Prayer Requests

Pray for healing from bondage of alcoholism from

Prayed for 9 time. I Prayed For This
Pls pray for Michael Gonsalves, an alcoholic, father of 3 kids, jobless for past 6months. They are facing lots of financial problem as wife(Espee) salary isnt enough to run house expenses. Children are small, eldest son being in 5th. Please pray that he may be set free from this addiction and blessed with good job.
Received: January 5, 2018

Prayer for my coworker from

Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This
Please pray for my coworker who just found out she is pregnant and has wanted a baby for so long. Lord Please protect her an give her the opportunity to become a mom and give her a health baby... Please Lord
Soledad Silva
Received: January 4, 2018

Need a job from

Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This
my name is Jesu, I'm waiting and need for a job..please pray for me.
Received: January 3, 2018

A mother's cry, and wisdom to walk in God's will... from

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This
The blessings of the Lord be upon all those who read my prayer requests. My daughter suffers from severe depression, bulimia, and P.T.S.D. Could you please pray for her healing/ for her spirituality? She is seeking the Lord and wants to grow in her faith even more. My son is in a new age cult which operates via mind control. He is deeply involved with this cult unfortunately. I believe in the power of prayer. My son and daughter are precious and I deeply yearn for them to be whole... I too need prayer... My marriage is not in a good state. We are in danger of possiblely a separation/ a potential divorse (my children are from my previous marriage). My spouse and I are in need of a home-- we live with a brother from our church. Please help me pray that we will gain financial stability so we can afford our own apartment? Your intercession would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you, and may Jesus bless you all abundantly with His great love and tenderness.
Received: January 3, 2018

Please pray for my son from

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This
I ask that you please pray with me for my son. He struggles with what I believe to be depression, but he has not seen a doctor regarding this issue. He has put on a lot of weight (50 lbs) because he self medicates with food, his sleep suffers mightily, he must set many alarms to get up for work, and he is generally unhappy with his life and work. My prayer request is that he would make a doctor's appointment to be accurately assessed as to the problem, and that he would see the need again for daily exercise. He seems not to care at all about these things, even though part of his work requires that he be decently fit.
Received: January 2, 2018

Job from

Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This
Please pray that I can keep the job that I love. If this is not possible, pray that I quickly find a job that I love as much. Thank you.
Received: January 2, 2018

Job from

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This
Please pray that I can keep my current job that I love. If that is not possible, please pray that I can find quickly a job that I love as much. Thank you!
Received: January 2, 2018

Prayer for Financial Breakthrough from

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, help me in my financial situation now as I am drowning in debts. I ask you to forgive me for buying too many apartments, mismanaged my money which you provide to me and never seek your permission using it plus never give tithing as I promise. I seek your forgiveness now and asking for your mercy and help to go through this desperate and stressful time. Lord I promise I will not use your money unwisely but at the present moment I need a financial miracles. Lord send help and resources to me fast . AMEN !
soon pin
Received: January 1, 2018

Salvation prayers for sister from

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This
Dear friends can you please pray for my sister Lucy's to be saved. She is now having the terminal illness for six years and she is getting very weak, she needs prayers. Please pray for her, husband John, son Mitchell to find hope and salvation in God.
Received: January 1, 2018

To many credit card debt from

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
Lord help me to overcome my credit card debt and forgive me for spending money excessive and sinning and gambling lord give me the strength to overcome and help me to change in Jesus name amen
Received: January 1, 2018

Bring my love back from

Prayed for 9 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God I found a love that was beyond my dreams. I pushed him away and my heart is broken. I love him like I've never loved anything else. Please help him find his way back to me. Forgive me for pushing him away. My heart is ready for him. He was special. He awakened my soul, my heart, my life. Please pray for us to find our way back to each other. I love him and we both deserve this kind of love. Please God bring him back to me. I will love him and cherish him. I will share my life with him. Please God bring him back to me. I have had struggles and i finally found a love i want please bring him back to me. I know that I scared him away - I know he cares and loves me too. Please help us find our way vack to each other. Please God.
Received: December 31, 2017

Peace from

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God , please help my son find peace since his divorce. He is so broken and sad. He misses his son and daughter so much each day he is not with them. He is a good father and did not want the divorce. His children cry when he has to take them home. The want him to live with them again. All of the pain is too much for all of us ! Please pray for us.
Received: December 31, 2017

I am so Lonely with know No Friends from

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord please pray for me. I am so really lonely with living like a outcast in life. I am so lonely in a real broken life. I just want pray for some real reality friends. I am very scared of rejection dear lord God the Father. I ask for real open hope. Know body really loves me. I live in the land of much stigma. Jesus where are you right now. I am so alone God the Father. I am very scared of living alone for the rest of my now life. Dear God I ask for Love an Protection and New Light. And I also want to pray for my dear sister as well. As she tries to rebuild her broken life some how. We both need real friends again. I ask this with some sort of unity Strength Peace. I say Amen. Thanks
Received: December 31, 2017

Pray fir my husband from

Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This
Please pray for my husband Jay who has smoked since college off and on. He seems to smoke more when he has smokers around him. He goes to church for years and struggles to leave this habit. He smokes when I’m away or behind me. please pray for me so I know how I can help and support him so he leaves this habit.
Received: December 30, 2017

Pray for Assistant pastor King from

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This
Please pray for our Assistant pastor! She had heart surgery 2mos ago! She has been unresponsive and little movement! Asking for prayers !
Received: December 30, 2017

Addictive to video games and pot from

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This
Pray for my son who’s in his mid twenties and does not work,his fathers family almost all drink and do drugs ,my husband got sick 2 yrs ago and he started reading the Bible and love to hear Joyce Myers but his brother inlaw and other fam bring drinks and whatever else ,I really don’t know where he is w/ the son doing well but now I see in his beautiful eyes the affects of whatever he does. I know he was cleaning up but for a job ,but he didn’t pass the drug test. Please pray for him .and pray for our house construction work to be done correctly and it’s been two years since the 1st damages now this past hurricane we had more damage and they just don’t seem to be in any hurry to do the I have to clear the kitchen so they can work and they haven’t done the outside, everyone says we should take them to court.but my husband says he is the man of the house he makes the decisions,so I took it to the highest court ,Jesus Christ my Lord. Pray 4me I work and now I have to clear up the house it is hard to get rid of the things I your prayers to let go of it.its been hard cause for 9 to 11 months we cooked on the grill we had no running water, I thank God for providing for all our needs,without Him I couldn’t survive. I need His help to clear these rooms and get rid of things .pray for my son Michael he doesn’t even have a license yet,but more than anything pray for his relationship with the Lord Jesus whom I know Ioves him very much, that is what my son and fam need most. It’s my prayer in Jesus name .His will be done, God Bless Thank u.
Maria I
Received: December 29, 2017

Enoch Returns from

Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
Please pray for letting the truth be made known that Enoch has returned to the everyday world walking with men and sharing his teaching again.
Received: December 29, 2017

Freedom from

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This
I need prayer please. I ended up moving in with a friend who is basically not a good person to be around. She belittles me and talks behind my back. I am not sure where things exactly went wrong but I really need prayer. She recently told me I have to leave and I have no choice because her name is on the lease. I am really depending on her. I have no car right now or income. So I have to depend on someone who is emotionally immature and who can be really nasty. She talks about me to other people to make herself look good. We both are adults. Due to anxiety I been sitting in the other room trying to stay away from her. I have been trying to pray... Apply for jobs and do something to find somewhere else to go. My mind seems too distracted to figure out what to do. I need a real miracle. I have been praying and know God can pull through last minute and help me find a place to go. If you could please pray that God looks out for me it would be a blessing. I am no angel... But my heart has good intentions and I don't deserve this treatment by my roommate. I really need prayer God shows me what to do.
Ari K. From Florida
Received: December 27, 2017

My unborn babies from

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord i come to you today asking for strength and mercy . I ask that you heal my mind body and soul . Thank you for allowing me to experience this precious gift of my unborn children. I pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery. Thank you Lord thank you Lord .
Received: December 27, 2017

Submit boyfriend to god from

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
Please pray for my boyfriend he don't no god and I don't think he saved because he treats me like he not interesting in any thing I tell him he has a bad drug addiction and he hit aggressive when he don't git it he try to be nice sometime but I don't know if real or fake I want to to know should I move on or keep praying for him and touch his heart so he can understand how to love me more
Carolyn allen
Received: December 26, 2017