Search: "Comfort" 14 results

Prayer Of Comfort For Those Orphaned Or Abandoned

Dear Lord Jesus, so many children around the world have become orphaned or abandoned for so many different reasons, and have never known the love of a mother or father for them. Lord, I know that You care for all people. but You have a special heart for little children and orphans. 

Watch over these children and young people, I pray. Comfort them in their trials, and provide for them when they are in need. Educate them when they are abandoned, protect them from those that would take advantage of their vulnerabilities and heal the physical and emotional hurt that so many have had to face in their young lives.

And Father, I ask that in Your grace, You would draw near to each one and bring them into a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus. Meet each one at their point of need and cover them with Your grace. In Jesus' name I pray,


The Joy, Peace And Comfort Of Abiding In Christ

Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You for all the things that I am learning through the indwelling Holy Spirit, and that the more I abide in You and rest in Your love, the more I find that the fears and disappointments of life seem to fall into their proper perspective.

What a comfort to know that although we do have troubles and trials in this life, that the Lord Jesus has overcome every single one of them. And all we have to do to access His strength and sufficiency, is to rest in Him and to abide in His love.

It is funny Lord, but for so long I thought that I needed to do lots of good things so that You would give me Your love, Your peace and Your joy. I thought that I had to earn these things. But You have taught me that it is the other way around, and all I have to do is to simply rest in Your love, to receive the peace and joy that only comes from You. What a comfort to understand that it is Your responsibility to carry out the good works that You have already prepared for me to do! And then You do it, through me, in the power of Your Holy Spirit! Wow! Thank You Lord.

Oh how it rejoices my heart and comforts my soul, that You do not have to rely on me, but that all I have to do is to rely on You. Praise Your holy name!


Prayer For God's Comfort And Strength In Times Of Need

Father, how I thank You that Jesus is my good Shepherd and is there to comfort and strengthen in times of suffering, sadness, pain and loss. Thank You, that Your rod and staff sustain and keep me, no matter what season of life I am passing through and no matter how difficult the times become.

I praise You Lord, for You are my strong tower, into Whose everlasting arm I flee for protection and safety, for You have pledged to uphold me with the right hand of Your righteousness. Thank You, that in the midst of suffering and distress, You have undertaken never to leave me nor forsake me, and when I face times of loneliness and isolation, Your promised grace is sufficient to carry me through.

Lord, I know that as Your child I am indeed blessed to be able to rest in You as my daily companion, my faithful comforter and my wise counsellor. Thank You for bringing me to this point in my life and for so patiently teaching me the lesson of Your never-failing faithfulness.

Use me I pray, to give like-comfort, companionship and counsel to other lonely and lost little lambs, who also need the strength of their good and faithful Shepherd. And continue I pray, to uphold and teach me more of Your comfort and strength, grace and love. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Comfort For The Grieving

Lord Jesus, I know that You are close to those that are broken-hearted and grieving in their soul and that You rescue those that are crushed in spirit. Draw near to Your many children who are facing times of sadness and loss, and draw each one ever closer into Your precious arms of love and support.

Thank You that You are wonderfully good to all who wait for You and seek You, and I pray that those of my brothers and sisters in Christ who, for whatever reason, are facing times of grief and hardship in their lives, that in Your grace and mercy You would draw very close to each one and gently carry them on Your shoulders, as a Shepherd carries a little lamb that has been torn by the briars.

Be close to all that are grieving today I pray, and flood their souls with hope, knowing that underneath are Your everlasting arms.

Give me a heart that is sensitive to those that are grieving, the wisdom to know when to speak words of comfort or when to keep silent. And Lord, I also pray that You would use my life to be a channel of encouragement and hope, through whom the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ will flow into their hearts, to heal and help.

Thank You, Lord, that You are a God that answers prayers.


Prayer Of Comfort For The Divorced

Dear Lord Jesus, I am sad that I have had to go though the sadness of a divorce, and pray that You will comfort me.

Thank You, that no matter what has happened and what I may face in the future, You are always there to lead and to comfort, to help and to provide. Thank You, that You know all the ins and outs, the ups and the downs of our various lives.

Father, I am Your child and I place my life anew into Your hands. I ask that You grant me the grace to foster a loving heart of forgiveness, the comfort to still my anxious heart and the strength to keep on keeping on through this sad and difficult time of divorce.

Strengthen my heart I pray, and enable me to get on with my life with You at the helm of my little boat. Give me wisdom to trust You to beautify my inner heart, so that it does not harbor any bitterness or jealousy.

I ask this is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for me on Calvary’s tree. In Whose name I pray,


Comfort For The Sinner Saved By Grace

Dear God, I know that I have fallen into deep sin. I have sinned against You and discredited Your holy name. I confess that I have done wrong, and I come to You empty handed and in poverty of spirit, knowing that my comfort and peace can only come from You.

Thank You for Your promise that if I come to You and confess all my wrongdoings and sins, You have promised to forgive me and cleanse all my unrighteousness. Thank You, that the blood of Jesus is the cleansing flood that has washed all my sins away, and thank You that when I confess my sins You have promised to restore me into sweet fellowship with Yourself and wash me entirely clean.

Thank You that I am a sinner saved by grace and that my eternal security is dependent of the work of Christ on the cross and not on me. I pray this in Jesus' precious name,


Prayer For Comfort In Time Of Tragedy

Dear God, I am crying out to you in my loss and deep grief. I am confused and don’t understand why my life seems to be in such turmoil and pain, but I look to You for comfort and strength to see me through.

My eyes are looking to You Lord Jesus, and I am praying that I might understand why this terrible tragedy has hit. I am trusting You, Lord, to give me the strength to face the inevitable difficulties that will come in the wake of this dreadful catastrophe.

Calm my troubled heart I pray, and pour into my heart a peace that only comes from You and a strength to keep going in this time of distress. Though my heart is breaking and I feel utterly crushed in spirit,my eyes are looking to You and I will hope in my Saviour to carry me through in Your everlasting arms of comfort and peace.

I believe that Your mercies are new every morning and that You will show me Your mercy and comfort today. Although I feel that I have been walking through the valley of the shadow of death, I know that I need fear no evil for You are with me. Lead me Lord, into Your way of peace. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Comfort For Bereaved Parents

Loving Father, I lift up these parents who have so recently lost their precious child. You understand the grief that they are going through, because Your own dear Son was crucified and died on the cross.

You are our gracious God of Comfort and You understand our grief and sadness in a way that is beyond our comprehension. Comfort the heart of these parents I pray, as they mourn the loss of their child. Fill them with Your peace and hope. Thank You that underneath them are Your everlasting arms which are always there to hold and support and comfort.

Use me I pray, to be a comfort and help in their time of trouble. Please give me the right things to say to them, and the wisdom to know when to remain silent. Give them a deep awareness of Your presence that is with them every moment of the day. Draw them closer to each other and to You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Comfort For A Dying Mother

Dear Lord Jesus, my mother is getting increasingly frail and weak and it is distressing to see her becoming so infirm and helpless. Comfort her I pray, as she lies on her bed of sickness, and give her Your perfect peace in her heart.

I ask that You would send comfort and support to all those that love You, and may this time of illness be a time that draws each member of the family back into a closer walk with Jesus.

Thank You for my mother and for all that she means to me. I ask that You comfort my heart too, and give me the strength to care for her as she waits to be called home to be with You in glory. Thank You, in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For Comforting Words

Heavenly Father, thank You for the comforting words that are in the Word of God.

Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for me today.

Thank You that You have the strength for all the tasks that I will meet today.

Thank You that Your hand is guiding me and Your love is surrounding me every moment of the day.

Thank You today and every day, in Jesus' name,


Comfort Us Amidst A World Of Strife

Dear Lord God, what a great comfort it is to know that You are sovereign, and that You are in charge of all that is going on in a world that seems to be getting increasingly evil and cruel.

Thank You, that You know the end from the beginning, and nothing that is taking place in our lives has taken You by surprise. What a comfort to know that You will take each problem and use it to carry forward Your eternal plans and purposes. Thank You, that You sent the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter and Guide through all the difficult and trying times of our lives.

I ask Father, that You send comfort and help those that are struggling in this world of strife. Calm those that are fearful, protect those that are weak, provide for those that are in need, heal those that are sick and bring all that do not know You into knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord, our great Mediator and Comforter, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer of Comfort In A Time Of Loss

Dear Lord Jesus, I feel so alone. I have lost my friend and partner of a life-time and it is quite daunting to know that I will never see them again – on earth.

I want to thank You for always being there for me. Thank You, that You are with me in all the sadness that I am going through. May I rest in Your arms, knowing that no matter what happens, You are always there to be my comfort and guide.

I pray that when those dark times come when sadness wells up wthin my heart, that You will be there to comfort and help. Thank You Jesus,


Comfort Prayer For The Abandoned

Almighty God, You know everything that happens in our life, and You understand how difficult it is when someone you love has gone and left you all alone.

Jesus, I am in that position right now, and I dread the thought of having to face the future all alone, without the support of the one that was closest to me.

Please wrap Your arms of protection and comfort around me at this time and help me not to become bitter and depressed, but rather to use this as an opportunity to learn the lesson that You would have me to learn.

Father, keep me from an attitude of resentment but rather look down in pity on the one that has left me. I pray that in Your grace You would draw them into a right relationship with Yourself.

Thank You, Father, for always being there even when others are not. Help me not to be carless with the feelings of others, but rather to show the love of Jesus in all I do. In Jesus' name I pray,


I Rest In Your Comfort

Yes, Father, it is a huge consolation to me that You know all there is to know. I rest in that comfort today.
