Funeral Prayers

Prayer For All Mourners

Dear Lord, You are the Father of all mercies, Who cares for all Your people with an everlasting love. You are the God of all comfort, Who consoles all those that are suffering the death of a loved one. You are the God of all peace, Who has promised to pour Your perfect peace into the hearts of Your children who are going through the pain and suffering that the loss of a precious loved one brings.

Oh Lord, I pray that You would become their strength in this time of loss, their hope in this time of bereavement, their joy in this time of sorrow, and their perfect peace in the turmoil that their hearts must be facing.

Thank You that the sting of death has been broken forever, and the curse of the grave has been destroyed through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. He has broken forever the power of death and hell, for all who trust in His name. 

Speak into the hearts of all Your children that are mourning at this time, and let them not mourn as those that have no hope. And Lord, for those that do not yet know You as the Saviour Who died for them, I pray that they will come to know and accept You as their Saviour and find their perfect rest in You. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Shock And Sadness At The Sudden Death Of A Friend

Lord God of Hope, I come to You today in deepest grief and with such sadness of heart at the sudden death of such a beloved friend, who was snatched away from us, in such a tragic way.

Lord, I know that our times are in Your hands, but the shock and sadness that the life of this precious person, whom we all love so dearly, was cut short in a so distressing way, is filling all our hearts with deep pain and sorrow.

Be our comfort in this time of loss, and uphold all that are in pain today, knowing that You are our God of comfort and the Great Comforter Who comforts all that are hurting. Be especially close to the family and those that were nearest and dearest. Give them Your peace and assurance that You are with them throughout all their pain, and pour the light of Your love into their hurting hearts. In Jesus' name, 


Prayer For Strength In Planning A Funeral

Dear Lord, thank You that You are our refuge and strength and that You are ever close to those that mourn. Oh Lord, I do pray that You would give us the help and wisdom that we need at this time, as we face the task of having to make all the arrangements for the forthcoming funeral, while at the same time trying to come to terms with our sad loss.

Lord, there seems to be so much to do and so many people to contact that I feel a little overwhelmed by all that has to be done. I pray that You would lead and guide as we set about making the arrangements for funeral.

Hold us all close in Your loving arms, and provide us with all that we need to carry out this daunting task. Thank You, that You have promised to support us in our weaknesses as we cast all our cares upon You.

Give us Your peace that passes human understanding and the patience to deal with all those with whom we need to come in contact. Thank You, Lord, that Your everlasting arms are always there to uphold and strengthen and support and sustain. Praise Your holy name that You are a Saviour Who cares for each one of Your children. Thank You Lord Jesus,


Thanksgiving Prayer For The Life Of The Deceased

Dear Heavenly Father, it is always hard to say goodbye to those that have died, for we know that they will be missed by so many who are left behind. But Lord, You also remind us that the death of Your saints is very special to You and we want to join together to thank You for life of this Your child, who was such an encouragement and wonderful witness of Your love and grace.

Thank You, Lord, for the blessings of this special person, whom we all remember so fondly, but who is now at rest in Your loving embrace. Thank You for their life and the many happy memories that we all share.

We pray that You will be a special comfort, to uplift and care for those that will feel the greatest loss. Help us to remember that although we are separated for a time, we will all rejoice one day when we stand together in Your presence. Thank You that the brief night of weeping will pass very quickly, and we will all be rejoicing in Your presence on that glorious morning when we will all be reunited in the hope that is set before us. In Jesus' name we pray,


Thanksgiving For The Gift Of Life As We Face Death

Almighty God and Heavenly Father, You are the One Who made us by the strength of Your almighty hand. You crafted our bodies together in our mother’s womb and scheduled every day of our lives here on earth. You rescued us from the miry pit and redeemed us from our rebellion. Thank You, that by Your grace and mercy You gave us new life in and through the wonderful Sacrifice of Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lord, we know that man has but a short time to live and that in the midst of life we are in death, for we came from the dust of the earth and our bodies also return to the dust of the earth. But we praise Your holy name that You are the Resurrection and the Life, and that he that believeth in Christ Jesus, though he die, yet shall he live.

Lord, as we face the reality of death in this world, we also glorify Your holy name for the blessed hope that is reserved for us in heaven, in and through the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. Our dear Saviour died for us, was buried, and rose the third day, so that we too could receive newness of life in Him and live forever with You in heaven.

Loving Lord, we rejoice in Your victory over sin, death and the grave, and thank You that death has lost its sting and the grave has been robbed of its victory, through the precious name of Jesus, in Whose name we pray. Hallelujah!


Scripture Meditation on Funeral