Search: "Prayer for suffering" 6 results

Prayer For Suffering Saints Worldwide

Our gracious God and Heavenly King, how we love and bless You for the grace that You pour out on Your children day by day. Thank You that we are Your children, and that You chose to humble Yourself by coming to earth, to die a cruel death on a cross, so that we might live in heaven with You, for all eternity.

Lord, we come to You interceding for our suffering sisters and brothers who have been caused to walk the path of persecution and pain for Your name’s sake. Work through the life of each one, that through them Your holy name be lifted up. Cause those that are inflicting such pain on Your body, the Church, to be brought to the place of true repentance. May they turn from their ungodly ways to discover the one true way to true forgiveness of their sins, and eternal life, through faith in Jesus Christ.

Thank You for the faithful witness of these dear, persecuted sisters and brothers in the Lord. Keep each one under Your banner of love, and may Your holy angels minister to all their needs so that they may know Your peace in their heart, a perfect peace that only You can give. And Lord, we pray that through the life-witness and testimony of each one You may be glorified. We commit each one into Your care. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Grateful Thanks For The Suffering Of Christ

Father of all mercies and grace, how I bless and thank You for sending Your Son to endure the degrading humiliation, cruel suffering and unjust reproach of those He came to save. Thank You for Jesus and thank You for all He endured for my sake, for had He not taken the cruel punishment for my sin, which I so justly deserve, I would be eternally separated from You my Father, and that is too shocking a thought to imagine.

Thank You for sending Jesus to be born as a man. Thank You that though He was Your only begotten Son, He became our gracious example, and humbled himself and learned obedience from the many things that He suffered throughout His life. Thank You for His wonderful example of learning obedience by the things that He suffered and for dying on the cross for the sins of the world, and for my sins too. My heart rejoices in reverent praise to You my God, and my grateful thanks will resound throughout eternity. Praise His holy name.


Prayer For Those That Are Suffering

Dear Lord, thank You for the many precious promises in Your Word that reassure us that the various sufferings that we face today are but for a short time, and are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us in the eternal ages to come.

Thank You, that the pain we must endure is but for a season, and will give way to joys that are unspeakable and full of glory, knowing that we have been promised an eternal rest, when all tears will be wiped from our eyes.

All glory be to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those who are in any trouble with the comfort that we ourselves receive from the Lord, how we praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name,


Prayers For Suffering Mothers

Loving heavenly Father, You were the one who created mothers to be the one that bring children into the world.. but through the introduction of sin there is often  suffering and pain at childbirth – but we know all to often there is much more pain and suffering ahead, as the children they bear, change from the sweetness of infancy and the fun of childhood into rebellious teens.. and adult children that cause their parents much additional pain and heartache.

We lift up all those who have had to watch helplessly as their child has become rebellions and disobedient.. or has become attracted to the wrong company; been involved with addictive behaviours or engaged in some other destructive conduct. And we also know that many mothers have had to watch helplessly as their child has been overtaken with some incurable disease or been killed by a freak accident or some unknown cause.

Lord, we lift up this group of mothers whose children have caused them to go through so much suffering and pain – for whatever reason, and we pray that You would touch their hurt and heal their hearts. Bring back the prodigal; heal the sick; help the afflicted; deliver the needy; comfort the hurting heart and give them hope we pray.

Lord there is probably not mother that has never had to suffer pain through the children they have bourn – and so today we lift up all suffering mothers, and pray that You would draw near to each one and make this a day when many mothers discover a peace that only comes from You as they draw closer to Jesus, in Whose name we pray,


Prayer For All Who Are Suffering With Cancer

Loving Heavenly Father, I am coming to you of behalf of so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ that are suffering with cancer. Lord, I place each one into Your loving care and pray that in Your grace, You will comfort their heart and soothe away all anxieties.

Strengthen each one as they face a future which may be fraught with difficulties. Give them the peace that only comes from You, and I pray that You will uphold each one with the strength of Your mighty arm.

Give those that are treating and caring for these dear children of Yours, the skill and wisdom to do what is best in dealing with this destructive illness.

Father, I pray for healing of the body and health of the mind, but most of all I pray that through this trauma that has struck each life, You will draw each one of your children closer to the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For The Elderly Who Are Suffering

Gracious Heavenly Father, You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble and we bring before You the elderly men and women who have come to the twilight years of their lives, facing physical, mental or spiritual suffering.

Lord, for those that are Your children, we pray that You will be very close to each one and that You would give them the sufficiency of Your strength to endure the bodily pain or anguish of heart that they may be facing, as good and faithful soldiers and servants of Christ. Giving them courage to endure, knowing that there is a crown of rejoicing that awaits them at the appearance of their Lord and Saviour, when He appears at His coming.

But Lord, we know that there are many that do not know You, and whatever physical and mental pain and suffering they are going through, is nothing compared with the spiritual pain of not knowing the Lord Jesus as their Saviour and Redeemer. Draw close to all elderly people who are unsaved, and bring many of them into a saving faith in the Lord Jesus, in Whose name I pray,
