Prayers for Obedience

A Prayer Of Help For Obedience

Father God, Thou art the only true God and Thou art the only God men have ever been taught about, Who condescends to love His people as a father.

Help us, O God, to be obedient children, but help us also to cast out of our hearts and minds all things that might hinder us in a whole and holy love for Thee.

As Thou didst love the world, help us to love. As Thou didst give Thyself for us, help us to give ourselves for Thee.

For Christ’s sake,


Prayer For An Obedient Heart

Father, we are not of this world system but have a heavenly inheritance, reserved for us in heaven, and so I pray that I will not longer be conformed into the pattern of this world and squeezed into its mould, but day be day be increasingly transformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Help me to take every thought captive and to surrender my heart and life to You in true obedience and godly humility. May we who are Your children be drawn closer to each other and to You as You do a good work in each of our lives. Build us up into a spiritual house I pray, where Christ is the cornerstone and may Your indwelling Holy Spirit, prompt and guide us, encourage and train us.

Lord, I surrender all I am to You today and pray that I may walk in newness of love and humble obedience all the days of my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Daily Obedience

Dear Heavenly Father, I want to live godly in Christ Jesus and I ask that You would help me to develop an attitude of obedience to Your will and an increasing trust in Your Word.

Help me to grow in grace, and to develop the right godly practice and scripture purpose in life, so that You are lifted up in my heart and glorified in all I do.

May I learn to praise You without ceasing and to develop an attitude of prayfulness – and help me to be obedient to carry out all that I am called to do as a child of God – so that You increase as I decrease.


Prayer For Godly Obedience

Thank You, God, that You are my Saviour. Thank You, Father, for Your Word of Truth and thank You, Lord, that You desire to transform all Your children into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus, as we depend on You for all things. Father, I want to live a godly life and live in humility of heart and in obedience to Your Word.

Lord, the eyes of my heart are on You and my confidence is in Your Word. Inspire, convict, teach and correct me I pray, through the Scriptures, and may I develop a teachable and correctable spirit, in submission to the leading and guidance of Your Holy Spirit.

Help me to look into the mirror of Your Word and let its truth search out areas in me that need to be rooted out. May I grow in humble obedience to Your ways and help me to reflect the love of the Lord Jesus in my walk and word. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Spiritual Wisdom And Obedience

Lead me Lord, in the righteous path that You would have me go and help me not to rely on my own human knowledge and strength, but help me to depend implicitly on Your godly wisdom and power, knowing that we do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and spiritual powers in high places.

Lord, I know that I am not to live by worldly might or fleshly power but by Your Spirit, and so help me I pray, to stand against the evil tactics of the enemy and to withstand his fiery darts and satanic strategies. Endue me with the spiritual wisdom to fight the fight of faith in my life, and may I obediently stand firm in the evil day, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith as I abide in Him and He in me. It is in His name that I pray,


Prayer For A Trusting Obedience In Christ

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You for dying for me on the cruel cross and I praise You Lord, for Your glorious resurrection from the dead and all that it means to me, a sinner who has been saved by grace through faith in Christ.

Help me I pray, to trust You no matter what I am called upon to do. Give me the will to step out in faithful obedience on those occasions when I am called to say or do something that is outside of my comfort zone and to follow in the path of those like Queen Esther, who was called for such a time as this.

Help me to step out in faith and not to fear that which I am called upon to undertake, knowing that we have not been given the spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind. Keep my heart open to Your promptings help to grow in my faith, and obedience to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Your Will Be Done

Lord, I thank You for the example of the Lord Jesus Christ Who learnt obedience through the things that He suffered. I too want to learn to be obedient and to be responsive to Your voice. And Lord, although I do not pray for sufferings in my life, I do ask that like my Saviour, I may learn obedience – even if it means that like Jesus, I too have to go through suffering.

Give me ears that are open to Your voice.

Give me eyes that are ready to see the spiritual lessons that You desire to teach me.

Give me a heart that is receptive to Your Word of truth.

And give me the grace to pray, "Your will not mine be done." In Jesus' name I pray,


To walk faithfully in obedience

Prayed for 60 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, I come before your thrown of grace asking that you would give me wisdom & discernment. I ask that you heal everything in me that keeps me from moving forward in you. My hearts desire is to walk faithfully in obedience to who and what you have called me to be and do in you. I pray that your perfect will and your way be done in my life. Touch my children Lord and help me to raise them in the way that they should go, so that when they grow older they will not depart from it. In your Son Jesus's Name I pray believing by faith it is already done. Amen.
Received: April 15, 2015

My son's obedience

Prayed for 30 time. I Prayed For This
I pray for my son obedience, as of now he is continually getting into trouble in school, talking about, refusing to listen to me and right now father I pray for his strength and his mind.
Received: March 26, 2015

Willing to Obey

Prayed for 36 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, give me open ears, a quiet mind, a receptive heart and a willingness to obey. I commit before You my desire to acquire a “lifelong habit of spiritual response.” Amen.
Received: October 12, 2013