Prayers for Worry

Prayer About A Letter That Is Causing Worry

Dear God, I remember reading in Your Word that one of the kings of Israel had a very disturbing letter. He was so worried that he laid it our before You, and asked for Your help.

God, I have received a terrible letter as well, that has caused me so much worry and so much pain. Lord Jesus, I don’t know who to turn to, but I am laying it out before You and asking You to support me through this difficult problem that I have to face.

Thank You that I can come to You, and thank You that You are the same yesterday, today and forever. Intervene I pray on my account, and may justice be done in this issue, to Your praise and glory. I am trusting You in this and place my letter before You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Be Able To Sleep At Night

Heavenly Father, too often I lie awake at night and find that am unable to catch hold of sleep, because my mind continues to toss and turn over all the problems of the day which seem to swirl around my mind, when I know that I should be sleeping soundly.

Lord, I know that You have fashioned our bodies in such a way that they need a daily cycle of rest, refreshment and rejuvenation, and I pray that You would enable me to hand over all my worries and concerns to You day by day, and especially when I lie down to sleep at night-time.

Thank You, Father, that as my heavenly Shepherd You have promised to lead me beside the still waters, to make me to lie down safely in green pastures, to restore my soul and to give me Your beloved sleep in its proper time.

Thank You, Lord, for the many precious promises You give to all Your children, and I pray that tonight and in the days ahead, that I will both lie down and sleep soundly on my bed at night in peace, for You alone can make me to dwell in safety. This I ask in the name of Jesus,


Prayer To Calm My Worried Soul

Dear God, I am plagued with things that are going wrong. I am worried about my job and my family, my finances and my relationships. Lord, everything seems to be crashing in around me at the same time and I am simply coming to You as I have no where else to turn.

I know that You are the God of Peace and Love, and I come to You because fear of the future is causing me to worry and fear. I know that it is not Your will that Your children are distressed about the things of this life. I know that You have told us not to fear and yet it is hard when life is becoming so difficult.

Help me, Lord, not to be so worried. Help me to fix my mind on You rather than the concerns of life. Help me to trust You in all these difficulties, knowing You will carry me on Your shoulders. Thank You, Lord,


Prayer To Confess All My Worry

Heavenly Father, I confess that I often worry about things, and like so many others, I find that I often fret unnecessarily about things that are happening in my life.

I ask for Your forgiveness and pray that You would help me to change my heart, so that my worry changes to trust, and any fretfulness is replaced with Your peace and assurance.

I truly want to believe Your Word, knowing that in so many places in scripture, we are reminded not to fear but to cast all our worries and concerns on You, and Lord that is the desire of my heart. Please change my heart from one that is fretful to one that depends entirely on You for all things.

I pray that Your love and grace would flood my inner soul, and that fears and fretfulness would evaporate like the mist of the morning, as I steady my gaze on the Lord Jesus and place my trust in Your unfailing grace. Help me to seek You first in all things and trust in Your unfailing promises. in Jesus' name I pray,


Forgive My Worry

Forgive me for my worry, Father. I know I can be at peace when I have such a calm Shepherd, a sovereign God working out His eternal purpose in my life.


Prayer For God’s Promise Of Perfect Peace

Loving Lord, You have given us peace with God through the blood of Christ Jesus our Saviour and the forgiveness of sins, and have promised us the peace of God to guard and govern our hearts, in every circumstance of life.

Keep me Lord, from allowing my heart to become discouraged, dismayed or afraid, and help me to take every troublesome thought that vexes my mind captive, and to hand it straight over to You, knowing how destructive and deceptive it is when a heart is not secured on the promises of God’s Word.

Keep the eyes of my heart firmly fixed on my Lord Jesus, for I know that whoever looks to You is kept by the mighty power of God, for nothing can shake the one that is founded and secured on Christ, the solid Rock.

Thank You, Lord, for the promise of perfect peace that You leave with all Who know and love You as Lord and Saviour, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For People Who Worry

Heavenly Father, I lift up those friends of mine and other church members that I know, who have not yet learned the beauty and peace that comes from casting all our cares upon You and simply resting in Christ, but who seem to spend much of their time and effort in worrying over the circumstances of life, rather than handing everything over to You in prayer.

Thank You, for showing me how dishonouring it is to You when we spend our time worrying, knowing that You have called us to cast all our cares upon You and to trust in Your unfailing love.

Thank You, for opening my understanding through Your Word, that worry not only robs us of our joy and peace in the Lord, but is rooted in the sin of unbelief.

Thank You, for providing me with a better understanding that You alone are the One that will replace foolish worries with divine wisdom. You alone provide the peace that passes understanding when our minds are stayed on You, rather than fretting on those things that You have promised to undertake on our behalf.

So open their understanding I pray, that all who are Your children will truly learn the joy and peace that comes when we give all our worry to You. In Jesus' name I pray,


My Encampment Materials Wish

Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This

Lord,I wish my dad/mom will buy my materials for my camping tomorrow.This is so fun to me because it's my first time to be on camping.Lord,even I don't have these materials,I still thank you because my parents allowed me to go. I also pray for others who requested a prayer for you, Please guide them. Lord,thank you again. In Jesus' name,I pray Amen.

Jedi Santos
Received: October 17, 2013