, for they are becoming too burdensome for me to carry alone.

Thank You that You will never leave us or forsake us, and that You have promised to be with us in all circumstances of life. Thank You, Lord,


God’s Peace That Passes Understanding

Dear Father, You know everything about me. You know the concerns of my heart and the worries that I am now facing. You know that I do not have the strength to go on alone. I come to You now with nothing to offer but my trust in You that You will never leave me nor forsake me.

I humbly ask that You will pour into my heart that peace that passes understanding, so that in Your strength I can face the future with hope in my heart, knowing that Your grace is sufficient for Your power is made perfect in my weakness. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Holiday Stress

Dear Lord, I know that the holiday season is supposed to be a time of relaxation and enjoyment, but I find a whole range of emotions welling up inside me, as the holiday approaches, and I almost find that I am in a panic, with all the preparations that need to be dealt with. 
Lord, I know that holidays should be a time of celebration and joy and yet too often, I feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with all the things that have to be done, both before and during the holiday, and I find that I constantly worry that everything will be alright. Lord, I know that this is not what You want for Your children, and I ask for Your help in the approaching holiday season.
Lord Jesus, You have promised that Your strength in made perfect in our weakness and that Your grace is sufficient for all the circumstances of life, including this holiday-time. Keep me I pray, from any anxiety and stress during this holiday time, and help me to rest in the knowledge that You have everything in control and that Your grace is sufficient for me. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Moving Stress

Dear Lord Jesus, there seems to be so much to do as we prepare to move and so little time to get everything done, that I find that I am exhibiting what can only described as, ‘moving stress’. And Lord there is so much expense that is connected with moving, and deadlines to be met, that I am beginning to stress about the cost of this move as well.
Please dear Lord, please calm my troubled mind and fill me to the brim with Your perfect peace that passes understanding. Undertake for all the many preparations that need to be made, the deadlines we have been given and all the various costs that will have to be met.
Give us Your grace as we seek to undertake all that has to be done, like the evaluations, carriers, advocates and all the other little things that need to be covered. Help us not to overlook anything, but gently calm our hearts and take away all the stresses and strains of moving we pray, and may we depend on You and not on ourselves in all things. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Stress At Work

Heavenly Father, You know the concerns there are at my place of work, and the stress it is causing to me and all my colleagues, and I just want to hand it over to You, because I know that it is not Your will for any of Your children to be plagued with these sorts of stresses and worries.
I do thank You for giving me this job so that I can properly provide for my family, but the increasing tension which is being caused by the numbers of cut-backs and lay-offs, together with the extra work-load that is being placed on those of us that are left, is causing a lot of uncertainty and a wave of anxiety seems to have permeated through the work force as well as the managers.
Lord, I know that my times and my future is in Your hands and so is my job, and I ask that You would keep me from all unnecessary worry and stress about redundancy or my increasingly work-load. Father, I hand all my stresses to You. My hope and my trust is in You, because You have promised to supply all my needs, according to Your riches in glory. Praise Your holy name. 

Prayer For Stress In Marriage

Heavenly Father, our marriage is becoming increasingly stressful and I hardly know where we went wrong, but it seems that we are both getting increasingly tense about so many little things that we are taking it out on each other, and Father, I fear that unless this pressure in our marriage is addressed, we will drift further and further apart.
Lord, I know that life is never easy and unless we cope rightly with life’s pressures, we become victims of stress which can so often lead to depression or even worse. Lord, please help us both us to address the mounting stress in our marriage in the right way, Show us what we need to do individually and as a couple to bring us through this stressful period, and help us both to depend on You to guide us along the right path into the way of peace and unity.
Forgive me for not seeking Your help sooner but Lord, if there are areas in life that we need to address in order to reduce the stresses in our marriage, please show men and give me the wisdom and grace to recognize Your gentle promptings in my life.
Bless our marriage I pray, and may we both learn to cope with the stresses and pressures in our marriage, as we seek to grow closer to each other and to You. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Stress In School

Dear Lord Jesus, You know how worried I get about school and how often I feel so stressed-out about attending, that I feel quite sick and ill, and sometimes even get ulcers in my mouth. Lord, You know how often feel intimidated by the other students and worry that they wont like me, and I know that You also understand how difficult I find some of the lessons. Please help me Lord.
Help me to give my worries to You. Help me to trust You to bring the right friends into my life and help me not to feel intimidated by others, for You have shown me that their rudeness and unkindness is so often because of their their own insecurities and worries
Lord, I know that I am truly blessed to have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus, and I know that it is wrong for me to allow the pressures of school-life to be exhibited as stress reaction. So teach me I pray, how to cope with stress and use it to my advantage and to Your glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Stress In The Family

Dear Heavenly Father, there is such a lot of stress in our family and I just pray that it would simply stop. It seems that never a day goes past without someone getting stressed out, and we are all getting so weary and worn out.
Please help our family I pray, to get on with each other and Lord, I do pray that the build up of stress and tension would stop, and that we start to live with each other in the way that You meant families to live.
Lord, I love my family and I know that this is not good for any of us to be in this constant state of pressure and nervous tension. Give me wisdom I pray, to know how to deal with this in the future and to know what to do and to say, or what not to say, to help the rest of the family release their stress, so that we may learn  to live together in godly unity. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Stress Over Being Sued

Dear Heavenly Father, I am so concerned that I am now being sued and I feel so helpless and alone. Lord, I pray that You would be with me as I face this court case and ask that in Your grace, You would soon vindicate me and bring this unpleasant incident to a final and positive conclusion.
Lord, You know the exact circumstances of these proceedings and why this legal action has been taken against me. And You also know the motive behind all that is going on and what I ought to do.
Lord, I pray that this legal action will be dropped speedily, but if not, I pray that You would help me to face it with wisdom and integrity. I ask that You would give me the grace that I need to go through this, knowing that You have promised to be with me from beginning to its conclusion. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Stress Over Finances

Loving Lord Jesus, I don’t know what to do as my finances are not improving and I feel incapable of getting myself back onto the road to financial recovery. In fact Lord, it seems that the more that I try to help myself the more financial difficulties I seem to have to face.
I know Lord, that You hold the future and that our times and our finances are in Your hands. I pray that I would be enabled to accept this truth in my heart and not just know it as a fact in my head. I know that You have promised to be our help in time of need, and I just find it difficult to trust You, and so I come to You Lord to say I am trusting in You to help me get through this difficult time and ask that You would help me to learn to cast all my cares and worries on You and to trust You in all things.
Help me to depend on You and not to try to always fix things myself, and help me to learn the truth that Your grace is sufficient in all things.
Teach me Your ways I pray. Teach me to have real faith in You, faith that is able to say, "Thy will not mine be done." Faith that depends on You no matter what difficulties I may be facing. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Stress Over Health

Heavenly Father, You know what the doctor has said and I feel quite stressed-out about my health, and come to ask You to heal me speedily, I pray.  
Lord, I have knowing for some time that my health is not good, but I feel quite shocked and worried, and I pray that in Your grace You would touch my life and my body and give me the healing that I need.
I pray that You would also calm my mind and give me peace in my heart. I know that my times are in Your hands, but it is quite daunting to know that my health is so poor.
Show me what I can do to help my health to recover speedily, and in Your grace I ask You to heal me Lord. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For A Stressful Day

Heavenly Father, today has been stressful from start to finish. It feels as if I have been a magnet for problems and frustration, and whatever I said or did caused problems to others and distress to me as well. Lord, I feel exhausted, frustrated, stressed out, and far from You.
Father, I know that this is not how my life should be lived. I know that You have promised to give us Your perfect peace in our heart when our mind is focused on You, but Lord, I guess that my mind has not been ‘stayed on You today!’ I admit that I have allowed the stresses and strains of the day to manipulate my mind instead of handing all my worries and stresses to You.  And so I hand today over to You, knowing that You alone can soothe away this stressful day.
Help me to rest in You love and give me a good nights sleep, and I pray that in the morning I will remember to place the issues of the tomorrow into Your hands and not try to deal with everything by myself. Thank You, Father, that Your mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Stressful Situations

Heavenly Father, I am surrounded by stressful situations and at times, it feels as if I am drowning in the problems and difficulties of life. At times, I just don't know what to do or who to turn to, and yet I know that my hope is in You and that You have promised to carry all my stresses and problems. You even encourage us to cast all our burdens on You and lay all of our stresses down at Your feet, so that You can carry them for us. Thank You, Lord, for Your never failing grace and faithful help in time of need. Help me to turn quickly to You, instead of trying to sort things out on my own.

Forgive me for the way that I keep allowing the stresses of daily life to build up before giving them over to You. Help me Lord, to take every problem and hand it straight to You, the moment that it rears its ugly head in my mind.
Help me to take every worry, every problem, every stress and every thought captive the moment that it begins to form in my mind, and hand it to You, for You have promised to carry our burdens and calm our troubled minds. This I ask in Jesus' name,

More Prayers for Stress
Scripture Meditations on Stress

To solve a difficult situation of being barred from entering the house we bought by the seller after the 3 months notice expired on 31 May 2016

Prayed for 1251 time. I Prayed For This

Lord I am heartbroken as I pray to you now. My staff are locked out of a house. The Lord helped us by. They are currently sleeping inside a car in this cold weather because the couple we paid a lot money for the house refused to grant them entry and locked them out of the house. Unfortunately they can't come back to the city we are because it's during the night and its many kilometers away. They haven't eaten any supper. Lord please help me understand how some people can behave like this yet they call themselves Christians. They are sleeping inside our house now, my Lord and yet the rightful owners are in the cold. They knew my staff were on the way to this city for the handover take over ceremony and to put curtains and do some repairs to the house. Lord I pray you look after my staff who are hungry and cold in this weather. I don't know what will happen in the morning Lord when these Sellers woke up but I pray to you Almighty to intervene and enable us to take over our house. I know this is Satan' s work but I have faith and trust in you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord I know you are a God of justice and fairness. I know those who hope in you will never be disappointed. Lord can you help me forgive these heartless people for I feel so much anger, pain and resentment towards them as I pray to u. In Jesus' s name I pray. Amen!

Received: June 4, 2016

I need you

Prayed for 23 time. I Prayed For This
God, I ask you to help me at this terrible time I'm having in my life. I have no strength, I just feel like I'm lost. I need your help. I need strength, I need you to show me the way. I'm going through so much I don't know what to do but to turn to you. I'm ready for a major change in my life.I TRUST YOU AND HAVE FAITH YOU. I will continue to pray and do right by you. AMEN
Received: August 10, 2015

Workplace stress

Prayed for 9 time. I Prayed For This
I have been working in the place a long time and it is getting hard for me to go to work. Basically, I want to quit and start my own business, I pray that God will guide me and provide financial blessings. Thank you, and God bless.
Received: July 24, 2015

I would like to ask

Prayed for 12 time. I Prayed For This
I pray for my finances. I pray for true happiness and strength to put God back into my life as i was raised by both my mother and father. Thank you Jesus for always watching over me. Thank you for the trials and tribulations that you have guided me through, it has made me a stronger person. Thank you for my job. Thank you for the life that you have given me along with my children. Amen, Amen and Amen Again. I am so grateful for everything and everyone.
Received: March 6, 2015

Guidance and direction

Prayed for 17 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Jesus please intervene at my place of employment, at home, and wherever I go that would make me stressed out, also I surrender my life to you and place my hopes, cares, concerns, burdens, and worries into your hands this day thank you Jesus and amen

Received: June 17, 2014

Overloaded with so much stuff

Prayed for 8 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Father God, I am tired already, so many sleepless nights :( so many requirements to be passed, many projects, many tests, many many many. I just want these things to end. i want to accomplish these things without feeling too much stressed. because of this. I lack time on reading my Bible already. I am now feeling thirsty, thirsty of God's word. It's been a long while when i remember i attended fellowships or Bible study sessions. I just want God to be with me even though i have so much work. God knows i am doing this for the greater glory of His name. I pray to God for strength and continuous guidance, i pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance too. I pray for success. Amen

Received: October 8, 2013