Prayers for Singleness

Prayer Of An Older Single

Father, I praise and thank You for the way that You have guided my life up to now and for the many blessings that You have bestowed on me. Father, I lay my heart out before You now that I have arrived at this point of my life, and confess that it comes with a deepening desire to have a loving soul relationship with someone, a long-term love-relationship that is rooted and grounded in You.

Lord, I know that sometimes You say ‘yes’ and at other times You say, ‘no’ or perhaps ‘wait’ and I pray that whatever plan You have for my life that You would either lead and guide me into the right relationship, or keep my heart content to remain in this state of singleness, into which You have seen fit to place me.

I know Lord that You have scheduled each day of our lives, and I know also that we are to bring all our prayers and requests before You and to trust them into Your caring hands, and not to try to manipulate life to fulfill our own heart desires. And so Lord, I pray that You would quiet my heart to wait Your timing and to rest in Your love, as I wait for Your best purpose for my life to unfold.

Lord, I know that any part of my life that is outside of Your control is of little worth and so I pray that no matter what transpires in the future, whether I am graced with a loving long-term relationship or am to remain in this state of singleness, I pray that You would lead and guide me, that You would fill me with Your Spirit and that You would continue to uphold me with Your righteous right hand. Draw me ever closer to Your heart of love I pray, with each passing year. In Jesus' name,


For Those Who Suddenly Become Single Again

Loving Father, we thank You for the way You have formed us into families and for the joys of family life, but Father there are many who have been married, and surrounded by their families and yet have suddenly found themselves in a position of singleness once more, either by death or separation, divorce or simply the continuous ebb and flow of family life today.

Lord, we lift up before Your throne of grace brothers and sisters in Christ who find themselves in a position of being single once again, often having had this position thrust upon them rather than it being from choice. We pray Lord, that You would meet each cry of help, each sigh of loneliness and any pain that such enforced singleness may have inflicted. Be their strength and helper their constant companion and comforter. Be to each one a tower of refuge and may each one find rest in their hearts and soul as they find their rest and strength in You.

Keep each one from any form of self-pity and bring into the life of each one good and caring friends and activities that bind them closer to other members in the body of Christ. May they all grow together in love and unity more and more knowing that Your soon return is at the very door. Draw very close we pray to those that find themselves to be lonely, especially during the long hours of night, and may the joy of your salvation well up in each of their hearts day by day as they draw ever closer to You. In Jesus' name we pray,


Single Man’s Relationship Prayer

Heavenly Father, I come to You Lord to place the longings of my heart before You. I know Lord, that You Who did not spare Your only begotten Son, but gave Him up for me have promised to graciously give us all things, and Lord I deeply desire to have a partner, to have a wife, to love and to cherish.

Lord, I know that You have plans for my life and I do not want to run ahead of You. Help me to be patient as I wait in faith for You to bring the right person into my life. Lord, You have told us that it is not good for a man to be alone and You were the one that provided Eve for Adam, Rebekah for Isaac and Ruth for Boaz, and Lord I pray that You will bring the right woman into my life to be my own precious help-meet.

Lord, Your Word says that He who finds a wife finds a good thing And obtains favour from the Lord. I pray that I too may find favour in Your sight and be graced with a wife of Your choosing. And Father, give me the grace to wait Your perfect timing. In Jesus' name,


Single Woman’s Relationship Prayer

Loving Father, how precious it is to be free to come before Your throne of grace to worship You and to find grace to help in time of need. Lord, I desire to live godly in Christ Jesus, to carry out the works of righteousness that You have prepared for me to do in the strength of Your Holy Spirit, and I pray that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, with each passing day.

Lord, it is my deepest desire to live according to Your will and You have instructed us to delight yourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart. Father, I do delight myself in Your grace and faithfulness towards me, and at the moment it is my joy to live as a single woman and to find all my hope and strength and comfort in You, and I praise You Lord, that You have been my constant companion and pray that You continue to be the ‘husband’ of my life and the one to whom I turn day by day.

Lord, I also ask that if it is Your will, that in Your time and in Your way that You would provide a godly man with whom I can share my life and future, a Christian husband whose love for me is only exceeded by His deep love and devotion for You.

Thank You for the dear friends that You have already seen fit to bring into my life and I praise Your name for all Your goodness and loving kindness towards me in so many ways, for the work that I do and the joy that I have not only with friends but my family too. Lord, I leave this desire for a permanent relationship with the man of Your choice in Your hands, and pray that You would graciously answer my prayer, in the way that seems fitting for You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Thanks For My Single Status

Loving Father, I just want to thank You for my state of singleness. I know that at times I have longed (to a greater or lesser degree) to be married. But Lord, as I reflect on my life and the amazing privileges and grace that You have given to me in my single status, I realise that I would not have it any other way and just want to praise and thank You for all that You are doing in my life today and the way that You have led me to this point.

Lord, increasingly I understand what Paul was talking about when he said that those that are single should remain single if they are able to cope with their physical and emotional desire to be with another person. Lord, it certainly is my desire to grow ever closer to You and to be a witness of my wonderful Creator, who has saved my soul and made me a new creation in Christ.

There is no greater joy Lord than knowing You, and at times I know that I have wasted my time looking into things that are not wholesome and drinking from cisterns that are polluted, but You have led and guided me to this point in my life and I pray that You would continue to lead and guide me. Lord, I know that as we get older we can become concerned if we have no one to, ‘ look after’ us, but Father I just want to hand my future into Your gracious hands, knowing that as You have guided me to this point in my life that You are able and willing to support me and keep me in the years that lie ahead.

I pray that as I get older I may continue to love You more and serve You better and rely on You alone for all my needs, for You are a great God and I thank You for being my God and my Saviour, my Lord and my best Friend. Thank You in Jesus' name,



Prayed for 32 time. I Prayed For This
Oh lord end my singleness
Received: August 13, 2015