Search: "Persecute" 7 results

Prayer When Being Persecuted At Work

Dear Lord, the oppression and victimisation at work that I am having to face is growing worse, and I feel that I am being singled out for this sort of persecution simply because I trust in You as my Saviour.
Lord, You told us to pray for those that persecute us and to bless and not to curse. Lord, I can only do this in Your strength. Give me that sufficient grace to do this, so that I may live a life that honours You. Help me to suffer this persecution for righteousness sake, knowing that in so doing I am sharing in Your suffering, simply because I am a member of Your body.
Help me to count it all joy when I am faced with these trials and difficulties at work, knowing that this is a testing of my faith which will produce steadfastness and patient endurance.
Help me to have faith that You will even use this horrid persecution that I am facing at work as a means for my good, and to the glory of Your name. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Persecuted Christians In Prison

Loving Father, I lay each and every one of Your children that are suffering as a result of persecution in prison or hard labour camps. Father God, please be very close to every single one that has been confined to prison for their faith, and pour out Your life-saving grace into each life and heart.

May Your Holy Spirit permeate their being with Your peace that surpasses all understanding, and may Your sustaining hope warm their aching hearts, knowing that they can draw near to you and that You are with them in the terrible ordeal that they are going through. Infuse them with a sense of Your closeness and presence, and may Your holy angels be ministering spirits that surround and support them every moment of the day and night.

Lord, I am sure that the doubts and fears that flood their minds during their capture must be shocking and far beyond what we, who have never had to taste such atrocities, can imagine. But in Your great love and mercy, pour in Your strength and support them with Your loving kindness and tender pity. May each one find in You the depth of peace and rest that their soul needs. Father, they are Your children and our brothers and sisters. Hold them closely in the palm of Your loving hands. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer For Individual Persecuted Christians

Loving Lord, we live in an evil world and know that You are coming back soon for Your Church. Be with all those who are suffering persecution at the hands of so many that would destroy the truth of Your Word.

Help every man and woman, boy and girl that is going through some form of persecution today. May You guard and guide and encourage each one, no matter where they are. 

Give them the strength to remain firm in their faith, despite any physical, emotion or psychological pain they may have to endure for the sake of Jesus Christ. Protect and keep each one from harm and danger that stalks their path. Hide them under the shadow of Your wing, and support and strengthen them in the ordeals that they will be subjected to.

Let Your peace and joy and love reign in their hearts, and help them to walk humbly before You, as they identify with the sufferings that the Lord Jesus endured for them. And Father, may their lives, and possibly their deaths, be a fruitful witness. May the seed of Your love be planted in the hearts of their persecutors, so that their life may produce much fruit. In Jesus' name we pray,


For The Children Of Persecuted Christians

Oh Lord, we bring before You all persecuted Christians in so many parts of the world, and we particularly lift up their children, knowing that children can be so abused and ill-treated and used as pawns to cause their parents to falter in their faith.

Guard and protect all these little ones. Keep each one from any long-term psychological harm, emotional pain or feelings of bitter revenge that can result from the atrocities that they have had to go through and witness.

Protect every single life we pray, and we ask that You would intervene in any attempts to abduct the children of Christians and expose them to forced “corrective teaching” or “child labour” camps.

Lord, You were the one that said, "let the little children come to Me and forbid them not." I pray that each and every child that experiences some form of persecution against their faith, will be kept and protected by You, and brought at last into Your everlasting kingdom, where every tear and all pain will be wiped away, forever.


Prayer For The Protection Of Persecuted Christians

Heavenly Father, we lift up before You the many thousands of Christians around the world who are being cruelly persecuted, abused, tortured and killed and there is little or no outcry about the atrocities that are been perpetrated against so many world-wide. Father, we pray for Your protection from the psychological exhaustion and emotional fear that so many are going through, and we pray that Your Holy Spirit would draw so close to them and protect them. Give them the spiritual strength to endure under such inhumane regimes.

Guard and guide them we pray. Provide for them and empower them to know and experience the love of God, and give them the strength to remain firm in the faith. Enable them we pray, to be fruitful witnesses of the love of Christ, despite the evils and atrocities that are being perpetrated against them. And Father, we ask that they would so grow in grace that they may be able to forgive their persecutors and demonstrate the love of Christ towards those who are dead in their trespasses and sins.

May Your mighty hand of protection be upon all that are suffering in this manner and give them the fixed assurance that God will right every wrong in His own time and in His own way. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For My Persecuted Brothers In Christ

Heavenly Father, thank You for all my brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. Thank You that You have given us all a new life in Christ and have made us members of His Body, the church. It is wonderful to realise that I have members of my heavenly family in every corner of the world, and that one day we will all meet together, in heaven at the feet of Jesus. Praise Your name! 

Lord, I also know that many, many Christians around the world are suffering severe persecution. Gross and wicked things are taking place to many who trust in Jesus as Saviour. I know that it must break Your heart as it does mine when we hear of the terrible atrocities that are taking place in so many different countries.

Father, I pray that in Your mercy, You will protect them from the evils of this world and be with them throughout all the terrible ordeals that so many are facing. Guard and guide them and keep them from harm. Protect the children of our Christian brothers and sisters, that are so very vulnerable.

And Lord, for those that face death for the name of Christ, give them I pray, the grace to know that You are with them every step of the way. May they all receive Your crown of life that is promised to all who give up their lives for the sake of Christ.

In Revelation the martyrs under the alter pray, “how long?” and Lord, we join with them to say, “ Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.” In Jesus' name, 


Prayer For Those That Persecute Us

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You that You are our precious Price of Peace and our perfect example. Thank You that we have Your peace in our hearts and for the understanding that without You there is no perfect peace in this world of strife. Lord, there are many people today who do not know You and who seek to destroy those that are Your children, but Lord You have commanded us to love our enemies, to bless those that curse us, to do good to those who hate us and to pray for those who despitefully use us and persecute us.

Lord, we lay before Your throne of grace the many individuals and groups that openly seek to kill and persecute our Christian brothers and sisters. We pray for each one and lay each soul at Your feet, asking for Your mercy to rest on each of them. Look down in pity on those who are openly aggressive toward Christians for they have been blinded to the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ Jesus our Lord. Open their eyes we pray, and bring them to a saving faith in Jesus.

Lord, we ask Your blessing and mercy on each one for we too were once a stranger to the truth and at enmity against You, but You lifted us up out of the miry clay and set our feet on the rock of our salvation. In Jesus' name,
