Prayers for the Home

Bless Our Home and Family

Heavenly Father, You are the God of peace and love, and we pray that Your perfect peace would fill our hearts and our home and that Your gracious love would surround our family so that we may be united together in love, and one with You.

Bind us together we pray, and may Your joy unite us in sweet fellowship with one another and with You. Give us Your hope in our hearts and bless all who visit this home.

Thank You for providing all that we need according to Your riches in glory, and keep us from holding on too tightly to the material things of this world, knowing that You have prepared a heavenly home for all that are in the family of God. May Your blessing rest upon us and upon our home not only today but in the days to come, until You come to take us to be with Yourself, forever. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer Of Blessing At House Warming

We do thank You Lord, for bringing us into this home that You have graciously provided for us in so many ways. Thank You for all the loving support that we have received from so many people who have helped and supported us in many different ways, to move into our home and settle into this place.

We are gathering today to offer our heartfelt thanks for Your gracious provision, and to pray Your blessing and peace on us and on our home and neighbours. May Your presence abide here with us and may it be a place of welcome to all who may enter within. And Lord, we pray that Your name may be glorified here.

Abide in each room we pray, and may the sunshine of Your warming love enter into the hearts of all that come through the door. May this always be a place that is open and welcoming to others. Guard us from the strategies of the evil one, and may Your Holy Spirit of grace hover over our home and pour out Your manifold blessing on us. In Jesus' name we pray, 


Losing Our Home Through Foreclosure

Dear God, we are numb with grief because we felt that You had guided us to this home and yet now we are faced with foreclosure and we don’t know which way to turn. Lord, we want to trust You in all things and we are coming to You once more to pray Your grace over us and our home, and to ask that in Your mercy You would prevent this foreclosure. Lord we ask that You would keep us in our home, and provide for us in all things.

Lord, let our trust be in You and help us to cast all our troubles and fear upon You. You have provided for us in the past and we pray that You will continue to provide for us in the future.

Lord, we read about Habakkuk in the Bible who was faced with some terrible disasters, but despite all the dreadful problems he had to face, his faith remained firm and secure in You.

Keep us firm Lord and be our hope in time of trouble. Help us to trust in You no matter what happens. Help us Lord, to maintain our hope and trust in You. Thank You that You have promised to be our help and strength, our defence and defender, our provider and provision. Thank You, Lord. Into Your hands we commit our home and future and ask You to carry us on eagles wings. In Jesus' name,


Prayer As I Stand In The Kitchen

Bless my little kitchen, Lord, and may it be a place where I work with grateful thanks for all the blessings You bring into it. May this little kitchen be a haven of peace and comfort, love and joy to all who pop in for a little chat, or who are in need of a word of encouragement. Keep me from foolish frettings but rather, may it become a place where all who enter through its door find a warm welcome, and may our conversation be seasoned with salt full of grace and truth.

Thank You for the supply of food that You lovingly provide for our daily sustenance. As I prepare the food, may I meditate on the beauty of Your person and the many precious promises that You have poured into our lives. And Lord, may we always gain our spiritual nourishment from Your Word. 

As I stand at my little sink Lord, I thank You that You are as the pure living water of life. As I bake my bread and cakes, I bless You that You are the living Bread that was send down from heaven to nourish our hearts and to sustain our lives.

Bless my little kitchen Lord, and may all I say and do within these walls be done as unto You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer About Repairs On My Home

Loving Lord, I have a lot of money problems and outstanding bills and am not able to pay for all the repairs that are needed on my home to keep it secure. Lord, I know that You brought us to this place and I pray that in Your grace, You would keep the infrastructure of my home secure, until the finances can be found to do the necessary repairs.

Lord, protect the walls and the roof of my home, its doors and its window, and I pray that You would keep us warm as winter approaches and prevent anything from happening that will cause us additional expense.

Father, I know that I have not power to do this, but I know that You are a God Who cares for each of Your children. I pray that by Your grace You would grant this request. Lord, I know that Your Word is true. Help me to maintain my trust in Your promise to help in time of need. In Jesus' name I pray, 


That My Home May Be A Place Of Tranquil Peace

Loving Lord, thank You for my home. I pray that it may be a place of peace and rest. May we close the door on every evil that would seek to enter unseen and disrupt its calm tranquillity, and may all that is spoken and done within its walls be pleasing in Your sight and honouring to Your name.

Keep all who live here from uttering careless words that can hurt or accuse, but rather may the angel of Your presence encamp within its walls and may Your wings of protection overshadow each one. Protect the hearts and minds of all who enter and leave here, and may no ungodly thoughts or selfish attitudes cross its threshold.

May the beauty of Your love stream through the hearts of all who enter its walls, so that our home is lit up with the love and grace that only comes from You, just as the golden sunshine streams in through the windows and dances around the room, giving light and warmth to all.

As we commune in fellowship together day-by-day, I pray that You will be present at our table as we eat, listen to our conversations, sit with us as we laugh and relax together, and remain with each one though the hours of darkness, so that we wake refreshed and ready to do your bidding. In Jesus' name I pray,


That My Household Will Serve The Lord

Dear Heavenly Father, it was Joshua that proclaimed that, "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Father, that is my daily prayer that my home may be a place where You alone are Lord and You alone are worshipped and honoured.

I pray that each member of my household will choose to serve You as their God, for You alone are worthy of our praise and service. May each one of us seek to honour You all the days of our life.

Surround each member of this home with Your love and protection both during the day, and throughout the hours of darkness. Help each of us to love You with all our heart and soul and mind and spirit, and live our lives in a manner that truly serve and pleases You .

Bless each member of our home I pray, and Lord, wherever any of us go, may we all keep You as the centre of our lives. May each one be mindful of the love and grace that You have poured out on us, by sending Your Son to redeem our lives from destruction.

Thank You, Father, that You are our God.


To Hold To The Things Of This World Lightly

Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for our home, which You have graciously provided for us. Lord, I am aware that You had nowhere to lay Your head. You had no place that You could call Your home when You walked this earth. Help me to hold the things of this world lightly, and not allow them to become of such importance that I start to look on them as a form of idol in my life.

Oh Lord, I know that my home is filled with many little treasures and keep-sakes that are very special to me, and I thank You for each one. But Lord, I also know that all I have has comes from You, and all that we own is a gift of grace from You. O Lord, help me not to cling tightly to the things of this world.

Father, I know that my true home is in heaven and that You have prepared a place for me there. Help me to keep the things of this life in their proper perspective. May I be wise and thankful for all that You have given me, but also to keep my heart in heavenly places. I look forward to the day when You will bring me into that wonderful home that You have prepared for me in heaven. In Jesus' name,


More Prayers for the Home
Scripture Meditations on Home

Save my Home

Prayed for 26 time. I Prayed For This
God I am not worthy of asking you for a miracle. Please protect my home from eviction. Even though times are hard and difficult, I am trying. I know you a very present help in the time of trouble. Thank you for my home and for it being a place of peace and rest. Let your prescence encamp and your wings of protection encamp around it. Lord please prevent eviction on my home snd provide for me all things. Thank you for being my help and strength and provider. Into your hands I commit my home and future to you. Thank you Lord!
Received: April 5, 2015


Prayed for 13 time. I Prayed For This
Help me to find a home for my children and I pray for his learning disability
Received: March 9, 2015


Prayed for 8 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that Me and my family would heal from an unwanted divorce, depression, anxiety and that we would be able to stay in our home. Thank you
Received: March 5, 2015