Prayers for Discernment

Discernment In The Last Days

Loving Lord I know that it says in the Bible that the people of this world do not understand the Scriptures nor do they understand the things of the Spirit of God, because those things are foolishness to the natural heart of man. It says that people do not understand the things of God because those things are spiritually discerned.

Give me spiritual understanding and wisdom to discern the things of God I pray, for it is my desire to know the truth You have promised to everyone who trusts You as Saviour. 

At times, Lord, I feel as if I am a single sheep in the midst of a hungry pack of wolves as I travel through this evil world. But I also know that You have counselled us to be wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.

Give me discernment I pray, so that I may be as wise as a serpent in the midst of this crooked generation, but also give me the gentle Spirit of Christ, that the love of Jesus may show forth in my life as I seek to walk worthy for You. In Jesus' name, 


Discernment In The Midst Of Deception

Loving Father, I know that we are living in days when there is so much deception that it is often difficult to know the truth. Deception not only in the world but in the Church, yet You have told us that if we know the truth, the truth will set us free.

Thank You, that I am already free form the bondage of sin and death and have my feet firmly planted on the Lord Jesus Christ. But I also ask that You would grant me discernment and an understanding heart to know what is good and true, and to be able to identify and reject what is false and deceptive.

Help me to test every spirit to see what is truth or whether deception is being peddled. Give me wisdom and understanding to discern the difference between truth and error, I pray. Thank You that You are not a God of confusion but the God of peace. Give me an understanding heart. In Jesus' name I pray,


For A Discerning Heart

Loving Father God, I pray that I accept the truth of Your Word, that I turn my ear to listen intently to Your words of wisdom, and that I open my heart to understand all you say in Your Word of truth, for I know that to treasure up Your Word in my heart is indeed wisdom, and to love and fear the Lord is the gateway to discernment.

Give me discernment in my heart I pray, and increase my knowledge and understanding so that may I come to know You more and love You better.

Guard my heart I pray, so that I may follow in Your truth all the days of my life for it is my heart-desire to know You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


For Discernment To Give Godly Counsel

Loving Lord, I ask that You would give me a wise and understanding heart. A heart that readily discerns Your will, so that I make the best choices for my life and am enabled to give the best help to those in need.

Give me an obedient heart. A heart that is ready and willing to say, "Thy will be done" and not to insist that my will is best. Lord, I know that the heart is deceptive and I pray that I will be kept from wrongly discerning Your truth because of my pride or foolishness. Keep me low at the cross I pray.

Keep me, I pray, from ungodly council, for I know how destructive the loose words of a false witness can be, and keep me from a presumptuous attitude that is so destructive to the soul.

Open my heart to listen to Your still small voice and give me discernment to know when to speak and what to remain silent. Direct and govern my steps I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ,


Prayer For The Spirit Of Wisdom

Father, I pray that You would grant me the Spirit of wisdom and discernment so that I may know You better and love You more.

Give me an understanding heart so that I may be open to hear Your voice and hear You say, "this is the path, walk in it."

Use me I pray, to be Your hands and feet, Your voice and heart, that I may be a channel through which You pour out Your grace to others. May I decrease to nothing so that only Christ is seen in my life. I ask this in the power of the Spirit and in the name of Jesus, in Whose name I pray,


That I May Abound In Wisdom

Loving Father, this is my prayer - that my love may abound more and more in all knowledge, depth of insight and in discerning Your will, so that I may be able to understand all that is best, and that which is pleasing in Your sight.

I pray that I may be pure and blameless in Your sight, until the day that Christ Himself comes to take us to be with Himself. But until that day arrives, I ask that You keep me humble before You, so that I may be used to Your praise and glory.

Lord I pray this not for me only, but for all my brothers and sisters that are called by Your name, that together we may live in unity and godly peace with a heart of understanding to discern Your will and purpose.

I ask this in the name of Jesus, 


To Be Kept From Worldly Philosophies

Dear God, I ask to be kept from becoming captive to the philosophies of men and to be alert to the empty deceit of this world system, the traditions of man and the false religiosity that seems to predominate in Christendom today.

Give me discernment to know what is good and to seek after that which is wholesome and godly. Help me to be aware of that which is counter to Your truth and likely to harm my spiritual walk with the Lord Jesus.

Keep me I pray, in the power of Your Spirit and guard my mind that I may be discerning to know the truth and to reject the evil. In Jesus' name I pray,


To Be Open To Discern God’s Will And Ways

Thank You, Father, for Your great love for me and that You know my needs and the paths that I will take in the future. Help me to discern what my future needs are, and not to confuse them with my own fleshly desires or the vanities of my heart. Give me true discernment, I pray

Lord, my heart is open to Your leading and guidance and my desire is that I do only those things that are righteous in Your sight. For the sake of Your name, I pray that I may be quiet to listen to Your voice and slow to assume that I know Your will when it is my own fleshly thinking. Give me true discernment I pray, to know Your will.

Lord, I know that Your ways are inscrutable and Your mind is unknowable and yet, You have chosen to take up residence in my feeble body. I pray that I may be used of You to be a good and faithful witness in all I say and do. My desire is to do Your will and not mine.  Give me true discernment I pray, and wise council. I ask this in Jesus' name,


To Discern God’s Plan For My Life

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that You have a plan for each of Your children, for You scheduled each day of our lives before we were even conceived in our mother’s womb. Help me, Lord, to discern that plan, the best plan that You have chosen for me, for I desire to be in the centre of Your will and not follow the empty desire of my heart.

Thank You that You know the end from the beginning, but thank You that You have also given each of us a free will to choose the good and to reject the evil. Help me I pray, to choose to do what is righteous in Your sight, to go where You are calling me and to say those things that honour your name. Give me the discernment to make the choices in my life that are best for me. In Jesus' name,


Understanding Heart To Know God’s Heart

Loving Father, I love to come to sit in Your presence and to be still and know that You are God. But there are times that I don’t know how to pray. I want to pray with discernment. I want to pray according to Your will. Please give me a heart of understanding, a heart of discernment.

You alone know what I should be praying for and my heart is open to be prompted by Your Spirit of truth. I offer You myself as a living sacrifice to do Your will, to go where You send, or to stay where You choose. Let me be sensitive to Your will and not assume that my will is the best choice for my life.

Give me a discerning heart to know Your will for my life, I pray. In Jesus' name,


More Prayers for Discernment
Scripture Meditations on Discernment

For Gods Guidance on Choosing Life Partner

Prayed for 47 time. I Prayed For This
Hi There, Praise the Lord, please can someone pray for me, as I need Gods Guidance IN Choosing My Wife, I am not able to come to one conclusion on this.. As many thoughts popping up and making me more confused..
Samuel Roy
Received: August 13, 2015