Purify my heart O Lord my God, for I love and trust You and desire to be set apart unto You, in holiness and righteousness all the days of my life. I desire to be holy for You are holy and You have called all Your children to be set apart unto You, and to be refined in the refining fires of Your purifying love and unimaginable grace, so that we may come forth as pure gold in Your sight.
Lord, it is my chief desire to be set apart unto You, “holy unto the Lord,” and ready to do Your will. Lord, I cannot do this in my own strength, but only in the power of the Holy Spirit, Who alone can take my bruised and bloodied heart and change me from the inside out to become more and more like Jesus. May I like Him, walk in spirit and truth and help me to seek to do only those things that are pleasing in Your sight and honouring to Your holy name. Guide me into all truth. Help me to lay aside all the encumbrances of this world that hinder my pursuit for purity. I ask this in the name of my precious Saviour, Jesus Christ my Lord,