Prayers for My Current Job

Prayer For All Who Are Out Of Work

Loving Lord, there are so many dear people in the world today that are out of work at this time and as a result Lord, there is so much hardship and pain. In Your pity and mercy, I ask You to visit those that are struggling because they are jobless or unable to earn a living, knowing that unemployment brings in its wake so much stress and depression, and places such a strain on marriages and relationships.

Lord, be with those that have no jobs, and provide for all their needs, but also comfort and calm those that are living each day in fear that their employment will be terminated, as work-loads increase, while at the same time others are being laid-off.

Lord, we are living in hard times and high unemployment that causes so many to be out of work, and has such a negative influence on the lives of individuals as well as communities in general, and oh Lord, if it were not for the hope that is in Christ Jesus, life would indeed be unbearable. But thanks be to God, Who has given us the victory in Jesus Christ our Lord. Use me I pray, to help and encourage those that I know and to support others as I lift my voice in prayer to You. Hearken to this prayer and send help to those in need, I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer When Being Persecuted At Work

Dear Lord, the oppression and victimisation at work that I am having to face is growing worse, and I feel that I am being singled out for this sort of persecution simply because I trust in You as my Saviour.
Lord, You told us to pray for those that persecute us and to bless and not to curse. Lord, I can only do this in Your strength. Give me that sufficient grace to do this, so that I may live a life that honours You. Help me to suffer this persecution for righteousness sake, knowing that in so doing I am sharing in Your suffering, simply because I am a member of Your body.
Help me to count it all joy when I am faced with these trials and difficulties at work, knowing that this is a testing of my faith which will produce steadfastness and patient endurance.
Help me to have faith that You will even use this horrid persecution that I am facing at work as a means for my good, and to the glory of Your name. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Grateful Thanks For My Job

Lord, I thank You so much for the job that You have provided. I know that there are many, many people who are not so fortunate as I, and I am so grateful that you have kept me in my position. I pray that You will continue to keep me employed so that I may provide for my precious family, and Lord, I pray that You would keep us all safe from harm and continue to provide for all our needs.

Lord, I also want to pray for the many people who are not so fortunate as I, who do not have a job and who have little hope of securing one in this tough economic climate. Lord, I bring each one to You and pray in Your mercy You would provide for their needs and - oh Lord that they too might be graced with a job in the not too distant future

Lord, I recognise that all good things come from You, but the bad things are from the evil one. Look down with pity Lord on all who need employment at this time. I pray this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Permanent Position In My Current Job

Dear Lord Jesus, I do praise and thank You for the job that You have given me in Your grace and goodness. But Lord, I do pray that You would enable me to be appointed into a permanent position, rather than being employed on a temporary basis.
Open the doors for my promotion in the near future I pray, and may I find grace in the eyes of the bosses and management.
Lord, I trust my times into Your hands and pray that in Your timing an opportunity for promotion will open up, and I will give You all the praise and all the glory. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer That I Will Not Lose My Current Job

Loving Heavenly Father, there is an increasing unease at my work and tensions are running high, due to the changes in staffing and management that are taking place, and so many people are becoming anxious, knowing that their jobs have become very precarious.
Father, I pray that in Your grace that You would go before me and allow me to be selected as one that will not be laid off. I do ask Lord, that I may retain my current job and not have to face the need to look for employment elsewhere.
Lord, I simply want to place this difficult position in Your hands today. Give me a peace in my heart knowing that You have promised to supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory. Thank You for hearing and answering the cries of Your children. In Jesus' name I pray,

Praying For Work Nearer To Home

Dear God, You made man and woman to be united as one in marriage and to live together in love and unity. Father, due to work pressures my husband has had to work abroad, which means that we are apart for much of the time and this is not good for either of us. Lord, You brought us together and You meant us to stay together and to live together in the bond of marriage.

I pray that in Your grace, You would bring my husband back, so that he may work at a job close to home and not have to leave me and the children for months at a time. Lord, in Your own good time and in Your way, would You look with grace on the cry from my heart, I pray,


Prayer To Protect My Husband’s Job

Dear Father God, protect my husbands job I pray. He has become so concerned that his position is vulnerable and we need the money to pay the bills.
Help me not to worry and to cast all my burdens on You, knowing that You have said that You will help us in every situation of life. Please give me the courage not to worry and to trust You to work in this difficult situation at his work.
Lord, I don’t really know the problem as he has not told me all that is gong on, but I know that You know and I believe that You care for all Your children, so please work a mighty work in my husbands job and protect his current work I pray. In Jesus' name,

Prayer About Unpleasantness At Work

Dear Lord, there is much tension and trouble at work and some of the blame is being laid at my door. Father, You know the difficulties that I face and I pray that my integrity and honesty will be proven and that these accusations against me will be dropped.
Lord, in Your grace I pray that that the unpleasant atmosphere will soon pass and that the tensions will be replaced with harmony and kind consideration between staff members.
Lord, I leave my work situation in Your hands, knowing that You alone can vindicate my character, and I pray that You will intervene on my account. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Please let me keep my job

Prayed for 568 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, Please have mercy on me, I know I have made some mistakes, but the punishment of job loss does not fit my transgressions. Please allow me through your grace to keep doing your work in my current profession. Please forgive me and save me. In Christ's name I pray. Amen
Received: August 14, 2015

Prayer to keep my job

Prayed for 266 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, I am lost and afraid. I did nothing wrong and I'm about to lose my job due to assumptions, please lord I really enjoy my job and I feel it's what you want me to do. I ask you to please protect my family and I, I need this job and I cannot get through this without you. Please lord let them see, I am not guilty of what they accuse of. Lord please help me keep my job. I love you Lord and I am so afraid of what may come on Monday. In your amazing, loving, and most precious name I pray. Amen
Received: August 13, 2015

In deep trouble at work

Prayed for 196 time. I Prayed For This
My prayer is that the Lord may come through for me and soften the hearts and tongues of my bosses as I will be facing them at different levels and times today. Also, the effectiveness and success in my career and personal life. Asking all these with a very grateful heart that the Lord has preserved my life and in the name of Jesus my Lord and Saviour. Amen.
Sandi Sandiswa
Received: August 6, 2015

Please help me keep my job

Prayed for 157 time. I Prayed For This
Please God...i need your help in keeping me in my job...i have been sick and I've had to spend some time out of work, but i am better now and would love to return to work with no more sickness to prevent me from my work. I need your love and suport to see me through this and that, i may keep my good job so i can provide for my family..thank you god..and god bless me and my family
Received: March 24, 2015


Prayed for 135 time. I Prayed For This
to be appointed permanently in the current job by GOD's GRACE
Received: March 11, 2015


Prayed for 105 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, at work some of the men are giving me a hard time and telling lies to the boss. Help e Lord
Received: February 3, 2015


Prayed for 124 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, Open doors for life promotion
Received: January 27, 2015

Prayer that my son doesn't lose his job

Prayed for 87 time. I Prayed For This
Lord bless Adam that the people at his job in power be touched by you so that they can see the good in Adam. Father only through you can this happen. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Adam Guerra
Received: November 13, 2014

That desired job

Prayed for 49 time. I Prayed For This
Prayer that God will touch the hearts of the administrator/supervisor, to put my husband's name in the schedule of work in that nursing home.
anonymous (God know my name)
Received: September 24, 2014

Fulltime teaching job for my son

Prayed for 39 time. I Prayed For This
I am asking God to open doors and show my son the plans he has for him. My son is waiting for a fulltime teaching position
Received: August 21, 2014

Lord help me

Prayed for 55 time. I Prayed For This

Lord jesus help me im in deep trouble. I was currently working as a tehsildar in lahore.but now the seniors are against me just becoz i am christian.they are not allowing me to sit in my office.lord help me to get my job back.

shaukat masih sindhu
Received: November 21, 2013

Trouble at work

Prayed for 49 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I need a to recover an important file at work, Piease pray for me

Received: October 31, 2013

Financial breakthrough

Prayed for 35 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord please help  my husband to have regular teaching load this semester. I pray also that God will make a way to provide for my food business..I lift these prayers to you Lord. 

Anna Luisa Bondoc
Received: October 29, 2013

A change my job

Prayed for 29 time. I Prayed For This

Dear God I need you to change my office work to a full time worker. And God please give us a blssing for my husband and finacial break throughas well as spiriutal protection. Thank you Lord!!

Received: October 24, 2013