Cleansing Prayer Of A Careless Christian

Dear Father, I come to You in humbleness of heart knowing that I have wandered so far from You and have not loved You as I ought.

Lord, I confess that I slipped back into the ways of the world and allowed the lusts of the flesh and the enticements of the world to draw me right away from You. Lord, I have neglected my fellowship with You and I know that my actions and attitudes must have grieved Your Spirit. Lord, I confess my sins and ask for Your forgiveness for my foolish ways and inconsiderate actions, not only to others but to You Lord Jesus.

Wash me clean Lord I pray, and cleanse me of my sins. Search out any wicked ways in me and renew a right spirit within my heart. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation that I once enjoyed and loved.

Thank You, Lord, that You remain faithful even when we are unfaithful to You. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' name I pray,
