Prayers for Volunteers

For Prayer Volunteers To Pray In Your Will

Heavenly Father, I ask You to raise up a great army of praying men and women, prayer warriors, who will seek your face day and night to discover how to pray into Your will and for whom to pray.

Raise up a mighty army of prayer volunteers, who will give their lives to seek Your face and to pray into Your will in these increasingly dark days.

Raise up men and women who will humbly and faithfully seek Your face, so that they know how to lift up the needs of the people of the world and the governments of the nations. And Lord, bless these people who are quietly acting as “watchmen on the wall” – prayer volunteers who are being used by You, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Protection Of Young Volunteers

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would raise up an army of willing volunteers to be called to go and enter into Your service, and to go wherever You choose to lead them. Lord, I do ask for Your special protection to surround all those that answer this call, that they will not be exploited by bogus ministries of false teachers, but that You would guide them to the place where You would have them be, and to the work to which You have called them.

Provide for the needs of those that have volunteered to Your call, and I pray that You would lead and guide them in all things. I ask Lord, that You would not only provide for the bodily needs of this life but that You would provide for their spiritual needs aswell. Draw them ever closer to Jesus as they complete the task to which You have called them. In Jesus' name, 


Prayer For Relief Workers And Volunteers

Heavenly Father, the world is reeling from the effects of different storms and quakes and the many disasters world-wide, that can so quickly and unexpectedly shatter the lives of so many people and communities.

I not only pray Lord, that You would send volunteers into places that need help to cope with the disasters that they are facing, but I ask that You would prompt Christians to hear the call and take the gospel with them into these places that have been so devastated by a disaster.

Lord, I know that we live in a sinful world and that the whole of creation is groaning, as we wait for the Lord Jesus to return to set up His coming kingdom, but Father, I pray that You would use these disasters for good, by sending volunteers into such places where they may tell of the good news of Jesus Christ and bring many to faith in the Sacrifice that Christ gave on the cross to redeem all who would believe on His name. Lord hear my prayer, in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For Hospital Volunteers

Heavenly Father, thank You for our hospitals and the wonderful way that You have used many volunteers to share the gospel of grace, the love of Christ and the truth of the forgiveness of sins to those that are sick, suffering and in need.

Multiply the numbers of those whom You call into this valuable work, knowing that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

Lord, I also know that in many places in the world, it is much more challenging to share the gospel, especially in hospitals, surgeries and medical centres, but Father, I pray that You would protect all who are part of the army of volunteers who are called into this service, and pray that You would give many opportunities to tell others of the love of Christ, and to share the good news of the gospel of grace, so that many may be brought into the kingdom of God. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Volunteers To Go…

Heavenly Father, we know that You have called us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into the harvest field, for people to go and proclaim the gospel of grace to those who have not heard of Your great salvation, to go and make disciples and teach the truth of the gospel of grace, to go and demonstrate the love of God, Who sent His only begotten Son into the world, so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.

Father, we pray that You would put it into the hearts of many of Your children to answer this call to "Go" – to volunteer to be Your hand and Your feet and to tell the truth of Your great sacrifice of love.

We pray that You would call many to volunteer to work, knowing that the night is fast approaching when no one can work. May their lives produce a great harvest, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray,


One More Prayer for Volunteers