Prayer for Disappointments

Prayer Of Forgiveness For Past Disappointment

Loving Lord, please help me to let go of all the disappointments of the past and to forgive those that have hurt and disappointed me so deeply. Keep me from all bitterness Lord. I know that I am holding resentment in my heart, and that this is destructive to my own peace and my relationship with You.

Lord, I am finding forgiveness so very difficult. Help me I pray.

Lord, I know that only in Your strength can I truly forgive those who have hurt me in the way that Christ forgives me. I understand that I can only forgive others as I allow the forgiveness of Christ to flow through me. He even said, “Father forgive”, to those that crucified Him on the cross, so help me to forgive in that same way, I pray.

Loving Lord, I know in my heart that forgiveness is a choice that I have to make. Help me to make the right choice. Help me to choose to let forgiveness flood my heart, so that I am not nursing grievances within, and so that healing of my own heart can start to take place.

I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Prayer Of Hope In My Disappointments

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You pleading for You to restore my soul, revive my heart and lead me along the right path for the future, for so much in life has become a disappointment and I know that I have strayed far from You.

Thank You, Lord, for reminding me that my citizenship is in heaven and that the things of this world will only cause me disappointments and distress. Help me to hold lightly to the things of this world and it's enticing possessions, but keep my heart focussed on Jesus, knowing that He will never disappoint me or fail me.

Refresh my weary soul I pray, and may I be like a tree that has been planted by the flowing rivers of life. May I sink my roots deeply into You Lord Jesus, knowing that my hope is in You alone. Fill me I pray, with all hope and joy, and may I draw ever closer to You. In Jesus' name I pray,


To Keep Me From Bitterness In My Disappointments

Oh Lord God, You know me better than anyone else. You know all about the deep disappointments that I have been facing and the sadness that fills my heart. Keep me, Lord, from building up resentments and bitterness, and help me not to harbour any hurts or grievances in my heart.

Lord, You have promised to strengthen Your children and to uphold each one with Your righteous right hand. Help me to cling to this truth I pray. Lord, I ask that You would heal all the pain in my heart, change my sorrow into joy and transform my disappointments into blessings from You.

Uphold me Lord day by day, with Your everlasting arms, and pour the precious peace that only comes from You into my hurting heart. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient to turn my disappointments into laughter.  May I rest in this truth. In Jesus' name I pray,


When Things In Life Keep Going Wrong

Dear God, I feel that everything in my life is going wrong and the dreams that I had in the past just seem to have shattered. People have let me down, my health seems to be failing, and life seems to be one long disappointment after another.

Give me Your strength I pray to carry on, and help me to pick up the shattered pieces of my life and move on in Your strength, not regretting the past but rather learning from it. Lord, I know that Your strength and power must have sustained me even when I did not realise it, for You have promised to be with me through every difficult situation. Thank You for being there.

Help me Lord, to trust You and to unburden all my sorrows and disappointment to You. Help me to pour out my heart to You, just as the Psalmist did, for I know that You listen to the cries of Your children and that You alone are my help and strength. Lord, I know in my heart that You alone are all I need. Help me to rest on this fact.

Thank You that You have promised to be with me and never slumber nor sleep. You have promised to preserve my goings out and my comings in, and every moment in between. Thank You Lord, in Jesus' name,


More Prayer for Disappointments
Scripture Meditations on Disappointments