Prayer To Stop A Gambling Habit

Dear Heavenly Father, how we grieve for those that have become embroiled in the terrible habit of gambling and have allowed it to become such a harmful idol in their lives.
We lift up those we know who have been enticed into this destructive way of life, and pray that You would meet each one at their point of need, so that they may find the strength to walk away from this ruinous life.
Look down in love and pity we pray, on all who are shackled to this compulsive habit and ask that the chains that bind them to this destructive practice may be broken, and that in Your and grace and mercy they may be released from its iron grip.
We pray that Jesus Himself would minister to each one through the lives and witness of friends and family who know You, and we pray that in Your grace each one would be brought to a saving faith in Jesus, for only in Him can the power of sin and evil be severed. This we ask in Jesus' name,