Prayers for Change

Prayer To Change My Home Situation

Loving Lord, with the pressure of life and the ‘need’ for instant actions in just about everything that touches our lives, I am finding that my family and I seem to be like passing ships in the night. We are all so caught up in our own needs and problems and work, and the business of the day, that we have precious little time for each other and even less time Lord, for You.

Lord Jesus, I know that this is not how You designed the family to function and I ask You Lord, that in Your mercy, You would help each one of us to change the way we think. Help us to change our priorities, and not to set aside what is really important for what we consider is urgent. Lord, I pray that You would change us individually and as a family as a whole, so that we live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to You.

May we put You in Your rightful place in our home, as the Head of our home, the welcome listener to each of our conversations and the honoured guest at each of our meals.

Lord, I do thank You for my home and my family, and I pray that we become united as one as in our desire to change our home situation so that it may better reflect the way that You would have us live our lives, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Take Your rightful position Lord, and guide us all I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For God To Change Me

Dear Lord, I often spend my time worried and unhappy about things that may never happen, and yet I know that this is not only wrong in Your sight, but it is affecting me and my relationship with my friends and family.

Change me Lord, from the inside out, so that I do not fret and worry about things that may never happen, but help me rather to focus my mind on what is good and lovely. Enable me to give others the support and encouragement that they need, and not always expect others to address the needs and concerns that I have.

Lord, I know that I can never change on my own, but I know that when I allow You to work Your good work through me, I will show forth Christ’s love in my life, rather than my own selfishness. Lord, I know that without You I cannot change, but I praise You that I can do all things, including changing my attitude, through Christ Who gives me the strength. Thank You, Lord, for Your everlasting grace towards me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Relationship Problem With My Teenage Children

Dear Heavenly Father, I am so sad that the loving relationship I used to have with my children has deteriorated so much over the last few years. They seem to deliberately ignore all I say, and I have no-one to turn other than to You. Lord, I ask that You would change their hearts. I love each of my children and feel that I must have done something very wrong in their upbringing, nevertheless You promised that if we bring up our children in the way they should go, when they are old they will not depart from it.

Lord, this is a promise that I want to claim for my children. I honestly don’t know how they have become so unruly, or how they could ever be returned to a right family relationship, but I ask Your forgiveness if I have contributed in any way to their rudeness, or if their poor behaviours have resulted from my poor parenting skills.

I know that Your promise stands and I pray that in Your grace and in Your time, and in Your Own special way, You would draw them back into Your arms of love. Change them Lord into people that love You with all their hearts. Change me too Lord I pray, and draw us all back into Your gracious and forgiving arms of love. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus,


To Change My Relationship With My Spouse

Dear Father God, I love my spouse, but Father we have drifted apart in so many different ways, and erected so many walls of defence to hide behind, that communication between us is becoming increasingly difficult.

Break down the walls of selfishness and silence that we have both erected for different reasons, and unite us together in the love of Jesus. Help us to unmask the camouflage with which we have both chosen to clothe ourselves and change us both Lord. Change us from the inside out, so that Jesus may be seen in both of our lives. Change our relationship I pray, and help us both to start of building our future together on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, the only Rock of our salvation.

I do thank You Father for my spouse, and I pray that You would intervene to change our relationship for the better. I ask Father, that You would start the work in me. In Jesus' name I pray,


To Change My Relationship With My Unhappy Parents

Oh dear God, I seem to be unable to do anything right for my parents and when they are not shouting at each other, they join together to pick on me. I am finding that life at home is becoming unbearable. Lord Jesus, all I want to do is to get out of the house and live my life somewhere else, quietly, somewhere that is not constantly a battleground.

In my heart Lord, I know that running away is not the answer, but I also know that You do have all the answers to all our difficulties. So I ask that You would change the dynamics of our home so that all the bickering stops. Change things at home I pray, and change each one of us to become more considerate to the needs of each other. I know that this is what Jesus would do.

Lord, I also know that both my parents are unhappy and life is not as good as it used to be. I love my parents Lord, and pray that You would do something to make our home a place of hope and peace and safety. Lord, I pray that You would help my parents to draw closer to each other and to You Lord, as they did in the past. Change our relationship for the better. May we all become what You would have us be, so that as a family we can be more like Jesus. In His name I pray,


More Prayers for Change
Scripture Meditations on Change