Search: "Prayer for peace " 17 results

Prayer For Peace In A World In Turmoil

Heavenly Father, I come to You today knowing that the world seems to be a melting pot of stress and anxiety. The world seeks after peace and yet Lord, we know that there is no peace outside of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Look down in pity on those that do not know You and who have foolishly turned from the true and living God to the false promises of peace from fallen man and corrupt governments.

Thank You, that You are a good God Whose yoke is easy and Whose burden is light, and yet there are many who have been taught lies and untruths about Who You are. Lord, there are many that have been brought up in an environment of hatred and violence who have not heard of Your name or have been fed a tissue of lies about the Lord Jesus Christ, and yet He is the only hope for true peace in this world. Lord, I pray that in Your grace You would convict many of their need of the Lord Jesus and that many would be saved from the jaws of death.

Look down in mercy on those that are unsaved in this warring world and turn their hearts towards the Lord Jesus, their Saviour and the only Prince of Peace, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For Peace In Israel

Loving Father, we are called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Lord, we do pray that Your peace would one day soon descend upon that city of Jerusalem and spread across the whole nation of Israel, until the world is filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.

But Father, we know that there will be no peace in that land, nor indeed in any of the nations of the world, until the Lord Jesus comes to reign as King of kings, Lord of lords and Prince of Peace. And so Lord we pray Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus, come Thou long expected Jesus, come to set Your people free, come and to set up Your promised rule on earth, for Lord, we know that without You there can be no peace on earth and only an increase in the ragings of the nations against Your people Israel and Your holy city of Jerusalem.

The nations are increasingly raging against Your people and Your land, and Father we know that nothing can bring peace on earth, except the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to take up His rightful position as King of Israel and Saviour of the World.

Father, we pray that while there is still time that many may come to know and trust the Lord Jesus as the one and only Prince of Peace, both in the land of Israel and throughout the world. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Peace Into Old Age

Father, You are great and mighty and worthy to be praised, for You have promised to carry me, to sustain me and to hold me steady even into my old age. Thank You that in You there is nothing in life for about which I need be concerned, for I am safe in Your hands, knowing that You will uphold me with Your righteous right hand.

Speak Your perfect peace into my heart I pray, in the midst of the troublesome circumstances in which I find myself, and keep me resting in Your love and abiding in Your precious peace, in the strong assurance that You are mighty to save in every season of life.

Thank You for the thrill of childhood, the experience of youth and the lessons of adulthood. And now, as I face the twilight years of my life, I thank You Father, for Your never failing promises and Your ever present sustaining power.

Flood my mind with Your peace I pray, and enable me to sleep at night in tranquillity of heart, knowing that the angel of Your presence is with me throughout the hours of darkness. Praise the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Peace In A Hurting World

Heavenly Father, as turmoil and terror throughout the globe seems to increase with every passing day, as the world’s hatred of You increases and as man’s animosity towards Your children continues to grow, we long for that promised time of peace on earth that will only come when the Prince of Peace Himself sets up His millennial rule in Jerusalem.

Forgive us Lord, for we have strayed so far from Your righteous laws and have discredited Your perfect statutes and glorious commandments, in a world that is calling evil good and good evil, and there is no health in us.

Help us to continue to demonstrate Your love and grace towards all with whom we come in contact, and look down in pity on all who are lost and blinded by the lies and deceit of the evil one.

Give wisdom and discernment to all Your children as we travel through this hurting world, and may Your peace that passes understanding flood the hearts and minds of all Christians. Equip us all to share the good news of the glorious gospel of grace to all who are searching for a ‘peace’ that only comes from You. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Peace Of Mind In This Troubled World

Loving Lord, still my heart and quiet my soul before You I pray, that may I learn to wait upon You and hear Your still small voice. Let Your perfect peace flood my mind, for You are my strength and my sufficiency. You are my all in all.

Protect my mind I pray, from the clamour and intrigue of this world system that so often fills my heart with fears and deflects my thoughts away from You, so that I may rest in Your arms of love and be filled with Your perfect peace that passes understanding.

Help me to take every thought captive, and when the difficulties of this complex world seek to manipulate my attention away from You, may I fix my mind on Jesus, knowing that He is the Author and Finisher of my faith and my Prince of Peace, in Whose name I pray.

Thank You Lord, for Your promise that You will keep us in perfect peace when our minds is centred in You.


Prayer For Peace From Inner Turmoil

Dear God, I have so much in going on in my life that I don’t know which way to turn. I come to You, broken in spirit, to ask You to calm my inner turmoil. I have tried to sort things out in my own way, but it is all futile, so in my poverty, I come before You Lord and submit to You, asking You to grant me peace of mind and a quieting to my soul.

Please give me Your peace and Your strength. I know that without You I can do nothing, but I also know that Your peace is poured into the hearts of those that trust in You with all their hearts. Lord, I trust You now and give my life and future into Your hands,


An Honest Prayer For Peace In The World

Loving Lord, our hearts are crying out for peace in the world, and yet we know that Scripture has told us that throughout this church age and beyond, and until the Lord Jesus Himself returns to set up His Millennial kingdom, there will be no peace in this world. Rather, there will be wars and rumours of wars, which will cause humanity to cry out for peace, peace when there is no peace. Help us to understand that there will be no peace until that time when Jesus returns to earth as the Prince of Peace, at the end of the coming tribulation period.

Lord, I long for peace and indeed I pray for peace in this world but Father, I do not want to pray against the plans and purposes which You have set by Your divine decree. Help me to pray intelligently as I see the people of the world crying out for peace, peace, when the world can never provide the peace that this world longs for.

I recognise that the nations of the world have almost unanimously turned their backs on You Lord Jesus, and that the time of judgement, about which we read in Scripture, is growing ever closer.

Father, we know that You have purposed that grace comes before judgement and we also know that the coming judgement of the world is to demonstrate Your mighty power to the nations, so that the nations will know that You are the Lord.

Father, I pray that many, many men and women will turn to You during this coming time of tribulation, about which we read in Revelation. Thank You that Your children, the Church, will be taken to heaven before this terrible time of Jacob’s trouble begins, but Lord have mercy and save a great multitude without number so that in the ages to come that great multitude of believing men and women will live in peace and safety, in the kingdom of Your dear Son.

I pray this in Jesus' name,


Christian Woman’s Prayer For Peace Of Mind

Loving Father, my husband has divorced me and I am so full of pain and sadness. I went into my marriage for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, and expected it to continue until death parted us, but the emotional and economic strains on our marriage became so heavy that it caused us to separate and finally to divorce. Although my husband took the decision to divorce, against my desire, I admit that some of the fault must lie at my door too.

Lord, I know that divorce is hateful to You and certainly not Your will for any of Your children, for You made man and woman to join them together in marriage as one, just as Christ Jesus is joined together with the Church as one, and I feel that having gone through this divorce is a violation of Your will for my life.

Feelings of guilt keep coming into my heart and I have even thought that my part in the divorce would cause You to reject me as Your child. But Lord I know that the Bible tells me that all my sins, including any that are connected with my divorce, were all forgiven at the cross, even any future sins that I may commit, were all dealt with by the blood of Christ Jesus my Saviour.

Thank You, Lord, that I am Your child. Remove any lingering doubts I pray, and fill my heart with Your joy and peace. Heal my pain and sadness and thank You Lord, that nothing in heaven or earth can separate me from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus my Lord, including my divorce, for which I praise Your name. Help me to live my life from this day forward in a way that is pleasing to You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Strength And Peace

Father, I believe that You are the One Who gives strength to Your people and blesses them with both peace and grace, and I thank You for the many times that I have received from You the strength to continue and the peace of mind to retain my trust in You, even when things of life seem to be in an utter turmoil.

Continue to provide me with Your perfect peace of mind that passes man’s understanding, and provide me I pray, with the strength to face the difficulties in life that can so often causes our hearts to fail for fear of what is coming on the earth. In the power of Your Spirit, give me I pray, the strength to stand firm in the evil day, knowing that Your grace is sufficient for all eventualities, for Your strength is made perfect in my weakness and in my dependence upon You.

Lord, the world is certainly causing the hearts of many people to tremble, but I pray that my faith in You will stand firm to the end, that my peace in You will never be shaken and that You will give me sufficient strength to deal with every eventuality that comes into my life.

Though the mountains may be shaken and though the hills may be removed, yet I pray that my unfailing love for you will not be shaken and Your promise of peace will not be removed. Thank You that my strength and my peace is in You alone. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For God’s Promise Of Perfect Peace

Loving Lord, You have given us peace with God through the blood of Christ Jesus our Saviour and the forgiveness of sins, and have promised us the peace of God to guard and govern our hearts, in every circumstance of life.

Keep me Lord, from allowing my heart to become discouraged, dismayed or afraid, and help me to take every troublesome thought that vexes my mind captive, and to hand it straight over to You, knowing how destructive and deceptive it is when a heart is not secured on the promises of God’s Word.

Keep the eyes of my heart firmly fixed on my Lord Jesus, for I know that whoever looks to You is kept by the mighty power of God, for nothing can shake the one that is founded and secured on Christ, the solid Rock.

Thank You, Lord, for the promise of perfect peace that You leave with all Who know and love You as Lord and Saviour, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For God’s Peace Within

Father, You have called me to be still before You, to rest in Your love and to patiently bear the cross that is set before me, knowing that You are not only at my side every moment of the day, but dwelling deep within my heart.

Help me to depend on You in all things, knowing that nights of sadness will soon be turned into mornings of joy, when You are by my side. Keep me from fretful thoughts and foolish imaginings, knowing that You are my best and heavenly Friend, my Shepherd, my Provider, my Defender and the Rock of my salvation.

Draw me every closer to Your heart of love. Quiet my spirit, still my soul and instil in my inner being Your perfect peace that passes all understanding. Help me I pray, to be still and know that You are God, my God in Whom I trust. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Inner Peace In A Time Of Trouble

Heavenly Father, as I read the newspapers and watch the breaking news headlines on the TV screen, I recognise that troublesome times are here, and men’s hearts are failing for fear of what is taking place in the world.

Lord, I know that unless my hope is in You, I too will find that worldwide events that are currently taking place will cause me to faint from fear. Keep my heart fixed on You I pray, and keep me looking to You each moment of the day and help me to trust implicitly in Your Word.

Overshadow me and all those I love with Your love and grace, and draw each one of us into an ever deepening relationship with Yourself and a ever deepening desire to know You more and to serve You better with each passing day. This I ask in the precious name of Jesus,


Prayer For Grace And Peace In Hard Times

Heavenly Father, I come to You once again to draw on Your sufficient grace which You have promised to all Your children, and I pray that You would give me Your perfect peace, to guard my heart in these very difficult days.
Throughout my life, I have come to You in time of hardship and You have never let me down. Thank You, that the length and breadth and height and depth of Your grace is beyond my understanding, and that Your perfect peace is beyond my comprehension, and yet You provide both grace and peace to all whose mind is stayed on You.
I pray that I in my weakness I would know Your strength, in my sadness I would know You joy, in my pain I would know Your healing touch, and in these hard and difficult times, I pray that I would know Your amazing grace and Your perfect peace deep within my soul. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For God’s Promise Of Peace

Times are hard Lord Jesus, and my soul is getting troubled and afraid, and yet I know You told us never to be dismayed or troubled. Keep me I pray from thoughts that vex my mind, for I know Lord that they are destructive to my soul and serve no positive purpose.

Lord Jesus, I know that only You can bring true peace to our troubled hearts. Thank You for the precious gift of peace that You have promised to Your children. Your peace is so different from what the world has to offer - You have promised that You will keep all in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You. Keep the eyes of my heart firmly fixed on my Lord Jesus.

I ask this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour,


Prayer For Justice And Peace

Eternal Father, You created us in Your own image and likeness, but sin has warped the minds of men, and throughout the world there is much injustice and much carelessness of the rights of other people and personal responsibility.

Lord, when You are excluded from the hearts and consciences of men, the inevitable result is that people suffer and Lord, there is much injustice and corruption taking place in our world today, not only in the lives of individuals but also in the corridors of power and the council rooms of many nations.

We pray Lord, that You will right all the wrongs that are taking place in our world and vindicate those that are being treated unjustly. Keep us Father, from trying to take matters into our own hands for vengeance is Your and You will repay. But Lord, in Your grace and mercy, we pray that you would give justice and peace to all those that have been cruelly and unfairly treated by their fellow man, and may the injustice and carelessness that they have had to endure be the means to draw them into Your saving arms of grace. We ask this in the precious name of the Lord Jesus,


A Christian’s Prayer For Peace

Loving Lord, we know that deep in the heart of every man there is a yearning for peace. The nations try in vain to forge peace initiatives, peace plans and peace treaties, and yet we know that in this world there will be no peace until the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace Himself, returns from His place in heaven - where even now, He is seated at the right hand of the Father.

We thank You that Your Word tells us that in this world we will have tribulation and times of war until that glorious future day when Jesus comes to reign on earth as our heavenly King of kings, Lord of lords and Prince of Peace. In that day, the earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. And so Lord, as we live our heartfelt plea to You for peace in this troubled world, we know that the only true world peace will come through our Lord Jesus Christ, when He returns to set up His kingdom of peace, over which He will rule for 1000 years, until He has put under His feet all the enemies of peace and love and hope and joy.

But Lord in the meanwhile, we are to live in a fallen world that is lying in the power of the evil one, and so we pray that we may take up the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God and stand fast in this evil day. Thank You that we can be confident of this - that we have the peace of God in our hearts for Jesus said, "my peace I leave with You – let not Your hearts be troubled – behold I am coming quickly." Now may the Lord of peace himself give us His peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with us all,


Prayer For A Peaceful Night's Sleep

Thank You, Lord, for my bed and pillow and the benefits that You provide for us day by day. You truly are a God who provides for all Your children and a God Who is faithful to all His promises.
Give me a peaceful night sleep I pray. 

Into Your hands O Lord, I commit my soul and body to be a living sacrifice of praise to You. I pray that in Your grace, You would wake me up in the morning, ready to praise You for all Your goodness and grace to me and to all men. This I pray in Jesus' precious name,

“When you lie down, you will not be afraid; you will lie down, and your sleep will be pleasant.”
(Proverbs 3:24)