Prayers about Gambling

Prayer For All Addicted To Gambling

Loving Lord, I bring before You those that are addicted to gambling. I pray that in Your grace, You would help each one to break this destructive habit and rebuild their lives with You at the centre. Lord, I know that gambling is a shocking addiction that breaks up friendships and families and causes lives to be destroyed and relationships to be severed.

Father, I ask that in Your grace You would look in pity that those that are caught up in the gambling habit, and draw them into saving faith in the Lord Jesus, so that their lives may be rebuilt and renewed in Him.

All forms of addiction are from the evil one whose purpose is to kill and destroy, and the enemy is certainly using gambling to try to destroy lives. But I pray that in Your grace, You would take each life that has been damaged and broken through gambling, and draw each one back to Yourself and into a true and saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Loving Lord, be with all those that are addicted today and rescue them quickly from the evils of gambling. In Jesus' name I pray,


Can God Ever Forgive Me?

Dear God, I have done so many terrible things in my life and now I am caught up in gambling and have squandered away my life, my friends, my family, my money and also my dignity. How could You ever forgive me, God? People tell me that I am beyond Your forgiveness God – is that true?

I was reading in a Bible that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross to take away my sins, every single last one of them, and that He would wash me white as the driven snow. It said that even though my sins were bright scarlet and my heart blackened like coal, He promised to forgive the sins of everyone who simply believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Who died on the cross to take the punishment for my sins. If they believe this, God would save them and make them His children and give them eternal life. Is that true God? Is there a catch God? Lord, I want to believe that. Lord, I do believe it.

Oh God, I have done so many terrible things in my life, but I trust what You have said. I do believe that Jesus died to take the punishment for my sins and that by believing in Him, all my sins have been washed right away. Lord, I know that sins have consequences, and I know that I have hurt many people and done many wrong things, but help me Lord to rebuild those relationships again and to break the power of sin in my life.

Thank You, God, that You care for a wretch like me. Thank You that You sent Your Son to die on the cross to take the punishment for my sins, so that by believing on Him I might be made a new person and be given eternal life.  Thank You, God.


Prayer For A Gambling Friend

Lord Jesus, I lift up my friend who has got into real trouble through gambling and does not seem to be able to break free from the tremendous hold it has over them.
Lord, in Your mercy would You please convict my dear friend of the evil influence that this gambling habit is having on their life and those around them, and I ask that in Your grace You would give them an awareness that this is a sin, and that they need to break free from this compulsive habit.
Help me to be a supportive friend and give me the wisdom to know what to say and what to do in order that I may help them break free from this destructive gambling habit..
Lord, I know that only Jesus can free us from the bondage of sin, and I pray that You would truly convict them of their need to repent and turn to Christ. In His name I pray,

Prayers For A Gambling Husband

Heavenly Father, I am grieved in my spirit and come to You with a heavy heart, knowing that my husband has become chronically addicted to gambling.
It started off quite innocuously, but has developed into a cruel and terrible gambling addiction and I ask that in Your grace, You would convict his heart of this dreadful compulsion, and help him to break free from his gambling habit once and for all.
Father, he seems unaware that he is hurting me and the family so deeply, and I pray that You would give me Your sufficient grace and strength to get through each day and to maintain some degree of sanity in our home.
Lord, I pray that whatever it takes that You would arrest his attention and bring Him to a realisation of what destruction this gambling habit has brought upon himself and his family. Please bring him to deep repentance before Your throne of grace, I pray. Convict him Lord, of His need of Jesus and give him the realisation that he must break free from his compulsive gambling habit. .
Lord, I pray forgiveness for the wrong things that my husband has done to me and the family, and I ask that You would protect us from any anger outbursts. Bring him to deep repentance, so that we may live our married life as You intended. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayers For My Gambling Habit

Dear Lord, I have got myself into a really bad state, and I can’t seem to break free from this gambling habit. It is causing me much distress as well as loads of problems and pressures at home.
It started off to help me fill the emptiness in my life, but it has taken hold of me and I know that there is no way that I can stop without Your help. Help me Lord, to break free from this compulsive, gambling habit.
I ask Your forgiveness for allowing this to take such a hold of me and for the pain and hurt that this has caused to others, and especially those that I love the most. I thank You for the people that You have put in my path to support and encourage me this this difficult time, and I ask that in Your strength You would help me to leave this life-style right behind.
Lord, I know that Jesus died to pay the price for all my sin and I know that only in Him can I truly break free, so I ask in the name of Jesus that You would give me the sufficient grace to leave this gambling life-style behind completely, and I will give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer From A Compulsive Gambler

Dear Father God, I have sinned and become obsessed with gambling to the extent that it has become a terrible compulsion in my life, for which I am deeply ashamed and grieved in my spirit.
Lord, I know that there is nothing that commends me to You except that I come in the name of Jesus, and ask that in His name, I might be washed clean of this sin and made whiter than snow. Lord, I know that I cannot do this on my own but only in His strength, only in the power of His Holy Spirit.
Lord, I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose again so that the power of sin might be broken in my life. I confess that I have wandered far from You, but I also know that You are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to anger and of great goodness, and I know that this life-style that has so enwrapped me is not Your will for my life. Help me Lord, to break free. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer From A Distraught Gambler

Oh God, my life is being destroyed with my gambling addiction, and I am so caught up in it that I know I cannot stop on my own. Lord, You know how badly this has affected my home, my family and my finances and friends. I have lost everything and everyone I care about and I am at my wits end. Lord, please help me to stop this destructive and evil habit and release me from its chains of bondage. Help me God. I can do nothing myself. I am impotent to help myself. You alone Lord can help me, and I am relying on You. Please, please forgive me for the way that I have behaved. I realise that I have been making gambling the god in my life in place of You. Forgive me Lord. 

Lord, I do trust You and I know that my sins were all forgiven at the cross, but I also know that for a long time I have been out of fellowship with You. I have behaved in ways that I should not have done. I have done things that have grieved and hurt Your Holy Spirit. I know I have displeased and angered You in so many ways. Lord, I acknowledge my sins and realise that it is against You that I have sinned. I come to you in humble penitence and pray that You would help me cut free from all the gambling cords that have entrapped me so tightly.

Lord, I want to be free of my gambling and turn my life around with Christ at the centre. I know that the responsibility to stay out of casinos and to refuse to participate in any form of gambling is my own responsibility, nevertheless Lord, I ask for Your strength and Your help to keep this resolve firm and sure, day by day and moment by moment.

Thank You that You have promised that Your grace is sufficient, no matter what difficulty we find ourselves in, and Father, I trust that underneath me are Your everlasting arms to uphold and heal. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Stop A Gambling Habit

Dear Heavenly Father, how we grieve for those that have become embroiled in the terrible habit of gambling and have allowed it to become such a harmful idol in their lives.
We lift up those we know who have been enticed into this destructive way of life, and pray that You would meet each one at their point of need, so that they may find the strength to walk away from this ruinous life.
Look down in love and pity we pray, on all who are shackled to this compulsive habit and ask that the chains that bind them to this destructive practice may be broken, and that in Your and grace and mercy they may be released from its iron grip.
We pray that Jesus Himself would minister to each one through the lives and witness of friends and family who know You, and we pray that in Your grace each one would be brought to a saving faith in Jesus, for only in Him can the power of sin and evil be severed. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Strength To Stop Gambling

Lord God, I repent of my sin and this evil habit of gambling that has become so aggressive in my life, and I humbly kneel to ask for Your grace and forgiveness and for Your help to break free from this gambling habit, once and for all.
I have wasted so much of my life and squandered much money, and have nothing but regret to show for these wasted years. But I come in repentance for my foolish sin and seek Your forgiveness, asking that in Your great grace and mercy, You would help me to break free from this evil habit which has all but destroyed my life and my relationships with friends and family alike.
Lord, You know the debts that I have incurred due to this evil compulsion, and I know that I alone am responsible for what has taken place in my life, but I do ask that You would help me to break free from gambling and to once more gain control of my life and live within my means. Help me Lord. Help me I pray, to leave this life behind and to live the life that I know You would want for me.
I trusted You as my Saviour some time ago and have wandered so far from You, but I believe that Your mercy is great and Your loving-kindness towards Your straying children does not change, so help me I pray. In Jesus' name,

Gambling mother

Prayed for 873 time. I Prayed For This
I ask for anyone and everyone to pray for me. I have created problems for myself and gambling is one. I ask for the strength to not gamble anymore. It has caused me so much pain and pain with my daughter.
Received: August 24, 2015

Strength to stop gambling

Prayed for 163 time. I Prayed For This
Please dear Lord, help my son to be strong and avoid temptation in buying lottery tickets and wasting all his money. Help him to be strong and start saving the money that he has worked so hard for. Please let him walk away when he has the urge to gamble.
Received: August 13, 2015


Prayed for 135 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, I am ashamed, I have disappointed you again and again choosing gambling over you. I have completely lost my soul to the devil of gambling and I am so very tired. 8 years in gambling bondage is far too long. Jehova I want to be saved by the blood of Christ. Jehova I want peace in my heart and soul. Lord I am losing my mind I am financially ruined and I am crying out for help.
Received: August 12, 2015

Strength and courage

Prayed for 139 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, please have mercy on me and deliver me from this evil of Gambling, help me and turn me around and be that person who was financially responsible for my whole family, before I gave in to this. I Jesus Name Amen
Received: August 6, 2015

Strenght to fight gambling urge.

Prayed for 110 time. I Prayed For This
My Dear Jesus help me to gain more strenght to fight against the urge to gamble again. I need you Dear Jesus to rebuild myself again for my family.
Received: July 29, 2015


Prayed for 82 time. I Prayed For This
Lord can u please take this gambling addiction from me and my husband we are falling behind on bills and neglecting our kids spending money we don't have.
Received: April 27, 2015

Gambler need help.

Prayed for 130 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, I am a gambler in need of help to quit. Jesus please help me. I love Jesus . please here my prayer
Received: March 30, 2015

Deliver Me Lord

Prayed for 140 time. I Prayed For This
Father, I ask for deliverance from my gambling addiction. It has ruined my life and I need to start over, please Lord remove the desire to gamble from me forever so that I might have a closer walk with you, in Jesus name I pray.
Received: March 30, 2015

Dear Lord Please help me

Prayed for 201 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, please help me overcome my addiction to gambling. Lord I am ruining my life, my children's life. Lord I beg for your mercy and forgiveness. In the name of the father the son and holy spirit. Amen
Received: March 30, 2015

No more addiction

Prayed for 392 time. I Prayed For This
Dear heavenly father thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. I come into agreement with everyone here who has a love one addicted to gambling and other self-destructive things to be free from bondage and repent from hurting themselves and others. The devil has come to steal kill and destroy but the Lord Jesus Christ has come to bless us with an abundant life. In the all mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray for not only my wife's freedom from addictions but the same for every person here who is praying and believing you for great and mighty things. We call this done in your holy name and we praise you for victory and restoration in our lives amen.
Received: October 21, 2014

I need love

Prayed for 141 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, my boyfriend is  ALWAYS getting upset wi nw because he thinks I have another boyfriend.He has a gambling problem.... Please overcome his problems 

Received: November 6, 2013