Prayers for the Dying

Prayer For A Child That Is Dying

Loving Lord Jesus, our most gracious Saviour and friend, our hearts are breaking as we watch this precious little one in such pain and slipping away from us so quickly. Oh Lord, we commend this little life, which has been such a joy and a blessing to us all, into Your strong and loving hands.

Lord, what joy and laughter and fun we had together and Lord, what courage has been shown to we who are adults, knowing that their life hung in the balance, between life and death.

Lord, we know that you are a God who can turn death into life, yet we also know that this precious one, whom we love so dearly is facing the gate of death. Should this be the time that you take them home to be with Yourself, please God, grant comfort and strength to us all and especially the parents, who are feeling such deep grief.

Thank You, that this little life has come to know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, and I pray that You will stay very very close as the time approaches for the parting of the way, at least for the time being, until we all meet once again in the heavenly mansions that You have prepared for us all.

Loving Lord Jesus, I commend this little one into Your loving arms. Carry Your little lamb home gently, I pray,


Prayer For A Dying Christian Friend

Dear heavenly Father, my dear friend who is closer to me than a brother or sister, is fast approaching the time when You will gather them in Your arms and take them home safely, to the heavenly shore.

Thank You, Father, for their life and witness and for their great love for You. Thank You for the encouragement they have given so many over the years, and for the gracious spirit that marked the way they have walked.

Lord, I know that their one joy and delight is to be with You forever, but it means that we will be left alone here. I know we will not grieve as the world grieves, for our hope and trust is in You, but I know we all will miss them so much. I will miss them so much Lord, for they have been such a sweet fragrance in my life, and the lives of so many with whom they fellowshipped.

Enfold them with Your love, dear Lord, and I pray that at the right time they will close their eyes in this world for the last time, only to open them to see You. How I worship You for all Your goodness and loving-kindness. Thank You, Father, for the privilege of having such a godly friend for so much of my life.

In to Your hands I commend this precious one - my dear friend, who has been closer to me than any brother or sister.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Mother That Is Close To Death

My loving heavenly Father, I know in my heart that the time for me to say goodbye to my precious mother is getting very close. I know her time in this world is nearing its close, and so Lord I pray that You will remain so close to her. I love her so much, and it pains me to see her so close to death.

Lord, I don’t want to say goodbye, yet it pains me deeply to see her suffer so and slowly fade in strength. I pray that You will give me the courage and grace to face the inevitable. But also help me, Lord, to use whatever time I have left with my dear mother, to make her the time we have left together as special as possible.

I do thank You Father for giving me my mother. She has been very special to me in so many ways. She taught and trained me, corrected me and helped me and was always there for me when I needed, even on those occasions when I was not very grateful.

Her love for You Lord Jesus is so special and something that I will remember all my life. Thank You that she was the one that taught me about Jesus and how he died on the cross to take the punishment that I deserved, and that He rose again and is coming again to take us to be with Himself in heaven. Thank You, Father, for my mother.

Be with her every breath I pray, until You take her to be with Yourself. Thank You.


Mother’s Prayer Following A Miscarriage/Stillbirth

Oh God, my Father, I am aching with grief as the little child that I was carrying in my womb is no more. Lord I don’t understand why this has happened and I feel numb with pain and sadness.

We prayed so long for a little baby and were so full or joy when I was pregnant, but to have this happen is the most devastating blow that could have happened and my heart is breaking.

I know that there is a purpose for everything that happens in our lives, but at the moment I can't see any purpose for this pain and grief that I am facing. Help me Lord to keep trusting You, knowing that out of all evil You have purposed good.

Hold me close Lord I pray, and carry me in Your arms of grace. Help me to face the future with You Lord, and to trust You to bring good out of this pain.

Lord, I am going to trust You in this even though I do not understand. I am going to trust and not be afraid. Thank You, Lord, that You promised to wipe away every tear from our eyes. Into Your hands I commit my future.


The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death

Dear Lord Jesus, You are the great and good Shepherd of the sheep, Who tends to each one of Your children with gentleness and love. Lord, we lift up all those who are facing death today, and ask that in Your love, You would carry them on Your shoulders as they make their way through the valley of the shadow of death.

May they fear no evil, knowing that You are with them to comfort them. You are there to carry them in Your arms and to soon take them to be with Yourself forever.

Take away all fear and dread of the unknown, and give them Your perfect peace in their heart as they rest in Your love.

We ask this in the name of Jesus,


More Prayers for the Dying
Scripture Meditations on Dying


Prayed for 14 time. I Prayed For This

Lord Jesus, I ask that you may help my grandmother, as she is on her way to heaven and eternal life with you and your most holy father. Amen.

Received: October 13, 2013