Prayer Of A Newlywed Couple

Dear Lord, we thank You for bringing us together in love and as we have kneeled together to make vows to each other and to You, we ask that You would be with us through this wonderful and exciting journey through life, as man and wife.

Lord, we want You to direct and govern our lives together, and we pray that we may build each other up and strengthen the other rather than tearing each other down with careless actions and hasty words. Help us to guard our tongues and conduct our lives in a godly manner. Help us to keep our eyes and hearts faithful to each other and to You, and may we learn to live and move and have our being founded on Christ, Who is the founder and finisher of our faith and our only help in time of trouble.

Teach us to listen to the other, to pray together and to respond to each other with wisdom and grace. Help us to construct a transparent wall of trust between us and to wear the inner garments of grace and love, patience, wisdom and joy. Yhis we ask in the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour, 
