Dear heavenly Father, I thank You for the spouse with which You have blessed me, and pray that we may continue to grow together in love with every passing day. I pray that our marriage may be filled with trust and love and that You would supply us with an abundance of Your grace in our lives, and peace in our hearts.
May we always seek to be kind and compassionate one with the other. May we be ready to listen and to bear each other’s burdens with gentleness of spirit and cheerfulness of heart.
Help us to be sensitive towards each other's weaknesses, forgiving towards each other’s faults, encouraging towards each other’s strengths and to share each other’s burdens with patience and wisdom, as we place the other's well being before that of our own.
Help us to grow more in tune with each other as each year passes and bless us with an ever-closer union, as together we look to Jesus, to be the rock on which our marriage is founded.
Thank You Lord and I pray this in Jesus' name,