Prayers for Forgiveness

A Prayer For Forgiveness

Father God, I kneel before You knowing that I have sinned against You in so many different ways. In what I have said and done, as well as in the dirty thoughts that flood through my mind. I know that I am a sinner and as such, I was the cause of the Lord Jesus being crucified on the cruel cross to take the punishment that I justly deserve, to pay that price for my sins. Lord, I know that I am unworthy to come before You, but I ask Your forgiveness of all my sins, for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ Who died for me at Calvary.

Wash me I pray, in the purifying blood of Jesus. Cleanse me from all my sins. Fill my heart with righteous thoughts and clean desires, for I no longer want to wallow in the cesspit of sin that has for so long separated me from You. Thank You, Lord, that You have promised that all who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour will have their sins forgiven forever. Praise You Lord, for Your grace and mercy on me, a sinner saved by grace. In Jesus' name I pray,


Child’s Prayer For Forgiveness

Dear Lord Jesus, I am sorry that I have been naughty and disobeyed my parents. I know I should listen to them but sometimes I don’t want to and then I get into trouble. I don’t want to disobey, but sometimes I do and I know that it makes them mad, and then they are mad with me and I am mad back at them.

Dear Jesus, please forgive me for disobeying and help me to listen to my parents next time and to do what they tell me to do. Thank You that even when I am naughty You still love me, even though I know that it makes You very sad, when I don’t do as I am told to do.

Thank You, Jesus, for dying for me on the cross and thank You for taking the punishment for my sins when I am naughty. Thank You, that You rose back to life again and went to heaven so that I can be forgiven and go to heaven too. Thank You, that you never stop loving me even when I do disobey and help me to be good in the future. Thank You Jesus,


Earnest Prayer For Forgiveness Of Sins

Father, the weight of my sins weigh heavily on my conscience and I know that there is no righteousness in me. I come to You pleading for Your great mercy, and repent of all the many sins that I have committed against You so grievously. Lord, I confess that in my pride and arrogance I even joked about Your existence and blasphemed You in word and deed, and yet I discover that You sent Your only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to be the only acceptable sacrifice that could pay the price for my sins.

Lord, I kneel before You broken in heart for the wrong that I have done against You, and beg for Your grace and mercy on a pitiful sinner, who has come to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that He is my Saviour and Redeemer. Wash away all my sins I pray, and cleanse both my mouth and my thoughts from the filth that has poured fourth from my blackened heart. Lord, I come in humility of heart and brokenness of spirit, and pray and thank You that in Your mercy You sent Jesus to be the price for my sins. Thank You for Your promise that all who believe on Him would not perish but have their sins forgiven and receive the free gift of eternal life. Thank You, that I have been saved by Your grace, simply by trusting in the blood of Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer To Forgive Others

Father, there are certain things that have recently happened to me that have been so painful that I am finding it quite difficult to forgive others, and yet I know that this is Your will for each one of Your children. I know that forgiving others in our hearts has a beautiful secondary function, of opening up our hearts and lives to Your warming love and perfect peace.

Lord, I want to forgive others, but there seems to be a sort of blockage that is causing me to hold fast to my anger and hurt. Please Father God, in Your goodness and grace, would You please help me to forgive fully, freely and forever so that I may be released from this sharp pain of unforgiveness, which seems to be holding my heart in an icy, iron grip.

Lord, You have promised in Your Word that Your grace is sufficient for every trial and each difficulty in life, and I trust that this means that Your grace is sufficient to bring me to that point of genuine and gracious forgiveness. And so I cast this unforgiveness at Your feet and pray that You would forgive me for holding onto my unforgiving heart for so long, knowing that in Christ Jesus You have forgiven me so much. Thank You, Lord, for dying on the cross for me and for forgiving all my sins. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Forgiveness From A Guilty Sinner

Father God, thank You that You are the One that pardons guilty sinners, like me who are unworthy to so much as approach Your perfect righteousness. By rights, I should be excluded from Your presence forever, for I am guilty of so many of my sins and should stand condemned and exposed before You, who is a perfect and holy God. And yet in Your grace and mercy, You reached down from heaven to save a guilty sinner and sent Jesus to die on the cross so that by believing on Him, I would not perish but have everlasting life.

Thank You, Lord, for Jesus, Thank You for dying on the cross and shedding Your blood for me. In Jesus' name,


Implore Forgiveness From You

O Lord God almighty, Who pardons guilty men and has no pleasure in the death of a sinner: to you, O Lord, I stretch forth the hands of my heart and I implore of you forgiveness for all my unlawful deeds, albeit unworthy. I ask you to keep my mind from the operations of the enemy, my eyes that they do not look incontinently, my ears that they do not listen to vanities, my hands from the service of hateful things, and my reins that they be moved in you, so that I may be entirely yours. And grant unto me the gift of your divine mysteries, O Christ our Lord and our God, forever.


We Ask For Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, thank You that You are quick to forgive. Thank You, that You have removed our sins as far as the east is from the west. Right now, Lord, we ask of You mercy and compassion, and we implore the forgiveness of sins. In Jesus' name,


2 Corinthians 9:10

Prayed for 1108 time. I Prayed For This
Praise the Lord for his mercy, kindness, healing and provision. Jesus with great humility I ask you to grant us success in our careers, no more unemployment. I want to be permanent on my job and want to do well on it. Please help me and my sons obtain our education. I want to leave a legacy of education, skill and excellence. We struggle in the area of intellect, but with you nothing is impossible. Grant us knowledge, wisdom, understanding and the wherewithal to obtain college degrees, certifications and you make us masters in our field and trade. Remove strife, confusion and pain in our family. Grant us love and unity. Protect us and preserve us from evil. For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you, 2 Corinthians 9:10. In the name of Jesus I pray amen.
Received: April 12, 2016

Prayer for forgiveness

Prayed for 1078 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus,I come before thee,just as I am I am,sorry for my sins,I repent of my sins,please forgive me.In thy name I forgive all others who have done wrong against me.I renounce Satan,the evil spirit and all their works.I give thee my entire self,I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.Heal me,change me,strengthen me in body soul and spirit. Come Lord Jesus cover me with precious blood and fill me with thy Holy Spirit,I love thee Lord,I thank thee Lord,I praise thee Lord Jesus,I shall follow thee every day of my life.AMEN
Received: April 11, 2016

In Jesus name

Prayed for 414 time. I Prayed For This
In Jesus name, I ask that new doors will be opened for my family and old ones closed. I ask in Jesus name that my sins be forgiven for I have not been a spiritual mother or leader, wash me of my sins lord and make me whole again. AMEN
Received: August 23, 2015

Prayer for the change

Prayed for 104 time. I Prayed For This
Ohh my heavenly father thanks for this wonderful opportunity master lord you are Jehovah Rapha. Heavenly father, I praise you, all glories to your mighty name lord, my provider, my comforter. I praise you my healer, thanks for ur wonderful love God. I submit myself into your hands Lord, so far I had committed so many mistakes, Lord, I was blind in human love, now you have made me understand what love means, what is true love. Thank you for your everlasting love Lord, hereafter I should not go and search of human love, I submit entirely myself into your mighty hands. Lord please bring changes in me
Received: August 19, 2015


Prayed for 111 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus, I heartly ask You to please forgive my sins and open the paths of happiness, healing, blessings of finance. I repent of my sins Lord Jesus and I promise I will never do such sins any longer. Please forgive me Lord Jesus.
Received: April 14, 2015


Prayed for 23 time. I Prayed For This
I want to know God more learn to love him and believe in him and be fr from every chain of the devil and have God favours in my life
Received: April 5, 2015


Prayed for 108 time. I Prayed For This
Father, Give me peace of mind in my thoughts and in my heart
Received: February 14, 2015


Prayed for 25 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord, I ask for forgiveness in my marriage for not believing and trusting. I ask forgiveness in having a revengeful heart, soaked in resentment. Please come and wash awash my pain and hurt and make me a better person
Received: January 12, 2015

Blessings. and forgiveness

Prayed for 106 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly father,I come before you Lord to humbly ask for your forgiveness in all the wrongs I have done without realising for any hurt I may have caused for being impatient and selfis for only thinking of myself. Lord of all mercy I ask you to renew in me all that is good show me the way to serve others. Merciful Lord I ask you for your blessings on my family help them as they go about their daily business give them strength and please Lord keep them safe. Have mercy on us all dear Lord,this I ask in your precious name.Amen
Received: January 5, 2015

My husband in jail

Prayed for 18 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God please accept my prayer I am a sinner my husband has not done anything wrong he was just serving his family bringing food for his children is not a sin I know the way he went was wrong. He is sorry for it please God forgive him and bring him out from jail in to his family. I beg you Lord to forgive us our sins and show us the correct way. In your precious name I ask you for your blessings and love.
shamsi Noveen
Received: December 29, 2014

Prayer for God's grace and healing

Prayed for 21 time. I Prayed For This
Dear heavenly father, i am a sinner and i ask that you forgive me, lord i need you every moment in my life,i ask that you bless me and allow healing in my marriage, I ask that you forgive and allow for a restoration of what you sanctified as a holy covenant. I pray for a fresh anointing upon my career , finances and my work, I as that you reveal yourself to me and allow me to be a vessels for your word and kingdom. Lord God I pray for a deliverance and redemption of children. Please help me draw closer to you than to falter by being judgmental. Allow for your purpose in my life to be fulfilled, Lord bless my family and friends and allow them to become your kingdom warriors.
Received: December 15, 2014

Very ill

Prayed for 14 time. I Prayed For This
I ask for prayer for my son and myself, we are very ill.. I pray that the lord Jesus forgives my of my sins and helps me to trust Him and he heals my heart and that I would receive the Holy Spirit... Thank you God in Jesus name, Amen
Received: July 4, 2014


Prayed for 8 time. I Prayed For This

Lord Jesus, let ur grace always be sufficient unto me and help forgive all manner of my sin through the blood of Jesus Christ, amen.

Received: December 27, 2013

Finding it hard to forgive

Prayed for 73 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I'm going through a tough time with my husband, i need guidance ,And even when we discuss  something it is hard for me to forgive him because it seems like a repetitive cycle. Please help me to forgive and unite us closer to you and therefore closer to each other. Amen. 

Received: November 4, 2013

Forgiveness me

Prayed for 46 time. I Prayed For This

Lord please help me touch his heart so he can forgive me. Let him understand me more and accept my shortcomings.. Please send him home. Missing him so much.. Please guide me. Make me stronger to face my problems. Thank you for your unending love.. Amen..

Received: November 3, 2013

Come and change me

Prayed for 13 time. I Prayed For This

O Lord, am praying by asking for forgiveness of all my sin I have commited and all those who have abused me. Lord come in my life and change my life, my life have totally change upset down, I need changes in my life O Lord. Amen

Nehemia Mishe John
Received: November 3, 2013

Prayer for forgiveness

Prayed for 11 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I pray for help with forgiveness. I know I need to forgive those who have hurt and abused me , and especially my ex who is addicted to drugs, and abused me and our daughter. We are safe now but need help to forgive and release this person to Your love and light. Thank you Lord.

Received: October 31, 2013

Prayer for my relationship

Prayed for 10 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord i am a sinner and i have committed all the sins what i have done.  Lord i plead before you to please change Deepa and please forgive her.  Lord i will never go against your  will o Lord. Please forgive me and Deepa and bind us together to serve you. ! i believe you have heard my petition. I come to you in the most high name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  i pray amen amen & amen

Received: October 29, 2013

Lord Help me

Prayed for 9 time. I Prayed For This

Lord hepl me.  I need you so much I know you know what i'm going through now, help me to realize the people who's angery with me that im not doing anything bad to them, and heal my heart and soul.thank you Lord

Received: October 29, 2013

Forgive me

Prayed for 11 time. I Prayed For This

Heavenly Father I come before thy presence glorifying thy name. Thank you God for this favor brought to me. Its not by my own protection but your grace. Lord God i am sinner and have done so many things I'm not worthy. Have pity on me and forgive me. Help me to have a kind heart of forgiveness so that i may be able to have peace in my life .Dear Lord i commit my parents onto thy eyes bless them, ooh Lord give them more days here on earth. Bless my sister my brother and my niece meet them at their points of need , forgive them their sins and give them peace of mind. For it is in Jesus name I do pray and believe. Amen

Faith Gitonga
Received: October 19, 2013

To forgive my husband

Prayed for 16 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I pray for my marriage that we will get peace, All I want to do is hurt my partner the way he hurt me, through cheating with two women,I insult him and I can't forgive him. Please help me forgive him. 

Received: October 13, 2013

Forgive me.

Prayed for 12 time. I Prayed For This

Heavenly Father, i know i have uttered words that hurt people, especially my family. I lift up to you Lord, myself today and everyday. Guide me in my struggle and for healing and forgiveness. I really regret what i have done. Please forgive me. I also pray that You bless my sister. Soften her heart that she may also forgive me. Grant me also the grace to forgive whatever misgiving she has. Grant this through Christ Jesus. Amen!

Venus Macam
Received: October 12, 2013