God Forgive Me Prayers

Forgive me father

Prayed for 482 time. I Prayed For This
God please forgive me for the anger of have inside me. I had anger against me brother tonight and I ask you to forgive me. Help me to have a better heart and live in peace and stay calm. God please take away all my angers I pray to you. Amen.
Received: February 1, 2018

Debt couselation of all my bills& other serious situation I'm facing

Prayed for 107 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Farther I know you sees all things that is camped around me& I need your help right now I'm sorry for all my sins forgive me& forgive me for all my wrong during & forgive that has done me wrong& lord you see my giving& my honesty if you will let no man come against me no matter how hard it might seem I know you got me no matter how hard the situation just stop the over due bills & the harness mentioned of others & grant me all the money that is do me & fight against those that try so hard to fight against that is struggling lord you see my situation please help me& my children provide us with whatever possible no matter how trouble rise up against us & you said you in your word you will fight against those that try 2 do yourProphets& servants harm so I'm trusting in this very early morning too do exact that Amen& Amen
Alice Nelson
Received: January 29, 2018

I can't leave a casino with money I have to leave it ALL

Prayed for 105 time. I Prayed For This
God forgive me for my sins in Jesus Christ mighty name. Lord this gambling has going out of my control & has grown out of my understanding I need you right now God to step into my life cleanse this demonic sprit back into the swine I wanna Love again Lord fix in me a clean heart I love you & your son Lord hear my prayer in your loving son name Jesus. Amen. Thank you God. I praise you to the highest. Amen
Justin Bradley Rosette
Received: January 27, 2018

Prayer to strengthen all parts that needs strength

Prayed for 142 time. I Prayed For This
God forgive me for my sins as I forgive those who sins against me,in Jesus Christ mighty name, Lord you know where my weakness lies strength my weaken soul , my mind , my sprit , my family , my friends, strength my life Lord , I was created by your mighty hand repair any piece of me that has ware and tare put on by this world & worldly things , I Love you & your son forever, I thank you Lord for restoring me and making me complete again in the mighty name of your son , Jesus Christ, Amen
Justin Bradley Rosette
Received: January 27, 2018

Prayer for restoration

Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This
Father.. U know m in big trouble.. My life become miserable due to Debt.U hd already bless me with everything but it was my fault dat I couldn't stand on ur word.. Father..plz forgive me for this.. N restore my lyf.Today I surrender everything before you Lord.. In Jesus name I pray.. Amen.
Received: January 10, 2018

Prayer for Financial Breakthrough

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, help me in my financial situation now as I am drowning in debts. I ask you to forgive me for buying too many apartments, mismanaged my money which you provide to me and never seek your permission using it plus never give tithing as I promise. I seek your forgiveness now and asking for your mercy and help to go through this desperate and stressful time. Lord I promise I will not use your money unwisely but at the present moment I need a financial miracles. Lord send help and resources to me fast . AMEN !
soon pin
Received: January 1, 2018

To many credit card debt

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
Lord help me to overcome my credit card debt and forgive me for spending money excessive and sinning and gambling lord give me the strength to overcome and help me to change in Jesus name amen
Received: January 1, 2018

Bring my love back

Prayed for 9 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God I found a love that was beyond my dreams. I pushed him away and my heart is broken. I love him like I've never loved anything else. Please help him find his way back to me. Forgive me for pushing him away. My heart is ready for him. He was special. He awakened my soul, my heart, my life. Please pray for us to find our way back to each other. I love him and we both deserve this kind of love. Please God bring him back to me. I will love him and cherish him. I will share my life with him. Please God bring him back to me. I have had struggles and i finally found a love i want please bring him back to me. I know that I scared him away - I know he cares and loves me too. Please help us find our way vack to each other. Please God.
Received: December 31, 2017

Prayer for Forgivness

Prayed for 18 time. I Prayed For This
Lord please forgive me for my poor choices in life that have now affected my family. Please forgive me for not looking to you for guidance in my choices in life. Forgive me for selfishness and wrong doings. Help the people I have dissappointened to find it in their heart to forgive me. Lord help them to make the decision to forgive me and allow us to part ways peacefully. Lord i promise from this day forward to come to you first for decisions in my life.
Received: December 14, 2017

Prayer for a healthy relationship

Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
I ask that you bless mine and jays realtionship. Remove any pain, sadness, hurt or confusion in our hearts that we may have towards each other. Fill our hearts with love, joy, patience and understanding. Heal any fractures in our relationship, build a hedge of protection around us from outside forces that might try to attack. Help us to resist temptation. Let us learn to love each other the way each of us needs to be loved. I ask that you bless us and help us grow both as individuals and as a couple. Fill our hearts with love for each other and that we may see and appreciate each other’s worth. Remind us daily why we originally fell in love. Please forgive me for any sin I have in my life and for my responsibility in the difficultly of our relationship. I ask that our relationship be filled with love, happiness, joy, patience, understanding, respect, communication to understand (not respond) and loyalty. I ask that anyone that reads this be in agreement with me. I feel like you brought jay into my life and that your hands were in bringing us together.
Received: November 28, 2017

Genuine Repentance

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Father / Mother God please forgive me for all the wrong things I have ever done. I know that just to say sorry is not good enough. I know that just to feel remorse even though its deep remorse is also not good enough. I know that you want me to live a good blessing fruitful life blessing and loving others and avoiding sinful impulses that cause me and others sorrow and stress. Please forgive me of all that I have done wrong and help me to amend my ways that I can be a true disciple of yours by living a pure holy life 7 days out of 7 every day of every week of every month for as long as I shall live. Please take away the guilt and stain of my sin and thank you for using my life already to bless others in so many various different ways. Please cleanse me. Please help me to live a pure life not as a hypocrite . I don't want to be a hypocrite. I want to be pure for you God so please help me because I recognise this to be an important calling. I would rather not attend church at all if living in active sin that I know to be making myself and you sad, so please help me to do more the things that bless me and others, and to do less the things that make you and others and indeed myself sad. It would seem that sin universally harms people beyond just myself whereas fruitfulness for you of love joy peace patience kindness can only be a good blessing to me those around me and beyond. Thank you God Almighty maker of heavens earth and universe for hearing and answering this prayer and help me to only go to holy temple your sanctuary to be part of your body the church ONLY when I am clean. I recognise that you still love me when I am doing wrong things, I recognise that you want me to have fellowship with fellow believers even when I am doing wrong things, but me personally I just cant do it. I call that hypocrisy and I rebuke hypocrisy and its disgusting nature in my life in Jesus name. Thank you Jesus , Thank you God Almighty , Thank you Holy Spirit for enabling me to be alive this hour of this day to write this prayer and please help me to "put my money where my mouth is" by following through on living the lifestyle you are calling me to in clean purity and holiness. Thank you God Almighty maker of heavens earth and universe. GLORY to you LORD.
Received: November 26, 2017

Prayer for restoration

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Lord I pray to you today that my relationship with my fiance Brandon can be reconciled. I pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit his heart can be softened and he can forgive me for causing him pain. Lord I never meant to be a pain and I am working on myself to change so I never do that again. I pray that he remembers how much he loves me and how much he wants to still spend the rest of his life with me and raise a family. I feel you brought me to this man when I prayed. I was so lonely and hurt and you brought this wonderful man into my life. Now I pray for a miracle that his heart can be changed and we can reconcile this relationship that was on its way to marriage and forever. I truly do want this man forever and I would not be asking for this if I didn't think he was the one you sent for me to marry. Thank you Lord. I pray for your miracle. I know that all things are possible through you. Please forgive me for my sins. Please show him how much he means to me. Show him how much I mean to him. Show him that you sent him for me and me for him. I promise to take care of your angel with everything I have for the rest of my life. I know we need each other for this life. Please Father God. Please help us. Please restore our relationship. Please restore our commitment to each other. Please restore our future together. I love you God, and I thank you. Forever in your son's Jesus's name that I pray. Amen.
Received: November 22, 2017

We need God and love for each other

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This
Im asking for prayer for my family that my husband would stop putting everyone on the outside first and show our family some love we forgave his adultery and excepeted his child by another woman only for him to not care that our son has a problem with drugs and my husband shows me no kind of affections its all about the other child and my heart is telling me he still seeing the mother while im at work.our son needs his dad even if its just a talk my husband wont do it my children excepted his child we cant have anything without him being a part of i want my family and to be happy again i dont no what to do.please pray for my son and my whole family forgive me for going on and on
Received: November 21, 2017

Prayer for Help to Overcome Anger, Bitterness and Unforgiveness in my Marriage

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father, I confess that I have unresolved anger, bitterness and unforgiveness towards my spouse because of the ways he has hurt me. Lord I know that this is not right, and I ask for your mercy, help and forgiveness for these sins that so often defile my heart and testimony. I am truly sorry Lord. I cannot help myself. Search my heart o God, and purge me by the blood of Jesus Christ, of every devilish thing that defiles me. Uproot these ungodly spirits of anger, bitterness and resentment from my life. Instead, plant the seed of your unconditional love for my spouse in my heart and help me to truly forgive him for all the hurt he has caused me in the past. Remove those things that may be causing anger to tarry in my heart. Help me to show mercy each time I am tempted to respond to him in anger, remembering that you also showed me great love and mercy, when Jesus died on the cross for me. Teach me to be a true helpmeet for him, to be more patient with his shortcomings and to pray for his weaknesses, so that you can groom him into the godly man you have called and ordained him to be even before the foundations of the world. Help me to become a virtuous wife to him. To help and not to hurt him all the days of my life. Re-kindle your love in my heart for him and also help him to truly love me as Christ loved the church. Help us to model mercy and forgiveness to our children, so that they may grow up in the true knowledge of God and in the fear of the Lord. Finally Lord, help him to also truly forgive me for all the hurt that I have also caused him. Take away any grudge, hurt and bitterness that may still remain in his heart towards me. Help him to also forgive those relatives who may have knowingly or unknowingly hurt him. Uproot the poison of bitterness and regret from his heart. Help him to be quick to forgive and to no longer keep record of wrongs done to him. Heal the devastating effects that anger, bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness may have caused in our lives, by opening up my womb a 2nd time O God. In your mercy, please grant us the seed of a male child O God. Before this time next year, let there be the joyous cry of a healthy son in our home...that our joy may be complete. May the root of bitterness no longer be found in me, my spouse, my kids or my lineage, from this day henceforth and forevermore, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Received: November 21, 2017

God Deliver ME and my family

Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
God, forgive me for trusting in my own strengths and not putting you first in my financial situations. God I need to provide for myself and my family. I need for you to send the man that you have for me to be there and support me both mentally and financially. God I know that you and only you can do all that I ask. I'm thank you in advance for everything In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Evelyn Straight
Received: November 20, 2017

Prayer for visa

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Please Heavenly Father help me get my visa that I have been waiting for. I trust in you Lord and I know that the obstacles in my way are only tests from you Lord. Help me be able to pass these tests so that I can get my visa and resume school. Forgive me for my sins and lead me towards the path of redemption. I pray that we shall put to shame any of my enemies that do not want me to get this visa. In Jesus name. Amen
Received: November 15, 2017

A Prayer For Payment Of All My Debts

Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord Jesus, I beg and pray that you help me and show me the way how to pay my debts. Forgive me for all my wrongdoings that lead me again to this situation. Have mercy on me and show me the way for a debt free life. Please do not let my wife and children suffer because of my mistakes and wrongdoings. Please guide me once more because I don't want to go to jail for this debt. Please help me my Lord Jesus. I don't know how to solve this debt problem that I'm into right now. I'm worried that because of this, I might go to jail and my wife and children will be affected by that. Please help me my Lord Jesus, don't let it happen to me. Please show and guide me the solution for this problem....Praise you my Lord Jesus. Amen.
Received: November 13, 2017

Please pray for a dismissal

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
dear heavenly father, I made a terrible mistake this is my first offense I never been in trouble with the law before. I am 18 years old and a college student I get really good grades I was on a good path but I ruined that myself with the choices I made please lord god I ask you to cleanse me inside and out lord I really need you im in the lowest point of my life right now. I ask you to guide and protect me lord god forgive me for all of my sins I'm crying out to you lord for mercy please help me.
Received: November 10, 2017

I acknowledge my Truths

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Father GOD I admit my sins with addictions, drugs, cigarettes and my continued judgement of my immoral, homosexual husband who seems to want to continue in perverseness. Please father forgive me for my behavior towards him. Jesus help me to do what I must to do exactly what you want for my life as well as the lives of all I love. Release the strong holds that keep me in bondage and slavery to sin Remove from my mind the double mindedness which is part of Satan's plans to devour steal and kill me. Father I proclaim Victory and Praise your Holy name. in Jesus Holy name help release me from this misery in your perfect timing which Father I hope is soon. Amen
Received: October 15, 2017

I acknowledge my Truths

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father GOD I admit my sins with addictions, drugs, cigarettes and my continued judgement of my immoral, homosexual husband who seems to want to continue in perverseness. Please father forgive me for my behavior towards him. Jesus help me to do what I must to do exactly what you want for my life as well as the lives of all I love. Release the strong holds that keep me in bondage and slavery to sin Remove from my mind the double mindedness which is part of Satan's plans to devour steal and kill me. Father I proclaim Victory and Praise your Holy name. in Jesus Holy name help release me from this misery in your perfect timing which Father I hope is soon. Amen
Received: October 15, 2017

Lord pls forgive me

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Gambling seriously have ruined my life and my relationship with my friends and family. I am to be blamed for my foolishness to think that gambling is the only hope i got to end my suffering but i am wrong! it had make my life from bad to worse.. I hereby beg for forgiveness pls lord forgive me
Received: October 14, 2017

To improve metrics on the job

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Jesus I am very grateful for having You as my Lord ans Savior! Please forgive me for my shortcomings with You. My loved ones, peers and my job for not being able to resolve all customer concerns since I can't get good surveys lately and below goal. May I be more empathetic, be able to read between the lines as each customer calls in with their concerns. May I be able to give them the best I can and let them feel and know my sincerity. Keep my family healthy and strong and be good as well in their careers. Give my husband a job he can be happy with and can feel fulfillment. All these I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Amen!
Mrs. Cristy Obra
Received: October 14, 2017

Forgive me for sinning towards otbers

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord. Please forgive me for being mean and spiteful. Please allow the people i have sinned against to accept by apology. Please cleanse me of my sins and guilt. Please give me the strength to not intentionally hurt anyone again.
Received: October 2, 2017

Help from Extreme pain and trauma of abandonment, rejection, and betrayal

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Please Lord help me from the extreme pain of being abandoned by a man I thought was your will to marry. I prayed the whole 7 1/2 years and stood by him 6 years through the end of his 25 year Incarceration. I had did this because i believed even if a relationship didnt work that I would have a True friend for life which he told me he would always be my friend and stand by me, and he was my best friend, but now he isnt even a friend. I have many health problems that he knew about and I am now alone in a big house that I prayed you would never let me get if it wasnt your will. I prayed all along and live now in His state and feel so alone that the only reason i go own on is because of my son. My only hope is You Lord, because I trusted someone to be there for me the way i was there for him and instead He is helping another woman. I was abandoned by my parents and very wounded by a spirit of rejection my whole life. Somehow i believed God brought us together after knowing each other as kids and me feeling something special so i eventually trusted this man. Now the loneliness and rejection, and emotional, financial and even physical abuse when ive spoken up has broken my spirit and I dont know how I can continue without a miracle of emotional healing From the Lord Jesus. Im so tired and physically sick already and cannot handle all the financial and the physical aspects of maintaining a home. I have no family here and cant afford to move back to my hometown. He has turned from God also and i pray he Holy Spirit would convict him and bring him to true repentance and save his soul. Let no evil and illegal things prosper and bring divine justice for me because I didnt deserve such betrayal and abandonment. I gave money to feed him when he had no food and visit him when no one else did. Now i am without food and at risk of having my utilities shut off which he had a hand in running up and He chooses to not even give me any money when he at least helped before, and this isnt even my bill. He also damaged my house with promises of fixing it later but has shown that he cares nothing that happens to me. I am trying to hold on that the Lord cares about me and even though I have no family here and my trusted friends all live in another state, that God will make a way. It is Not about this rejection alone. It is all about the rejection of a lifetime starting with my parents giving me up, and my ex husband and now at this stage of my life I dont have anymore strength, support or love next to me. I made a big mistake trusting someone who turned their back on me and he made it even worse by being there for someone else who i guess in his eyes can do more physically for him than me. My prayer request is that i be healed from this wound that is bleeding everyday because the hurt is so deep I dont care anymore about my life which is sad because at one time I had peace. I have also pray that my anger and resentment and bitterness of what happen to me would go. I know in my heart he is a wounded and broken soul as well and been praying for him also because i didnt realize how prison had changed him. In my heart and soul i made a commitment to him and was faithful believing that i would be his wife when he even put a ring on my finger and I had every intention of standing by him no matter what. I prayed and believed God that if it wasnt meant to be that He would open the doors so i could go back home and No matter how hard i tried to go to where i had a few trusted christian friends that are like family' No door is open and I cant afford it. So i feel my soul is ripped out and I need Jesus Christ to bind up my wounds and love me because no one can help me but Him. I been crying every day and guess i need to accept that the very abandonment that i went through my whole life is a spirit of rejection that the enemy has used to try to destroy me my whole life. Trying to hold on to him as a friend has only caused more pain. Please I ask for a miracle that God would forgive me for my part in giving my heart and soul to a human being instead of only to the Lord. I dont feel I can trust Anyone' except Jesus so i ask that He would come and make a way for me and provide for all my needs as it says in the Bible that He is our provider and source. I ask that He would come and relieve me of all this pain and even bring christian positive friends in my life. I ask for Hope where i have none. I ask for wisdom that He protect me from anyone looking to take advantage of me when I am so vulnerable. I think of the betrayal Jesus went to on the way to the cross so i know he knows the pain I am going through. Help me please Lord to find you. I thank you in advance and I pray in Jesus Holy name. Amen
Received: September 21, 2017

A prayer for my loved one's

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
father I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to show Ntu2ko Mduduzi Chili de ryt path. Father release me in every problems I face every day of my life,bring happiness again into my life. please forgive me for sin I've made
Received: September 20, 2017

Husband come home

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray you heal my husband and bring him home to me and forgive me for the awful things I have said to him out of anger and abandonment. Teach me to forgive and not punish him so that our marriage can be restored. Help me be strong and patient during this time. Thank you dear Lord
Received: September 18, 2017

Ashamed of my sinful nature

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
Lord forgive me for falling into the sin of pornography and forgive me in Jesus name. I don't want to do this anymore. I want to be set free.
Juan Castro
Received: September 16, 2017

Prayer for an in forgiveness stronghold

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
My husband has said to me that it not that he can't forgive me, but he doesn't want to forgive me for my insecurities and broken trust in him. He liked to me on many occasions about the # of children he has, he basically had a lying demon...And since I called him out on his lies , now it's like he's punishing me by not forgiving me...I've forgiven him and I've asked the Lord to continue to transform me into the woman of God He intends for me to be. Im praying for complete restoration with my husband. Physically and emotionally. I declare and decree and want you to touch and agree with me. Prayer against every stronghold that has him or us bound in the name of Jesus
Received: September 14, 2017

Prayer for unborn child

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father thank u so much for another child. Thank u so much for this blessing of life and that u trusted my wife and I to raise. God I come to u humbled by ur love and blessing u have given us I don't deserve it but I pray that u continue to mold me into a Godly father and husband. Dear lord please watch over my wife and children that u keep her and this baby safe and healthy. Lord please give me the wisdom and strength to do what is needed to support my family. Lord I pray that u will keep away all sickness, disease, and impairments from my child and allow her to develop normally and be healthy and happy. Dear lord please forgive me of my sins and how I fail u daily please continue to mold me into a Godly man that my family deserves so I can one day lead my children to u in Jesus named pray amen...Adam
Received: September 5, 2017

Forgiveness of sins and causes

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord forgive me Lord for all my sins and purify , cleans me from every cause from my Father and mother and people around me forgive me Lord Jesus so that I will be free
Received: September 2, 2017

Reconcile my relationship

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Lord I am asking you to forgive me for the way I was to my girlfriend Angie and her boys. I am aski g you to open Angies heart and allow her to see I am making a huge change in my life buy allowing you to be in control. I have final seen the way I was most of my life was nothing but selfish. I am praying that you open her heart to allow her to see that I would treat her as she needs and deserves. I have taki f full responsible for my actions but she still hasn't talk to me in about 3 months. Thanks you lord Amem
Received: August 30, 2017

Restore my marriage

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father in Jesus name restore my marriage,put my and my husband back together fix what was broken and heal the hurt and pain. Forgive me for my part in the separation.. forgive me for my sins.Allow him to forgive me and accept what has happened and to fall back in love with me
Received: August 30, 2017

Thank you god

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
thank you god for giving us a home to live in and food to eat and things that we can drink and please forgive me for being rude to my famliy and thank you god for being here for us and thank you god for being good
Received: August 23, 2017

Prayers for job offer

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, I recently gave an Interview and I am waiting for it's results. Please bless my job application with your son's blood. I am a biggest sinner and my sins are unforgiving. Grant your great peace. I am sorry for all my sins and mistakes in my life. Please forgive me for my mistakes. Please grant your peace to me. You know how much I need this job. I pray to you from a deep of my heart to bless me with this job offer. Amen.
Received: August 16, 2017


Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Received: August 10, 2017

Thanskgiving prayer for my salvation

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear LOrd I have forgotten you.forgive me for everything i have done.thank you for opening my eyes to the truth.i have been lost.now i have found you i know there will be more tests of faith.help me to be strong to overcome evil.help me to rebuke evil things and doers out of my life.i know you are always with me.for your are my light thru darkness
Received: August 9, 2017

Lord please hear my prayers

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Lord jesus please hear my prayers lord please don't ignore me any longer end my pain and heartache and fill my heart with love and happiness once more guide and protect me father and enter my life with your love lord jesus forgive me for my sins lord please make my dreams and prayers come true lord jesus I give you thanks amen
George goward
Received: August 6, 2017

Forgive me Jesus

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear father today I gave in to temptation I was drinking and bbqin and left the gate open from my back yard to the street and my 2 year old daughter managed to walk out and go all the way down the street passing busy intersection I couldn't find her for 10 minutes and was really scared but broke down and I prayed in the middle of the street and then I saw her she was safe with a lady and her daughter I thanked them for finding her and took her home safely it was the worst feeling ever in my life to lose her and I believe it was you Lord showing me that I should not drink and should cherish my family so I quit drinking now and Lord I thank you for bringing me closer to my family and I ask you Lord to forgive me for my sins and to come into my heart i except you lord into my life lord please wash away my sins and restore me with your holyness in Jesus name amen
Michael lopez
Received: July 25, 2017

Debt Free in Jesus Name

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father, I confess for many years I was irresponsible, blowing my money and charging everything on credit card for years! I'm sorry. My credit card is debt is huge and I don't know how I'll ever pay it off. It's such a burden on me. It weighs on me. I pray and ask You God to please set me free from this bondage and that I can be debt free all for Your honor and glory. Please forgive me for my sins and irresponsibility! I pray that You would provide with Your riches and glory. May You pour down the windows of heaven on us as we walk in obedience to You. Thank You Lord for all that You do! In Jesus mighty Name, Amen...
Received: July 22, 2017

Protect me from myself

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father in heaven please forgive me for my hard heart. I am disappointed because life has not turned out the way I want. Forgive me for thinking you would do what I ask just because I tried to live for you. I expected certain things and now I am disappointed. Open my heart to the real "you". Help me to serve you with a pure heart and to have a greatful heart. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Received: July 15, 2017

Learning to overcome anger

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord please forgive me of all my sins & let me learn how not to get angry when people especially family do me wrong. Teach me how to let you fight my battles & show me how to be a better person daily, Amen
Received: July 14, 2017

To my father

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God i just wanna say forgive me for what I've done to my father like shouting him everytime he asked me or call my name.I love my father so much God .I pray for my Fathers health,work,financial all lord.I pray for my father God give him a long life and good health and protect him from evil.amen
Mary Anne
Received: July 11, 2017

Guide my family heal my fiance mother

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God -I know i had a lots of sins in this world.everynight i pray i always asked you forgive me for everyday i did my sins to my family to my fiance to my self and to you.God i pray for my families health and protect us from evil.God i pray that mom of my fiance Luther Perkins Jr heal his mom illness and fast recovery from you lord.God please guide us protect us from harmness and sickness.God please hear all my prayers and please Luther and i more stronger our relationship and healthy.I pray Lord God Luther will keep his promise to me and our love will be forever.God please heal my son Billy Amora for having cough and colds amen. and keep safe my mama and papa and son and my brother and myself and my fiance Luther amen.
Mary Anne
Received: July 11, 2017


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, Please be with me tomorrow as I take the nclex-rn exam. Please give me clarity and allow for the knowledge that I've been taught to come to surface as I answer each question. Please help me breathe and rid my anxiety to help me think clearer and use my critical thinking skills. Please forgive me for my shortcomings with my studying for I believe I could have done better. Please, dear Lord, watch over me tomorrow and allow me to be successful. Please grant me the confidence and faith that I need to pass this exam. Please be with me each step of the way. Amen
Received: July 11, 2017

Prayer for my marriage

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
My heavenly father I come to u today for ur guidance and protection lord u have join me and my spouse together lord I know u love us a lot lord and wat god has joined no man can come between. Lord my marriage is failing my husband has lost his love n affection for me he makes me feel all alone he shows me I don't matter to him any more I know I'm also wrong coz I be busy with other stuff at times lord but please lord forgive me bring da man I fell in love with back to me lord bring my kids their father lord we all don't receive proper love like we deserve from him lord everyone else from friends to his family means more to him lord dry are more important in his life than us let him see what hurt he brings to my heart lord open his eyes lord in da name of jesus I ask u pour ur precious blood upon him n let him see what wrong he is doing to us and change for da better for us all even u father remove all evil dat is tearing our family apart lord banish it from our world father u are the only one I can trust in for deliverance from this heartache lord only u I have faith u will work ur power tonight lord I have faith lord I have faith in u my wonderful precious beautiful blessed lord I love u I always will sometimes I'm a bad person n don't pray but lord forgive me lord for all my sins n help me come closer to u lord deliver me rom dis heartbreaking miserable life let der be light in my marriage from today lord let him c his wrong n make it right I love u lord amen
Received: July 8, 2017


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
In Jesus name have mercy upon me God. Yesterday I viewed porn. It was so wrong and I feel as if you have wrath for me. Forgive me for this sin and do not chasten me but be kind to me Father. Do not let this decision destroy my marriage. Please protect my marriage and my wife. Especially from the man whom tried to destroy it last year. May he never find favor in my wifes heart and/or sight. And may God keep that man away. May no man ever take Ariella from me and may God divinely protect her and my family. And may God take this fear away with His promise of protection. May God give me a new heart and a mind of peace. In the name of Jesus it is done amen.
Received: June 27, 2017

Prayer for stress anxiety high blood pressure and diabetes

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord please forgive me for all my sins. Please help me to be a stronger and humble person. I need your help ro relieve my pain stress and anxiety. Lord please help me with my high blood pressure and diabetes. I believe that you have the power to move mountains. Please help my son with all his struggles and depression too. Help him see the light because he feels so overwhelmed. I thank you my Lord for all your blessings. Amen
Leticia n Ivan
Received: June 17, 2017


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
My husband and I have been separated for about 2 years, I have two kids and my husband has no job, please pray for him to help him with his anger and depression and bless him with a job, that will help him get back on track and help with his depression. I have been providing for my kids and has been difficult as bills pile up. I am doing what I can to get back on track but need to know that I will be relieved of the debt that I can't control within my salary, forgive me for having to file BK. But I would be out in the streets if this does not get discharged. Pray that all goes well on the 21st and we all can reduce our stress and focus with the kids in a GOD'S way. Let him rebuild the relationships with everyone and that GOD you protect us from all. Amen
Received: June 12, 2017


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord I forgive me for all the things I might have done to hurt others and to you. Help me be the person you want me to be. Give me strength and led me the way to you and my faith to grow more. Lord I ask you to please touch my sister with your healing hands and the power of your love and holy blood that whatever it is that is making my sister suffer from this tumor in her body that you may remove it and destroy it and never come back. Heal her heart and entire body. Give her strength and peace make Dr's see your miracles in my sister's body. I ask this in your precious name Amen
Received: June 10, 2017

Urgent prayer request in need of a miracle

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Please pray for a financial break through and blessings I'm suffering a hardship with rent and utilities I'm a single mom on disability my landlord is kicking me out the sheriff served me again eviction notice today please pray for protection healing victory favor prosperity Angeles miracles for the landlord to have patients and understanding and for salvation obedience peace harmony respect love and joy in my home God forgive me for my sins.I'm 5 months behind my rent and utilities in the name of Jesus Christ Lord here my prayer request nothing is impossible for God amen
Laura carey
Received: June 8, 2017

Prayer for a broken heart

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear precious Lord, please mend the brokenness within my relationship to Charmaine. Please let any negative feelings she may be having, including worry, doubt, fear, be disarmed through your mercy and grace. Please restore within her the knowledge and desire to call me her again, to return to our relationship that ended without any indication it would. Please restore and reconcile us so that we may be together again. Please allow our hearts to yearn for one another, to long for what we had. Help her to remember why we were together, and why she fell in love with me. Stir within her heart a longing for me, and a great desire to never leave my side. I believe her when she says she wouldn't know what she would do without me, even after our break. Please allow me the strength to give her space needed to recognize and realize her love for and in me has not changed, and her fears for the future can be conquered through you. Oh Lord, I believe you are the maker of all good things. You alone can restore within his heart these feelings. You alone are powerful enough to allow this to come again. Please Lord, see my intentions through this prayer to be from my heart, to be pure in thought. Please see this through your mercy and grace. I believe in your power, as you have revealed this to me over and over. Forgive me for being selfish, for putting Charmaine above you at times. Please forgive me for any actions or words that have hurt her heart. Please restore us to one, please restore us to be together again. In Jesus name, Amen.
Received: June 5, 2017

Break every chain and strongholds

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Heaven father I'm ask you to forgive me for All of my sin and to restore your holy spirit by into me and every strongholds and every chain break it with your holy ghost fire in Jesus name in set me free from negative vibes move everything that in my home that not if you in Jesus name and restore your peace,joy,happiness, love cover me and my family I. Your blood Jesus and I thank you my father ame
Received: June 1, 2017

Thank you ABBA Father for your unconditional Love

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father God you are so Great to forgive my sins and for sending Jesus Christ to cover our sins, while Jesus was hear all the things that he did was out of love. To show us who our ABBA Father is please forgive me for my part in Jesus suffering I Praise you Father in the name of Jesus Christ and I give you all the Glory AMEN
Received: May 31, 2017

Help with debts

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord please help me. I made financial mistakes, so much so that I can not overcome them on my own. My family has helped as much as they can and I cannot ask for more. I ask for your help Lord to meet my responsibilities and not be obsessed with the fear and worry that consumes me now. Bless me with the means to pay my bills and free me to devote myself to you and not to material goods. Forgive me for not being able to handle this. I cannot do this without you Lord. Please, I beg of you, to help me through this, bless me with the means to pay off my debts and walk beside me so that I may not make the same mistakes in my life again. Thank you Lord.
Received: May 12, 2017

Prayer to keep my job

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord please have mercy on me, i know at times i did thing that not according to your will. At the end of this year my work contract will be expired i prayed that my work management especially our Permenanet secretary have the kind heart to extend my contract again before the contract lapsse to avoid pay deduct. Dear Lord please bestow me with your blessing that i may retain my work againg next year. Have mercy on me o Lord, forgive me for the sin that i committ. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ my Saviour....Amen
Received: May 12, 2017

Prayer to avert a mortgage foreclosure

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus, I thank you because you are my salvation. Forgive me for not planning my resources wisely. I am currently unable to service the mortgage thus Risking foreclosure. I have children and raising their school fees too is Difficult. Jesus, I am deeply in debt. Eternal Father, I believe that you are The Lord of all creation and you Are full of mercy and compassion. Have mercy on me and grant me deliverance at my Hour of need. I ask this through Jesus Christ your son and my savior. AMEN
Received: May 9, 2017

Emotionally abusive spouse

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Please help me pray for strength healing and fearless Lord help me be able to speak and stand up for my self please heal toxic husband I don't know what else to do I feel so scared living with a time bomb that I never know when will go off please take away my fear Lord please help I thank You so much for all the blessings in my life I know You always take care of me Thank You for the strength I know you have around me please Lord I thank you for your mercy forgive me for feeling scared when I should revel in you mighty strength by the power in Jesus name Lord thank You Thank You Thank You as I pray for peace and change Amen
Received: May 7, 2017


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
This prayer is for Jacline, Destini, Jack, Darline and Bird. Lord God I come into your presence with thanksgiving in my heart with praise and glory and honor! I pray that you forgive me of all of my sins and forgive those who have sinned against me. I pray for your everlasting love, favor, mercy, patience, guidance, and healing. I pray in the name of Jesus that no weapon formed against me and my family and loved ones shall prosper. God you said in your word that we must come to you repeatedly demanding our hearts deepest desire until you have given it to us! Well God I come to you as your distraught child begging you to free us from the constant trials and tribulations that we have continued to encounter. God I thank you for allowing us all to come so far from what we all went through way back when. I pray as a family we are able to heal and forgive each other for all that has happened. Today I spoke to my mom for the first time in over a month and a half and I just had to come out with it…I told her about everything, well almost everything that has transpired over the past two years. A parents worst night mare was dreamed today ! I could hear she wanted to literally fall over and just die. I couldn’t take it I felt so horrible. Yes she isn’t the parent that you can just speak to but to me after a certain point your parents should still be looped in on what’s going on in your life, whether it be good or bad. FYI… she is not with the 21st century so literally I have spoken to my mom on the phone maybe five this year. I truly feel some type of way that I never speak with her? She never calls to check on me like the normal parent would do. She doesn’t even act like a normal person. She hasn’t dated or had any sexual relations not even a kiss in over 12 years. AND BY ALL MEANS there is nothing wrong with it… SHE IS A CHRISTIAN WOMAN and plays no games with God. But I worry for her mentally and emotionally. my mom didn’t have parents when she was younger to raise her and show her how a parent should treat their children. My mother ran away after being molested by her father for years, lived life and married my father Jack! They were married for 17 years, my father had an affair and with it came along Jackie…. Me and Destini’s baby sister. My mother is one of the most hurt and broken people and with just a short and I mean very and extremely short synopsis of her side. My mother needs restoration of the worst kind to me because she needs it completely in every way shape and form. In very white, grey and black area. So God I pray that you go back and heal comfort and restore my mother mentally, physically, and emotionally. God give my mother a sound mind, I pray that you will heal her hurts and comfort her fears. Allow my mom to live life and to open up more! I pray that you not allow the devil to have any more holds on her life. I pray that you release her from the hurts and pain that have been suppressing her for over the past 45 years in the name of Jesus. Today I called Destini and she didn’t answer, it went straight to voicemail! That was this morning and I just called her around 10 ish and same thing. SMH I swear man ! This girl gets it from her momma! Well lets see here where to start with my baby. She just turned 21, she looks just like me! And can’t stand telling me anything! Just like mom! Well right now she has to deal with a current DUI… she has never been in trouble so this was very shocking to my father and I. However just about a week ago I found out that the circumstances surrounding her accident intensified and sat me on by behind like I was my mother. Then this past Tuesday….. THE SAME DAY I LOST MY JOB she hots be with another atomic BOMB! All tied to her accident. Ladies KEEP YOUR WITTS ABOUT YOU AT ALL TIMES! I don’t have more than three drinks while I am out and I never let that glass leave my eye! If so……………..TRASH!!! So next week I will probably be taking a trip to VA to spend some times while she has to go through some procedures. Let me tell you this girl has put me on a roller coaster ride and shes not even my child ! 2015 my sister was shot in the leg and “GOD BLOCKED IT! HE WOULDN’T LET IT BE SO! NOOOOO!” CAN I GET AN AMEN! LET THE CHURCH SAY YESSSS! My baby sister! That day felt like the year of 2010, Daddy called and told me he had a brain tumor! My world crashed all I could think of was why us? Haven’t we all been through enough? Now this? God is so good, my sister is able to walk and the buck shot didn’t hit any major arteries. She has somewhat of an indention in her left leg but SHE IS ALIVE! But now she is against some tough trials and tribulations! So God I pray that you humble her heart, mind and soul. I pray that she will be able to let go of all of the pain and anger she holds deep down inside. For it is ruining her and causing her more pain than you or I would want for her. God she is talented and gifted all from you! I pray that she is able to somehow see understand and appreciate how blessed she is and be grateful for all of what you have blessed her with! For God there are great things destined for Destini’s future! I pray that you will guide her and direct her path! Please order her steps in your word! In the name of Jesus, AMEN! Today I spoke with daddy, I always speak with daddy! He is literally the only person in my family that actually keeps in touch on a regular basis. BUT when comes DADDY…. Here comes the BS! My daddy is all over the place. He has a boss that he works for and makes them so much money is literally RIDICULOUS! But he NEVER HAS THE TIME TO DO WHAT MATTERS!!!!! Not to mention he has a girlfriend! Ugh! I mean don’t get me wrong she is cool and all but God only knows I am a little jealous! Daddy got ripped from Destini and I when we were children me 12 and Des 8. So we truly haven’t had the time with our father that we would like and now I feel that instead of coming to see me….. he goes to see her -___- what kind of mess! Lord forgive me! But I feel every type of some way about this! She is 40! HE IS 59!!!! And to top it all off my father didn’t even tell this woman his real age! (Yo I am rolling on the floor laughing) I mean he doesn’t look like it at all but come on daddy! TELLTHE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL! SMH ……..I tend to say that a lot because THERE ARE NO WORDS PEOPLE! I mean DON’T GET ME WRONG… Daddy is a good man but like I said “THE BS WILL SURE FOLLOW” shoot be on the lookout for it. I’m trying to tell you! Anywhoo daddy isn’t all the way bad he is a mystery! A COMPLETE MYSTERY! WE REALLY DON’T KNOW MUCH ABOUT DADDY! I mean we know him but his past…. Is like he wasn’t even here until my mom. Who constantly accused him of possibly doing things to my sister and I. WHICH NEVER EVER HAPPENED! My father is a good father. Not the best but he is the best he can be even with his flaws. So with that said he went through a bit of mental and emotional trauma that in a way rubbed off my mother. God Please touch my daddy. IDK what exactly is wrong with him but he just has been too much of a mystery. I pray that he will keep his word and be able to mend relationships he has broken! IN THE NAME OF JESUS! AMEN! AND AS FOR ME… Hello my name is JACLINE! (that’s JACK + LEAN) Well I lost my job on Tuesday of this past week. Ever since I have been in a mental downward spiral. Mommy told me if you’re going to pray don’t worry and if you’re going to worry don’t pray! So God I pray that you ease my heart mind body and soul! I pray that you will use this to restore my faith! Bring me closer to you in the name of Jesus! I pray that you will allow me to place my Hurts, pains, fears, doubts, and negativity to an end! Allow me to walk by faith and not by sight! Lord God I love you and want you to be a part of me day in and day out! Father God please forgive me and let no weapon formed against me shall prosper! Please forgive me of all the wrong I have done, please have mercy on my soul for any and all I have done wrong. Wipe my slate clean lord God and order my steps in your word! I am unsure of where I should go and how I should start this new chapter of my life! Jesus I beg of you to take me down a path that no man can disrupt In the name of Jesus! Where I am confused I pray you bring clarity. Where I am lost I pray that your wisdom and guidance will find me! Whenever I am sad I pray you be my happiness. When I am distraught bring me comfort. And If I ever loose my way with you, I pray that you go seek me out and find me…. Dragging my behind BACK HOME TO YOU! I love you Jesus and I am sorry I have wasted precious time please allow me to work to get back the time I wasted away! Please answer every prayer I didn’t pray tonight and Thank you for what you have done, what you are doing and for everything you are going to do!
Received: April 23, 2017

Complete and total restoration for my entire family

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
This prayer is for Jacline, Destini, Jack, Darline and Bird. Lord God I come into your presence with thanksgiving in my heart with praise and glory and honor! I pray that you forgive me of all of my sins and forgive those who have sinned against me. I pray for your everlasting love, favor, mercy, patience, guidance, and healing. I pray in the name of Jesus that no weapon formed against me and my family and loved ones shall prosper. God you said in your word that we must come to you repeatedly demanding our hearts deepest desire until you have given it to us! Well God I come to you as your distraught child begging you to free us from the constant trials and tribulations that we have continued to encounter. God I thank you for allowing us all to come so far from what we all went through way back when. I pray as a family we are able to heal and forgive each other for all that has happened. Today I spoke to my mom for the first time in over a month and a half and I just had to come out with it…I told her about everything, well almost everything that has transpired over the past two years. A parents worst night mare was dreamed today ! I could hear she wanted to literally fall over and just die. I couldn’t take it I felt so horrible. Yes she isn’t the parent that you can just speak to but to me after a certain point your parents should still be looped in on what’s going on in your life, whether it be good or bad. FYI… she is not with the 21st century so literally I have spoken to my mom on the phone maybe five this year. I truly feel some type of way that I never speak with her? She never calls to check on me like the normal parent would do. She doesn’t even act like a normal person. She hasn’t dated or had any sexual relations not even a kiss in over 12 years. AND BY ALL MEANS there is nothing wrong with it… SHE IS A CHRISTIAN WOMAN and plays no games with God. But I worry for her mentally and emotionally. my mom didn’t have parents when she was younger to raise her and show her how a parent should treat their children. My mother ran away after being molested by her father for years, lived life and married my father Jack! They were married for 17 years, my father had an affair and with it came along Jackie…. Me and Destini’s baby sister. My mother is one of the most hurt and broken people and with just a short and I mean very and extremely short synopsis of her side. My mother needs restoration of the worst kind to me because she needs it completely in every way shape and form. In very white, grey and black area. So God I pray that you go back and heal comfort and restore my mother mentally, physically, and emotionally. God give my mother a sound mind, I pray that you will heal her hurts and comfort her fears. Allow my mom to live life and to open up more! I pray that you not allow the devil to have any more holds on her life. I pray that you release her from the hurts and pain that have been suppressing her for over the past 45 years in the name of Jesus. Today I called Destini and she didn’t answer, it went straight to voicemail! That was this morning and I just called her around 10 ish and same thing. SMH I swear man ! This girl gets it from her momma! Well lets see here where to start with my baby. She just turned 21, she looks just like me! And can’t stand telling me anything! Just like mom! Well right now she has to deal with a current DUI… she has never been in trouble so this was very shocking to my father and I. However just about a week ago I found out that the circumstances surrounding her accident intensified and sat me on by behind like I was my mother. Then this past Tuesday….. THE SAME DAY I LOST MY JOB she hots be with another atomic BOMB! All tied to her accident. Ladies KEEP YOUR WITTS ABOUT YOU AT ALL TIMES! I don’t have more than three drinks while I am out and I never let that glass leave my eye! If so……………..TRASH!!! So next week I will probably be taking a trip to VA to spend some times while she has to go through some procedures. Let me tell you this girl has put me on a roller coaster ride and shes not even my child ! 2015 my sister was shot in the leg and “GOD BLOCKED IT! HE WOULDN’T LET IT BE SO! NOOOOO!” CAN I GET AN AMEN! LET THE CHURCH SAY YESSSS! My baby sister! That day felt like the year of 2010, Daddy called and told me he had a brain tumor! My world crashed all I could think of was why us? Haven’t we all been through enough? Now this? God is so good, my sister is able to walk and the buck shot didn’t hit any major arteries. She has somewhat of an indention in her left leg but SHE IS ALIVE! But now she is against some tough trials and tribulations! So God I pray that you humble her heart, mind and soul. I pray that she will be able to let go of all of the pain and anger she holds deep down inside. For it is ruining her and causing her more pain than you or I would want for her. God she is talented and gifted all from you! I pray that she is able to somehow see understand and appreciate how blessed she is and be grateful for all of what you have blessed her with! For God there are great things destined for Destini’s future! I pray that you will guide her and direct her path! Please order her steps in your word! In the name of Jesus, AMEN! Today I spoke with daddy, I always speak with daddy! He is literally the only person in my family that actually keeps in touch on a regular basis. BUT when comes DADDY…. Here comes the BS! My daddy is all over the place. He has a boss that he works for and makes them so much money is literally RIDICULOUS! But he NEVER HAS THE TIME TO DO WHAT MATTERS!!!!! Not to mention he has a girlfriend! Ugh! I mean don’t get me wrong she is cool and all but God only knows I am a little jealous! Daddy got ripped from Destini and I when we were children me 12 and Des 8. So we truly haven’t had the time with our father that we would like and now I feel that instead of coming to see me….. he goes to see her -___- what kind of mess! Lord forgive me! But I feel every type of some way about this! She is 40! HE IS 59!!!! And to top it all off my father didn’t even tell this woman his real age! (Yo I am rolling on the floor laughing) I mean he doesn’t look like it at all but come on daddy! TELLTHE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL! SMH ……..I tend to say that a lot because THERE ARE NO WORDS PEOPLE! I mean DON’T GET ME WRONG… Daddy is a good man but like I said “THE BS WILL SURE FOLLOW” shoot be on the lookout for it. I’m trying to tell you! Anywhoo daddy isn’t all the way bad he is a mystery! A COMPLETE MYSTERY! WE REALLY DON’T KNOW MUCH ABOUT DADDY! I mean we know him but his past…. Is like he wasn’t even here until my mom. Who constantly accused him of possibly doing things to my sister and I. WHICH NEVER EVER HAPPENED! My father is a good father. Not the best but he is the best he can be even with his flaws. So with that said he went through a bit of mental and emotional trauma that in a way rubbed off my mother. God Please touch my daddy. IDK what exactly is wrong with him but he just has been too much of a mystery. I pray that he will keep his word and be able to mend relationships he has broken! IN THE NAME OF JESUS! AMEN! AND AS FOR ME… Hello my name is JACLINE! (that’s JACK + LEAN) Well I lost my job on Tuesday of this past week. Ever since I have been in a mental downward spiral. Mommy told me if you’re going to pray don’t worry and if you’re going to worry don’t pray! So God I pray that you ease my heart mind body and soul! I pray that you will use this to restore my faith! Bring me closer to you in the name of Jesus! I pray that you will allow me to place my Hurts, pains, fears, doubts, and negativity to an end! Allow me to walk by faith and not by sight! Lord God I love you and want you to be a part of me day in and day out! Father God please forgive me and let no weapon formed against me shall prosper! Please forgive me of all the wrong I have done, please have mercy on my soul for any and all I have done wrong. Wipe my slate clean lord God and order my steps in your word! I am unsure of where I should go and how I should start this new chapter of my life! Jesus I beg of you to take me down a path that no man can disrupt In the name of Jesus! Where I am confused I pray you bring clarity. Where I am lost I pray that your wisdom and guidance will find me! Whenever I am sad I pray you be my happiness. When I am distraught bring me comfort. And If I ever loose my way with you, I pray that you go seek me out and find me…. Dragging my behind BACK HOME TO YOU! I love you Jesus and I am sorry I have wasted precious time please allow me to work to get back the time I wasted away! Please answer every prayer I didn’t pray tonight and Thank you for what you have done, what you are doing and for everything you are going to do!
Received: April 23, 2017

I am Homosexual AMEN

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
dear lord forgive me for we have sinned my boyfriend and i are both big fat homos SIKE HAPPY EASTER AMEN
Received: April 16, 2017

I am Homosexual

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
dear lord forgive me for we have sinned my boyfriend and i are both big fat homos SIKE HAPPY EASTER
Received: April 16, 2017

Prayer for forgiveness and broken heart

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God please forgive me for I have sinned against you and I pray that you may heal my broken heart and help me find inner peace
Namande Sharon
Received: April 11, 2017


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that God will forgive me for all the things I did to Joe. I bought him stuff and I bugged him too much and I called him a retard and said he needed mental help. He called me gay for buying him stuff because he is a guy. I know God knows I am not gay but I am very upset at the way I handled the whole situation. I have tried to apologize many ways and have not gotten a response by him. I know we have had difficulties for many years but I do think he is bipolar. I pray to God tonight that he speaks to Joe's heart and let him know I am really sorry and to forgive me. I spoke to god for help in this matter and he guided me to buy a bible and to underline a lot of verses for forgiveness. I did that and now I am going to send it with Gods grace to Joe. So I pray for this to touch his mean heart and to talk to me again.
Received: March 8, 2017

Stop smoking

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Jesus Forgive me for the poison i put in to my body,knowing that its a Holy temple, I pray Lord to become Holy and to get rid of this habit. May i place my free will to you Lord as i can not do this alone.I have faith in you lord for you are a healer a good God i pray to do your will' strengthen me Father for im weak. Strengthen me in the morning strengthen me during the day and may i live a long life and see my children grow in your name. Amen.
Received: February 25, 2017

Prayer For direction

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father God in the name of Jesus, I am seeking direction on where to live, and work. father is still heavy after being attacked and thrown in the street by my children without cause, I thank you for my car, now its broke down its where I live and worship you. the day I declare my truck to be a war room against the enemy it broke down Jesus. I need direction, I need my heart completely healed from what happen with my children, I need my trust restored, my mind renewed, my heart heal. father forgive me for my part in this life that did not please you for they are many. I need you Lord to speak clear that I may obey your will for me in Jesus Name amen
Received: February 23, 2017

Comfort my children

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
I left a 15 year marriage because I thought I stayed long enough. My children are 15 and 13...I wanted to leave sine my son was born. He was a narcissist who was always right. I moved 200 ft away from our home so that I could see my children. He made it very difficult to do so, threatening to call the cops if I came close. My children are very brainwashed now, even turning them away from my family who they were very close to. I haven't spoken to my son in almost a year and I only get to see my daughter every other weekend. He is still mentally and emotionally abusing me with the lengthy messages he sends me full of threats and accusations. Arguing is pointless. I pray that my children do not turn out to be like him. I pray my children will see the truth one day. I pray that my children will know that I did not abandon them. I pray that they will always remember everything I've taught them. I have given up all rights I have (money, house, support..) just for the peace of mind of not having to deal wit him anymore, but still, he won't stop. It seems like he doesn't want me to move on and will use the children to hurt me and get back at me. I pray for faith, the only thing I have left to fight with and I believe it is the only thing I will ever need. God, please keep my children safe, keep their mental and emotional well being balanced. Please forgive me for all the pain I have caused them throughout this divorce.
Received: February 13, 2017

Help my child believe in God again and not rebel against me

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord please forgive me for all of my sins, and thank you for every blessing . I believe that due to my past behavior I have led my children to damnation ..I have always had faith however I let husbands abuse me, I had low self esteem and I drank and used drugs. I was not a very good mother,or role model. I have since then quit that behavior and have remained single for about 15 years now so as to never make that mistake again. My youngest son who is now 15 years old has recently stated that he does not believe in God anymore, he has become distant, rude, disrespectful towards me. I don't know why or what I can possibly do to help him? The more I try to tell him to keep an open mind and to behave the more he draws away. My older children have already experienced very troubled lives, and I know I am to blame. I ask you Lord for guidance for all of us, and I ask you for protection for all of us. Please don't let my children suffer because of my prior actions. Pleas bless our family and guide us to follow your will for our lives.Amen
Received: February 9, 2017


Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Oh dear Father, You alone are God...You know me inside and out in fact You knew me even before i was in my mother's womb. here i am, Father in the name of your Holy Son Jesus Christ, i have come boldy to seek your face....do not hide your face from me my Father. forgive me for all my sins and in your time grant my desires if it is your will...i know you are almighty and i thank you that your will is done in my life amen
Received: February 5, 2017

Prayer for my safe delivery and provision to pay hospital bills

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, First I acknowldge that You are the most High and that You are the King of kings. I want to say sorry for having my faith on thr rocks this time esp that my due is getting near. Up to this point, our savings for delivery is still not enough, and I dont want to borrow money from anyone but i want to believe that You will provide for us. But there are nights when i cant help but cry because of worrying and thinking if You will provide for us. Pls forgive me for havings such thoughts Lord. Pls help us on this journey.. This baby in my womb is so special to me that i only want the best for her. I know You understood me well Lord. Pls align my heart with Yours. Pls align my thoughts with Yours. Help me to always believe in You 100% because You are true with Your promises. Pls calm my mind and soul. Not to worry but instead to pray more and more. To have my faith on its best strength. Thank You Lord for Your love and forgiveness. I will embrace Your love. In You i surrender my cares. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Received: January 30, 2017

My Two sons Kaidain and Kaleb Behavior problems

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Plz I ask you oh Lord my God to forgive me for all my sins .and I want you to touch my lil boys hearts and make then be more well behaved and loving , God I ask u to show me peace when I need it and guidance when I need it as well plz God help are family in Jesus name I pray amen
Received: January 23, 2017

Strength to continue raising my grandsons on my own with no friends or help.

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God: I pray you forgive me for my anger and quick temper at others because of my own limitations and mental illnes. I don't want to admit I have a mental illness but why do I continue to lose my temper, then later on cry about it in private and feel guilty and ashamed of myself. I have been awful and want forgiveness but no one here in this small town is willing to forget my awfulness. I beg you to forgive me and help me do better. I want my grandsons to have a better life and future and think you put them with me for a reason. But why, after 3 years, am I still in this valley of despair? Please help me hear your voice and see your open doors. Help me follow your direction and know the steps to take from here. I am sooo depressed and need you. Thank you.
Janet Shenefield(Meyer)
Received: January 10, 2017

Extreme financial debt

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord forgive me for mismanaging my money I need you lord now Ii old a lot of money I need you to help me now in the next 7 days I can lose my belonging and my assets I need you to step in now
Received: January 7, 2017

Pray for me please..

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Jesus, I ask you to please forgive me for lying to my friends and family. I ask that if it is your will for me to play softball that all of this works out and it works out on your time nt my time. Jesus i am heartbroken and i am so lost on what to do. I Need you to change me and make me new again. I have apologized to all the people i hurt but i need more than forgiveness. I realize i hurt those people and i must face the consequences. I ask for your will if it is your will i dont play then please jesus allow that to be forseen if it is your will that i play please let all of this settle .
Received: January 4, 2017

Debt relief

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Father God, In Jesus name I pray for miraculous divine intervention for debt relief of an educational loan I took out for my daughter. I just wanted to help her get through college because she is academically gifted. Please forgive me for not being a wise stewart of money you provided on the sale of my home years ago. Have mercy on me Father God. In Jesus name. Amen
Received: December 25, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
God please forgive me for not being a good wife to my husband. While I have not been unfaithful my thoughts and flirting come from temptation that surrounds me and my inability to stay focused on the man I love. Please make me whole and cleanse my mind and spirit .
Received: December 18, 2016

No more jail time

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, I pray that you have mercy on me. Please forgive me for my sins and actions that has landed me in this position where I am at the mercy of these probation officers. Father when I visit witht them please speak through me and let them be lenient in their decision making. Help them to understand that this was a mistake and not violate my probation and give me more jail time. Lord please don't let me loose my job or have to be away from my child. Advocate on my behalf and soften their hearts. Let this be a testimony for me. Amen
Received: December 7, 2016

A broken mum

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
help me LORD im lost how can my child turn on me like that . help me to forgive her . my love and worried are turning to hate and anger . im so sad . and can not understand her ways . just cant . watch over her LORD as she is so naive and all i did is pretckted her . FATHER FORGIVE ME FOR MY SINS A GENST MY PERENTS when i was young and dum . and thank yo for loving me and saving me . i love you LORD . AMEN
Received: December 5, 2016

Relief from debt

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord, I pray that you can forgive me for my sinful irresponsible behavior wirh my money abd credit cards.I ask that you provide me the financial gift to pay of all my debt. I regret my actions and am worried for my future.. I ask for your grace in Jesus name ..Amen.
Received: December 5, 2016

Forgiveness and Wisdo

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
LORD our Father, I have spent too many years of my life believing that I could do this all on my own. Making bad choices and not thinking about the consequences - not thinking about you and how you wanted me to be. I was so wrong. Please forgive me for my sins and my foolish ways and my inability to see that I need you in my life. I'm tired of being lost and don't want to be this broken. I pray that you forgive me, heal me, bless me and protect me and my children from all things that will harm us. Please keep us on a healthy God approved path so we can find joy and peace. Help me get over my broken marriage and the bad things that happened in my life. I just want to be restored and feel good again Lord God. In Jesus Christ's name AMEN
Received: December 3, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear jeasus, please help me i need u. Forgive me my sins and mistakes. I request you to please approve my employment visa which i applied. Please oh lord forgive me, help me, raise me and bless me.
Received: December 3, 2016

Fruit of womb

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Oh lord,please forgive me for having an abortion and please do not leave me without offsprings
Received: November 25, 2016

Good job for my daughter

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
heavenly father this morning am in love always asking for mercy today for the rest of my days on earth that you forgive me for hurting people and being selfish and anything in me whole I did. am prayer for my daughter life she need you so much deep in her soul please to day her life is a mess she is so sweet and strong and good mother for give her for all ways she has done too!!! bless family. am a great grand mother am happy to be one he is a handsome little guy he go to church his mother she is real and strong but she need to listen to her parents and obey touch heart and mind today in Jesus name. amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sandra loyd
Received: November 22, 2016

Forgive me lord

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father please forgive me for my sins, and please help me to forgive the ones who sin against me. He'll me to be a better person please lord. Help me not to keep on condemning myself, please help me forgive myself for the wrongs I have done please lord. Help me to b the best mother than I can possibly be for my kid s please lord. And the best partner I can be to my partner. Lord help me to be a better me please lord. I pray for wisdom please father. Open my eyes to the things I need to be seeing and my ears to them things I need to be hearing please lord. Your will be done in my life please lord. I pray for a financial miracle lord please father. In Jesus name Amen
Received: November 19, 2016

Financial burden

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
My heavenly father please forgive me for my foolish mistakes I have made. I have caused financial burden to my house due to my poor judgment with payday loans and a title loan I have taken out. Dear Jesus you know I am not able to work due to illness and this has placed a great burden on me. I foolishly did not think about the long term debt this would cause and the day has come where the debts are due for payment and I am unable to meet those obligations. Please lord Jesus bless me with the resources to pay off these debts. Your very grateful humble servant. Thank you lord jesus for hearing my cry.
Teresa stubblefield
Received: November 11, 2016

Financial Miracle

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, please forgive me for all my sins against you and my fellow people. Please hear my prayer for a urgent immediate financial miracle to pay for my debts. I have been out of work for a year now and despite all my applications, been unsuccessful, to find employment to pay my debts and provide for my family. Please provide me with the means provide for my family while I am waiting for a job. I beg you Lord and wish to Thank you for listening to me, a sinner, and not worthy of Your love. Thank you my Lord. Thank you. Thank you. Amen
Received: November 1, 2016

Deep Hurt

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father God, I pray that you will restore my emotional status. Father I have been deeply hurt by those whom I loved and trusted. I feel so broken and dead inside by these events. Father God I know you are Almighty and You have promised in You will never leave nor forsake us, I lean on this for my strength right now!! Lord as You forgive me for my sins and wrongs I pray that You will help me forgive those whom have hurt me. In Your sons precious Name Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
Received: October 31, 2016

Please pray for me - for God to show his will for me

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Please Lord, I cast my worry and anxieties on you for you are my rock. Please forgive me for and misgivings or selfishness or things that would lead me astray from your loving guidance. I desperately seek your will for me. Please watch over my family and friends for you all the Almighty and Glory be to you in your name.
Melanie C.
Received: October 27, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father I pray for peace while enduring the storm. Lord I don't know why I'm going through this but I trust you. I trust that in the end, I will be better equipped to serve you and witness to others of the great things you have done in my life. I will be able to witness that you have made the impossible, possible, you have made a way when there was no way. In the midst of it all, I know that things will work out for the greater good because I love Jesus. Forgive me for questioning why these things are happening, but know that my underlying faith resides in you and the power of the Holy Spirit. O Father clean me up daily, mold me into what you want me to be so that my body and soul will be a clean temple for the power of the Holy Spirit to dwell so that I may do the the work of your will. Amen.
Received: October 15, 2016

Gambling addiction, finances and depression

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God I am addicted to gambling and need to stop. I need to get my finances back on track and get out of this world of depression that's making my lose my mind and feeling like I'm drowning, unable to breathe. Lord I've seen and heard your miracles numerous times, people receiving enough for house payments, to start their businesses and so forth. Lord I need to start believing in You like I used to as a child. I would like to believe that You love me, regardless of my sins. Dear God please forgive me, help me forgive myself, move on and see Your blessings day by day.
Received: October 14, 2016

Prayers for fiances

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, I know that you are always in control. I come to you now with our financial needs. You know our needs before I even approach your throne. I lay my prayer request for our fiances at your feet. I know that my needs will be met please forgive me for my worrying. I'm trying very hard to leave my need at your feet and just trust and believe in your provisions for us. Please touch my heart, remove all worry and doubt, and replace it with unconditional faith. I pray in Jesus name, Amen.
Received: October 9, 2016

A sinner

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
My life has been in spiral, forgive me of my wrong doings forgive me for anything known & unknown to you Father, open my eyes to whatever I may have done or been part of to rid me of this financial windfall & my health my children... in Jesus mighty name I pray Amen
Monica Clayton
Received: October 8, 2016

Please hear my cry

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, With homelessness only days away. With unemployment at its end. With savings consumed, I am in dire need of your blessings. Not riches nor fame, just help me to not lose my apartment or my belongings. Lord bless me with employment that will alow me to get back on my feet. Lord, forgive me for not handling things better in the past. Forgive me for not keeping my relationship with you stronger. Forgive me of all my short comings and bless me with strength, guidance, and all that I need to become the man that you would have me be. In Jesus name. Amen.
Gary McVey
Received: September 28, 2016

Education and govt. Job

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus plz pass me in m2 Reval exam n giv me 35 mrks I beg u plz plz mak me as 2016 passout in pdc pls Jesus I got 62.74% pls help me my lord pass me in written exam in DRDO govt.exam n giv me permanent govt. Job my lord forgive me pls pls pls pass me in m2 Reval pls giv me 35 mrks my lord iam begging u a lot my Jesus pls help me my lord my sister scolded iam unfit to live on this earth my husband is struggling a lot for me pls help him to get govt. Job to him in kpsc kptc bmrcl pls help me my lord I don't have children since from 4 yrs after marriage my husband sent me to sce engg colg I don't have him not even a single happiness frm me I gave him only full off sorrow frm me n my family so pls pass in m2 Reval exam pls my lord I think iam waste n lazy to b on this world pls pass me in m2 my humble request to u my lord giv me children n giv me govt. Job in DRDO SBI ISRO BEL BHEL BMRCL kpsc kptc any fdc sda govt job pls pass me in m2 plz plz plz plz nimma kaalige biltini thande pass madi nan sayo varegu nim help maryolla Jesus help madi nim kayi mugitini devre..............
Received: September 27, 2016

Education and govt. Job

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus plz pass me in m2 Reval exam n giv me 35 mrks I beg u plz plz mak me as 2016 passout in pdc pls Jesus I got 62.74% pls help me my lord pass me in written exam in DRDO govt.exam n giv me permanent govt. Job my lord forgive me pls pls pls pass me in m2 Reval pls giv me 35 mrks my lord iam begging u a lot my Jesus pls help me my lord my sister scolded iam unfit to live on this earth my husband is struggling a lot for me pls help him to get govt. Job to him in kpsc kptc bmrcl pls help me my lord I don't have children since from 4 yrs after marriage my husband sent me to sce engg colg I don't have him not even a single happiness frm me I gave him only full off sorrow frm me n my family so pls pass in m2 Reval exam pls my lord I think iam waste n lazy to b on this world pls pass me in m2 my humble request to u my lord giv me children n giv me govt. Job in DRDO SBI ISRO BEL BHEL BMRCL kpsc kptc any fdc sda govt job pls pass me in m2 plz plz plz plz nimma kaalige biltini thande pass madi nan sayo varegu nim help maryolla Jesus help madi nim kayi mugitini devre..............
Received: September 27, 2016

A prayer for a girl who holds a lot in

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
God I ask you to forgive me for all of my sins and guide me to do better in life so one day I can meet you at your gates. Please bless my relationship & my unborn . I pray that you give me comfort and to help me stay stress free so I can stay healthy & please bless my family. Forgive me for my lies and for getting discouraged so lord please take my hand . #Amen
Adaisha carter
Received: September 25, 2016

God help me

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
My Lord in heaven I thank you for the beautiful life you have given.I seriously love a girl and due to my tension and fast decisions she stopped talking to me all together I had affairs with other women before she came in my life I used to objectify women but after she came my life changed all together O love her dearly and she is my everything in life.Father please forgive me for all my sins and please take all her complaints, fears, allegations against me and bring her back to me.I have my examination in a month and I can't study please help me concentrate in studies so that I can secure 60 percentage in examination. Please father Jesus help me out.Lord please help me. I love you Jesus. Amen
Received: September 18, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus that Susana can forgiveness in her heart so that we can reconcile so we can be as one again as a family. Please give me a second chance with my wife and forgive me for not having you in my life
Received: September 6, 2016

Hear me jesus

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Received: September 1, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Received: September 1, 2016

Prayer for forgiveness

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, i have wronged you in the way i live my life - forgive me. Forgive me for loving the things of the world and for straying from your word and your church. I want to live a holy life - i want to fulfill your will in my life, career, family, relationship, guide and lead me i pray! I know that with you my steps are always directed and i am safe. I need you, i cannot live without you. In Jesus Name - Amen!
Received: August 31, 2016

Prayer to learn how to feed on God's Word.

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Heavenly Father please forgive me for any sins I have commited against you. Please open my mind through the power of the Holy Spirit to give me the privilidge and ability to feed on you word. Help me I my understanding. Help me me lord you know I have searched everywhere for answers to this prayer.
Received: August 25, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus. You are a wonderful God. Forgive me for my sins and please deliver me from this nasty self destructive habit of drinking alcohol. I do not know where it came from but Father God I need you to take it away. I Jesus Name I pray. Amen
Received: August 24, 2016

HELP ME PLEASE - I need to stop Smoking

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father. First and fore most thank you for my life health and strength and forgive me for my sin.... Lord Jesus I need you help badly. This habit of smoking has come into my life and taking over. I do not want to smoke anymore but can not seem to stop. Please help me Lord. Save me from the deadly sin of smoking. Take away the cravings and the need and desire for me to want to smoke. Please help me to succeed in this battle with cigarettes. Delvier me Lord. Please Lord. In Jesus name i pray. Amen
Received: August 24, 2016

Relief from mounting debt

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, forgive me for I have sinned. I have led a frivolous life and it has led me into debt. I am at a juncture in life ... I don't know what to do. I am scared of losing my family. I seek your forgiveness and humbly request your guidance during this difficult time. Please deliver me out of debt Father Jesus. Amen.
Received: August 24, 2016

Lord Teach me to be humble and forgiveness

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Almighty Lord, Please here my prayer for a humble and forgiveness existence. I have been reflecting on my life which is not up to standard with Your desire for me to become a pure,honest servant of God . Eliminate my negativity always and replace it with God's Love. You know all my faults and failings.Help me become a good,better person in all respects.You have the power to perform miracles and cure people of dreadful diseases and mindset.Forgive me for my selfishness and self-centreness.I pray to turn the corner in life and come back to God. Your humble servant, John F. 21st.August 2016
John F.
Received: August 20, 2016

Prayer for Divine Intervention

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord please enlighten what is lost in me. i feel like ive drifted away from your presence for too long. i want to feel your grace in me. i beg you o Lord to forgive me for my numerous sins and draw me closer to you. Grant me your peace. May i continue to seek your face in all i do.Please forgive me and Shalom for what we did. Purify us and give us another chance im so sorryyy for what i did Lord please forgive me.Amen
Received: August 8, 2016

Mortgage payment

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
heavenly father i ask you this day that you for give me and help me make the right discussion regarding the agreement about my home and the dad to have a good heart regarding the situation and forgive me for the things i have said to him, wash it know in jesus name, in to the sea of forgetfulness.
Received: July 27, 2016

Save my marriage

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly father, forgive me for all of my transgressions. Please Lord heal my broken heart and fill my empty soul. My husband of 16yrs has left me for a younger woman and we have 3 children together. Lord Satan has a hold on my husband. I often my husband and my marriage unto you Lord for only you can save us from destruction. Lord if your will is for us to divorce please give me the strength and the courage to move on. In Jesus name amen.
Received: June 28, 2016

Pray for a new job and forgiveness

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord help me find a suitable job. I'm am very anxious as many are without work in my city with little good news coming. Lord I was also betrayed at my work and I feel angry, depressed and ashamed. I am quickly becoming exhausted and I feel totally lost. Lord I surrender this job search to you. Lord you know what charitable obligations and family obligations i have. I dont know how long i could sustain any of it. Please have mercy on me and forgive me for my lack of faith and wisdom. Lord provide me with a clear path so i could open a door. My enimies rejoice over my loss. Please forgive me for being angry with you. i have let my job loss affect our relationship with me thinking your unfaithfull.It is i who is unfaithfull and without trust. i pray for all the men in their 40's who have families and are very wary. Lord have mercy on us for we are nothing but dust and clay. Amen !!!
Received: June 28, 2016

Change Me

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
My boyfriend's hear has hardened towards me and he's bitter,angry,unkind and unforgiving..I pray God change me first and forgive me my sins..I repent..I pray for God to open my boyfriend's heart to seek God's truth and not the lies the enemy is telling him..I ask God to forgive me for seeking him first in all things..
Received: June 17, 2016

Bring love back

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord forgive me for the mistakes I've made. I honestly feel quilts everyday for the sins I've committed and the pain I've caused you and the love of my life. I feel so bad for what I did. And I know we should never hurt the ones we love but I was very immature and scared. That's why I made the mistakes I've made. However I've learned from it and if I got the chance to be with him one more time I would never hurt him ever again. So please take out all the pain and hurt in his heart. Erase the bad pain and memories from our relationship and show him the good. Allow him to see that we truly are meant to be together and please restore things the way it should be. I ask this in your holy name. AMEN.
Received: June 15, 2016

Deliver me from Infertility

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
God I have been told by doctors that I cannot have children naturally because my tubes are blocked. God I pray that I will no longer be barren and conceive my children naturally. Forgive me for any sin that may be a cause in my infertility. In Jesus name, Amen.
Received: June 13, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord I am lost....like so many I have squandered what I had and have lost work because of alcohol issues. I have not been able to pay my debts and am close to losing my house and putting my family on the streets. Lord please forgive me and help me get out of this enormous debt to which I will be forever grateful and help me become all that you intened me to be. I want to walk with you Lord please save me
Received: June 3, 2016

Pray to forgive me

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Pray to your members to forgive me for posting on your community with out being a member I pray for the spamming to stop Mathew 7 verse 21-23 God bless your community
Joe V
Received: June 1, 2016

Financial Blessing

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father GOD in heaven. I pray for a financial Blessing that will help me to become debt free I pray that you will help me pay my son's medical bills for I have more bills than funds. Forgive me for my sins and do not turn your face from me. Thank you for all your blessings and miraclesin my life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Received: May 27, 2016

Prayer for The Innocent that are incarcerated

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Heavenly Father please have mercy on those that are being held for crimes they did not commit. Most importantly forgive those that took part in them being incarcerated, forgive the false witnesses, the cohersion of officials and Lird please forgive the prisoner if they are having any type of ill feelings. Fatger, I adk that you eould also forgive me for being so angry with the Judicial Department that have allowed these people to be locked up. Lord, I asj that you would use these people in a mighty way and let their stories be a testimony let them be released so they can do work fir your Kingdom. I ask that you open a door so they can be heard and they can be a living testimony of how you saved them released them and they can share their story all for your glory. I especially ask that you would make their eating conditions better and they are treated with dignity because they still belong to you. You are still on the throne. I am asking for a miracle and for you to intervene in Choya Tinsley's case. Help the judge see a man has lost a decade of his life based on a lie.I ask and believe that you would hear thjs prayer i. Your Son Jesus Christ name for his name sake. I adk for peace and wisdom in The name of Jesus'. Amen
Kisha Martin
Received: May 26, 2016

Prayer for my unborn baby

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord, I pray to you today to thank you for all your blessings in my life. Please watch over me and give me strength to rid me of my weaknesses. Please ensure that I have a healthy pregnancy and that my baby is born without any complications or health problems. Please forgive me for my wrong doings as I need forgiveness right now. Please help my child's father to grow into a family man and see the importantance of family. Please protect all 3 of my children and watch over them when my eyes cannot. I love you lord and pray this in Jesus' name, Amen
Received: May 19, 2016

Job protection/security

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father I pray that you would forgive me for all the wrong that I've done Father I ask that you guide lead and direct me in the job that you have given me for many years Father I pray for favor in Jesus name
Received: May 19, 2016

Prayer for forgiveness of sin

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
dear jesus please forgive me my sin i know it is a mortal sin,,oh lord please forgive me for the sin that i have done i made an abortion just because at that im only a teenager and im still studying im afraid to my father because if he know that im pregnant im afraid that he kill me but i know that is wrong because i have no right to take that life but i dont know what should i do all i feel is fears to my fathers,,oh jesus please forgive me for what i've done it is always in my heart i cant forget it because until now i cant forgive my self for that sin that i have done please forgive me,,i pray for my forgiveness lord im so sorry please forgive me. lord i pray that someday i feel that you already forgive me lord im sorry please forgive me.. lord i pray for your forgiveness please forgive me,,forgive me for my sin. AMEN
Received: May 12, 2016

I need to be debt free

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins. Please free me from debts and bless me with a job. Amen
Received: May 5, 2016

Anger towards pain.

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord. Please forgive me for I have sinned. Please take away my anger and forgive me for the things I have said and done. Please lord heal the hurt I have caused. I lay my anger and my resentment at your feet lord. Please help me to look towards you and be slow to anger. Please take away my resentment towards those who have hurt me and forgive me for I have hurt many. Thank you Amen.
Received: May 5, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Please forgive me for using the money on lottery tickets Lord guide me to be strong and pay what I have to pay
Received: May 4, 2016

Need prayer for my health and forgiveness

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord you know my heart and you know all of me from my head to my toes lord father God I come before you to ask you to heal me of any illness I have brought upon my self I know I haven't been the best the last few years but I'm begging you for my health and forgiveness I'm weak right now and I need you to be my rock and my salvation please forgive me for my sins lord and restore my health thank u lord amen
Amand b
Received: April 20, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Heavenly FATHER I come before You that You forgive me for being so unresponsible with all the blessings that You have given to me and I have managed to throw them away at the casino. Lord You know that I deapise being in that place but I m so desperate to get my finances in order that instead of waiting on You I quickly return to that evil den hoping to resolve it my way. Lord Jesus I know that I can't do this without You. Please take this stronghold and generational curses Jesus and Bind them from my life. I know Lord that You will do rhis for me. In Jesus Name. Amen
Received: April 14, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father I pray to you in my time of need. I pray that you guide me through this emotional tough time. Show us through your healing hands to mend our hearts and save our marriage. I feel drained mentally and emotionally. Please father I pray to you and ask you to strengthen me in all areas to work through this troubled time. I pray you give him the strength he needs through this troubled time as well that we can work things out and be happy together. Forgive me for all of the hurtful things that I have said and done. Cleanse my soul and heal my heart with your divine power. I pray in Jesus holy name. Amen
Received: March 29, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dayo Omisore
Received: March 21, 2016

I need prayer

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that the Lord save our marriage, that he would forgive me for my bad attitude and help heal my husband from past hurts and give him faith to believe in God. I want to hand my marriage over to God because I can not save it on my own. I pray for healing for my husband after his brothers tragic death and the recent divorce of his parents. I pray that God will give us patience and understanding. I pray that God would help me to be the wife and mother I am meant to be. God give me your eyes to see difficult situations more clearly and be more compassionate. Help me to keep my focus on you.
Received: March 20, 2016

I need prayer

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that the Lord save our marriage, that he would forgive me for my bad attitude and help heal my husband from past hurts and give him faith to believe in God. I want to hand my marriage over to God because I can not save it on my own. I pray for healing for my husband after his brothers tragic death and the recent divorce of his parents. I pray that God will give us patience and understanding. I pray that God would help me to be the wife and mother I am meant to be. God give me your eyes to see difficult situations more clearly and be more compassionate. Help me to keep my focus on you.
Received: March 20, 2016

I need prayer

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that the Lord save our marriage, that he would forgive me for my bad attitude and help heal my husband from past hurts and give him faith to believe in God. I want to hand my marriage over to God because I can not save it on my own. I pray for healing for my husband after his brothers tragic death and the recent divorce of his parents. I pray that God will give us patience and understanding. I pray that God would help me to be the wife and mother I am meant to be. God give me your eyes to see difficult situations more clearly and be more compassionate. Help me to keep my focus on you.
Received: March 20, 2016

I need prayer

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that the Lord save our marriage, that he would forgive me for my bad attitude and help heal my husband from past hurts and give him faith to believe in God. I want to hand my marriage over to God because I can not save it on my own. I pray for healing for my husband after his brothers tragic death and the recent divorce of his parents. I pray that God will give us patience and understanding. I pray that God would help me to be the wife and mother I am meant to be. God give me your eyes to see difficult situations more clearly and be more compassionate. Help me to keep my focus on you.
Received: March 20, 2016

Emotional Scars

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Please dear lord heal me from all the pain that has been in my life since I was born , break every evil bondage and curses upon my soul and life , may the angels come into my life and restore everything Satan has stolen from me oh lord forgive me for not trusting you , forgive me for my blasphemous sins oh lord I am a mess without you , heal my pain and show me mercy I love you Jesus oh lord and I appreciate this moment because I know I will look back and thank you for strengthen me , oh lord help me survive I am so fragile without you restored our relationship so I may be able to lean on you and only you , lead me where ever you need me to go as I surrender to you and only you may the devil flee from me from today as today is the beggining of a blessed and holy life no matter what has happened I believe and trust in you close all demonic doors all demonic thoughts and wash away my sins Thank you
Received: March 18, 2016

In debt and running out of money

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, Pleaee forgive me for my sins and all the wrong that I have done and do. Forgive me for my corrupt mind. Please heal my pains, make me fit, strong and healthy. Please help me pay off all my debts. Dear Father, please forgive me for being foolish with money and for getting myself into the situation I am in. O Lord, I am not asking for vast wealth or proseperity, but should your kindness arise to it then I promise to help those who are in need of help and assist in good causes.
Received: March 13, 2016

Please Father God Allow Me To Keep My Job

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father God In heaven, I ask that you have mercy on me and please forgive me for all the wrong things I've did and all the wrong things that I've said on my job. Please have mercy on me, I know have made some mistakes, but please Lord keep me covered and show me favor that I'm able to keep my job. I'm the source of 95% of the income in the household. Lord I need your support to see me through this and that I may keep my good job so that I can provide for my family...In Jesus name I pray....Amen
Sister Mary
Received: March 9, 2016

Thank you Lord Jesus I am debt free

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord this is your child Lora father please forgive me for my sins known and unknown in Jesus name. Lord please clear my debts let me be free of it in Jesus almighty name let me and my family be debt free we receive it in the name of Jesus Amen.
Lora Mims
Received: March 9, 2016

Letting go

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord i ask you to show me that my decision was the right decision show me and guide me to a place where i can be at peace and enjoy the days ahead i ask you to allow me to find my purpose and forgive me for any and every wrong mistake i have made and will make through this journey as i rediscover who am i again. Take me in your comfort and guide me in the name of the father amen.
Received: March 8, 2016

Prayer for financial problems

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord please forgive me for my sins. Please keep me safe always especially to those people thinking bad about me. Please protect me always as I already repented from my sins. I ask this in your anme. Amen
Received: February 28, 2016

Prayers for visa interview and approval USA

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear father God, please forgive me for I have sinned. I am about to process my visa application in USA together with my son. Please guide me along the way and lead me how to fill up the forms without mistakes. I pray for the visa officer that he will grant our tourist visa application quickly. Our guardian angels please help us in Jesus name. Amen
Received: February 28, 2016

Prayers for arthritis

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear father God, please forgive me for I have sinned. Help my mother and sister who both suffers from arthritis. Lord, please take all the pain in their body in your name. Ame
Received: February 28, 2016

Financial Loan Acceptance

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear heavenly Father, Thank you so much for all you have done for me and my family and continue to do each day! Please forgive me for I have sinned. I am trying to make sure all bills are paid and I am asking that this loan be approved so my husband and I can have the rest of the money we need to buy a family home. Please Father forgive me of all I have done in the past as I am on the right road now and want to make things right. This home means so much to both of us and this will give us the opportunity to continue with a family member in this home. Thank you again for all you have done for me and continue to do. Please let this loan be approved. In your heavenly name I pray, Amen
Received: February 24, 2016

Please help me realize my dreams

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Merciful God, Please help me find a job in the career field I worked in for so long. I know I fell away from you and got lost in drugs and alcohol. With your help, I've turned my life around and am now sober. But I fear so much that I'll never again be able to do what I love. Please forgive me for my sins and mistakes. Please help me find a job that will look past the fact that I now have a criminal record.
Received: February 18, 2016

Debt free

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
dear jesus whome i have in heaven but you. jesus free me from financial problems and the creditors, there's no one to help me but you. forgive me for all that i haved sinned against you.amen
Received: February 16, 2016

Financial Help

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Father. Please forgive me for my overspending. I am in fear of my creditors for I made mistakes... I used more than I needed and used credit when times got tough and now I can't get out of debt as much as I have tried to do the right thing.. Please bless my attorney an trustee so that all will o well and my debt will be discharged.. I am praying for a fresh start for my son and I we both need it despesperately.
Received: February 16, 2016

The salvation of myself and family

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father forgive me for my sins give me the strength of the Holy Spirit that I may complete your wil) for the life you blessed me with. Father I ask you to guide my family to you. I Thank you for my beautiful grandchildren. I love you Lord. And give me discernment in my Marriage and I trust you to protect my heart in this I pray Amem
Received: February 16, 2016

Brighter future

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
God I want to change my life in you.I want your blessings in my life.my heart is broken heal my heart and make it clean.I want to feel your love.I can't forgive myself for what I have done I m so guilty... Sometimes I feel like to kill my self.God forgive me for everything for what I have done I know i made so many mistakes I made my mom cry and u..pray for me who are reading this
priya thapa
Received: February 15, 2016

Financial Business and Personal Debt

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, Have mercy on me and forgive me for my sins which I have done knowingly and unknowingly. I know lord your blessings are on me as you have blessed all of us by saying " Be Fruitful and Multiply ". Dear Lord jesus don't turn your face away from me and show me a way according to your will to come out of this huge Business and Personal Debts for my good and for your greater glory. In your name jesus, who lives and reigns forever. I pray. Amen
Received: February 10, 2016

I want more of You and serve You, Oh God.

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
My Heavenly Scented God, You are my Lord, My God, my Saviour, my Omnipotent Rock, My Omnipresent , my All-knowing God, The only One who planned my life and truly fulfilling it every single bit of my life, truly Lord that yhere is none like You. Dear Jesus, forgive me for all the committed and omitted sins that I've done, It is not worthy for You my Lord, I humble myself in praying, Lord, forgive me . Abba, thanks for the life that You have given us, for the privilege and opportunity to be one of Your Children, thank You for everything, my Lord.Lord, empty me of me and fill me of You, I want more of You and less of me. Lord, help me my Lord to be a blessing with others and to glorify You. Give us Lord a heart which is humble, reachable, pure, real/true, selfless with passion. I want to serve You, sing songs for Your Glory.. only for You Lord, only for. Help me to be inline in your thoughts, minds, plans for me and my family, and in Your nature. Help me to serve You wholeheartedly and help me to be the person You want me to be.. help me Lord, help me.. I claim it in the SWEETEST, MOST GRACIOUS AND MORE POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS, AMEN. HALLELUJAH!!!
Cherry Rose
Received: February 4, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
i am in debt.i pray that the Lord forgive me for my sins and i pray to have a debt free life.Lord you are merciful all the statements that i relay to those i owe makes me to be a sinner i want to be free today in Jesus name Amen
Received: February 3, 2016

Prayer for my husbands job

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Please Lord, protect my husband and help his company to see the value of all of their employees so that their years of commitment to them continue to strive. My husband loves his job and wants to continue to work at his company. Other employees are also fearful of losing theirs. Please Lord give them strength and allow them to continue working at the job they have been at for so many years. Please also forgive me for my sins and continue to guide me with your presence. I also want to thank you for hearing my prayer today. Amen.
Received: February 1, 2016

Prayer to keep my job and to be promrted to a permanent position

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
lord thank you for all the good things you have been doing in my life . please lord help me keep this job. please allow me through your grace to understand the duties of the job I have right now . please lord forgive me and help me secure this job . glory be to you . amen
Received: January 28, 2016

Prayer for forgiveness

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord you know my heart and my pain, and you know my sin. I ask for forgiveness Lord,I take full responsibility for what I did and for hurting the ones that love and care for me. Lord help me to get back on the road You want me to take. Show me the way, I need You Lord each and every day to guide protect and be by my side. Lord, help my friend Charles and my loved ones to forgive me for what I have done and for the pain i have caused, in Jesus name i ask. Amen
Received: January 27, 2016

Prayer...because HE is the only answer...

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father, I come before you today to ask for reflief from my financial woes. We could lose our home soon since the bills just keep piling up with no way to pay them. We have made mistakes int the past, huge mistakes, but with you each day is new! Please lead me towards a solution so that my children will still have a home! I know you supply us with everything I need - and I don't need much - but right now, the stress is affecting every aspect of our lives. I know I fail you each day, but I pray you will forgive me for all my failures!
Mama J
Received: January 15, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Almighty and Loving GOD! I praise and Glorify your NAME! Please forgive all my sins committed from childhood up to the present hour.. and release whatever curses bind in our family ..i have so many Debts right now due to many reasons i cant explain..all i know that i am in deeply wrap by debts ...LORD you are merciful GOD please forgive me ..and i want to start anew life please free us (my family) in bondage or stings of debts..Give us the means and ways we may be able to pay every centavo we owe to other persons , lending institutions, and banks..and let us live in simple life with you..we pray this in the name of our LORD JESUS our provider...AMEN thank you JESUS!
Received: January 14, 2016

Financial stresses

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord I pray that you take the burden of my family and I's financial stresses off my heart and mind and help me to trust you and know you have control over this situation. I get very worried and stressed out trying to figure out how bills, etc will get paid. I know you love us and are asking us to trust your way, but that is not always easy to do. Please forgive me for trying to take control of these things and not relying on you. Give me the courage to let it go and let you guide and direct our paths. Amen
Received: January 12, 2016

Lord Have Mercy, Save Me

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, please forgive me for my sins. I ask for your forgiveness. Please Lord have mercy on me and save me from the consequences of my sin so that I might tell others of your mercy, compassion and love. Please rescue me from my enemies. I have no power of my own and I totally rely on your love and mercy Lord. I am a bug that crawls on the jail cell floor and do not deserve your forgiveness. I am terrified of those who want to send me to hell. Please save me. Lord I beg you my Lord and my God, please rescue me so that I may continue to remain free to serve you and testify to others of your saving grace. In Jesus name and by his promise I pray Amen
Received: January 4, 2016

Strength to free my husband from his gambling addiction

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord please help free myself from my gambling addiction. Help me to be busy with more important things so that i will not be occupied with thoughts going to places of gambling. Let me have the strength to avoid the temptation to gamble, let me be your servant to save myself and others. I also pray for the forgivenss and mercy for those who exposed me to this destructive path. And thank you for the people who are around me believing and supporting me to end this evil practice. Lord forgive me for not putting you first in my life. Help me and protect me and my loved ones. We praise your name Jesus. Mother Mary pray for us. Amen
Received: December 20, 2015

Prayer for forgiveness

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
i pray for my parents to forgive me for having left home without saying good bye to them and going with some they never wished me to stay with/my wife/ so father in heaven may you help me so as to forgive me heartfully and love me like before .may u lord answer my prayers.Amen.
ssekimette geoffrey
Received: December 17, 2015


Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus, my heart is so heavy and there seems to be little relief lately. God, You know my needs before I even speak them and Lord forgive me for when I try to satisfy them with things of this world and not through You. Comfort me God through this loneliness, depression, regret, fear, and battle with sin. God this life seems so hard and things haven't gone the way I had hoped. Please heal my hurting Jesus. Bring people around me to love me and me them. In Christ name I pray, Amen.
Received: December 5, 2015

Bring us Through It

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, Thank you for the day you have given me to be able to come before you. I apologize that throughout my teenage life I haven't made enough time for us to talk. Lord forgive me. I made a promise that I failed to keep. Please show me your mercy and forgiveness due to my forgetfulness. Lord because I did not pray to you as much as I should of my relationship has changed. Without you lord I'm like a house built on mud without sturdy foundation. Lord I ask that you draw me and my girlfriend back together. Lord you know my heart desires that one day I will marry this woman that you created. Everything I asked you to put in my future wife you have put in her. Lord even though we are young I decree and declare this to be a holy relationship. I decree and declare that the devil is no going to be present in our relationship. I decree and declare over us your blessing to keep us from danger seen and unseen. I decree and declare devil you must remove your hand from our relationship. We are a God fearing couple and you cannot have either one of us. Lord help us to make to our goal and then once we reach it help us to keep the love we have developed for one another here between us. Lord I thank you in advance. I will praise you for the rest of my days. In Jesus Name I pray Amen Amen and Amen
Andre S,
Received: December 4, 2015

God is graceful

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
I pray for strength within God to strengthen my mortal emotions because I know through man, it may be impossible, but through Christ all things are possible. I pray my mom is blessed with wisdom on how to be a fair mother. Bless her soul. God let her know I forgive her. I will as well. I was very hurt, but I will forgive her as you forgave me. It's for the best. Just as you said. Forgive me for my sins, love you, amen.
Received: November 23, 2015

Prayer to be debt free and wise with finances

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, Please forgive me for not being a wise steward and a confident worker. Please help me to manage my student loan debts, so no longer will I or my cosigners receive a negative credit report. Help me no longer to accumulate debt, and help me to have a wise sustainable life style. I trust in you. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen
Received: November 21, 2015


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Pray that god will forgive me for having oral sex letting the person do it unto me and wanting them to and for masturbating lusting and for having sex outside of marriage and for wanting this person to finger me and give me a hickie and suck on my boobs and caress me and pray that god will give me a true heart of repentance to not have this ever happen again and for him to help me not commit the sin of fornication and other sexual sins
Received: November 21, 2015


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord I come to you as humble as I know how Lord I confess all my sins those known and UN known Lord I ask you to forgive me for all that I have done and guide me in right path and would like for you to take lleadership of my life and make me one unto you I ask all these many blessings Lord stenghten me where I'm weak bless me o Lord for you know my trials and tribulations Lord I ask these things of you I pray thank you amen
shanta weathers
Received: November 17, 2015

Prayer for new employment and good family life

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Loving Father, forgive me for all my sins & transgressions. Thank You Almighty Lord for all the blessings bestowed upon me and my family. Blood of Jesus wash away our sins, keep us under your loving protection. Lead us to a more Christian life. On my seeking new employment I surrender to you totally in faith that you have always provided for me each time I called out your Holy name. I bow before you on bended knee and seek your providence while I seek the right & most suitable job for me, so as to enable me support my family as also help those in need whenever an opportunity arises. Lead me to the right job & guide me to negotiate suitably. Surround me with positive seniors & colleagues & plant me in a place of trust and unity, in Jesus name I pray. Mother Mary Queen of all Angels & Saints, pray for us. Guardian Angel, guide us in the proper path of a right job & responsible and happy family life in Jesus name I pray. Amen
Joan Sequeira
Received: November 17, 2015

Release Him

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord protect Drew right now where ever he is, and is doing. Forgive me for not always guiding him in the path of righteousness. Release him from the grips of Satan, help his mind to be strong and to always know You are there to provide him with the true meaning of life. Give him the courage to turn from his current state of mind, build him up in the areas where I have failed him as his mother. Lord You know how much I love Drew, and I'm asking You on his behalf to show him how to break free from his past, and the mind control of the enemy. Thank you God for your undying love and help in our lives.
Received: November 10, 2015

Financial Help

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father as you are aware my son is being abused. Please open the gates of heaven and pour out our blessing. My son needs your protection however he and I need money for an attorney and an new home. Please forgive me for all my sins and things have done which did not please you. Please do not let things stand in the way of what we need now. I am sorry for the times I was a sinner but I am changing and asking for your forgiveness and grace now. In Jesus Name Amen
Received: November 10, 2015

Protection and Prosperity

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father, I am in debt and without resources. Forgive me for my sins that contributed to my situation as I forgive those who helped put me here. Father I am asking for my due season. I am asking for my supernatural blessing that leaves my accounts full, my bills & debt paid, ability to pay attorney so I can get my son out of abusive situation with is father, I am asking that my finances be so abundant and stable I can get us our own home and live without worry. In Jesus Name
Received: November 9, 2015


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord please forgive me for my abortions i had 2 i always wished 2 this day i never did this alful sin .dear lord please please forgive me i always think that wen i pass away i will look after them.dear lord i am old now and i think all people no about wat i did can u give me a sign that they dont no please lord i repent my sins i love you i
Received: November 7, 2015

Financial restoration freedom from bondage of debts

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
I am in financial debt . I have struggled so many years and until now I am waiting for God's restoration of my finances. Pllease pray that God will provide for my daily needs that I will be able to pay all my debts through him and not the world ways. Please pray that God will send more clients fo my business. Pleasel pray that he will rescue me and that I will continue to give my tithes and bless other people that is more needy than me, to bless my cburch, and other chairable organzation that needs help. That God will forgive me for not being a good steward of the blessings he is given me. That I will be set free of trying to be out of debts through the world way.
Received: November 1, 2015

For Financial Help and Spritual Wealth

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, I surrender all my negative thoughts, stresses, anxieties, and financial troubles to you, as I turn toward you and away from the road of darkness that I have been traveling on. My focus on trying to make it by the end of the week has driven me away from my spiritual path that my mother has guided me in before she passed. I ask that you help relieve me of these troubles and replace them with the strong faith that resembles the enormous faith that my mother has carried throughout her life. I know that you wouldn't have given me these challenges if I couldn't handle it at such a young age and I put all my trust in you that you will carry me when I can't stand any longer. Please forgive me for taking so long to come to you and for all the sin I have committed. I am praying that I will be guided onto the right path and into your loving arms. Lord, have mercy on me, for I am coming humbly to you and surrendering all that I am and all my troubles. I trust in thee that I will grow strongly back into my faith and that I will be helped with my financial problems. Please relieve the pain that has accumulated along with my debt and the inability to have financial stability. Thank you, O Lord. Amen.
Received: October 27, 2015

Prayer for Financial Freedom

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord forgive me for i had drilled myself into a hole of financial debt. Please help me get out of this hole and lift my spirit. I promise that i will not do the things i've done. I am now asking for your forgiveness. thank you Your Son, Ronaldo Romero
Ronaldo Romero
Received: October 22, 2015

Restoration in my broken marriage

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord i pray in the name of Jesus that you can restore my marriage to bring trinidad to his senses to come to our family amd forgive me for all the grief pain i have caused to ruin this marriage in Jesus name amen
Received: October 8, 2015

Need a financial miracle

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Please dear lord forgive me for my sins I pray for yr mercy I need money just enough to get me out of crisis I love you Jesus Ty for loving me
Received: October 8, 2015


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Received: October 7, 2015

Need Financial Blessings

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, thank you for your son, Jesus who died for my sins. Lord, I am in a very difficult place financially and need monetary help and financial blessings very quickly so I am able to get out of massive debt, keep my business afloat and pay for the needs of my child and me. Please forgive me for not being a good steward of money in the past. I recognize my weakness, I confess my sin, and sincerely ask for forgiveness and your Holy blessings. I know only You can see me through this time, and I know you will provide. You said ask and you shall receive. Thank you for your promises dear Lord. I pray all these things in your son's name. Amen
Amy Reed
Received: October 4, 2015

A Prideful man.

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
God in heaven PLs forgive me for thinking that I can take care of all my problems myself and forgive me for not neutering the relationship between you and I and not seeking your guidance in the decisions of life pls change me and draw me closer to you. In the name of Jesus Christ a man.
Received: September 29, 2015


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God please forgive me for all the people I have hurt! And forgive those who want to persecute my family! Please forgive me for all bitterness and anger that I Cary! Please God help my broken family come together and heal!
Received: September 20, 2015

Dear God

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Please give strengthen my faith and thank you for all the blessings and forgive me for myself
Received: September 19, 2015


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, I pray for forgiveness to forgive my mom who has pushed me aside to start her own life with her new husband. Lord i pray you guide me to forgive her husband who has done so much hurt to me also my mom and I relationship. I also pray for them to be able to forgive me for the things I have also said that were not right. I'm willing to open my heart and allow you to fill me with a positive attitude and a clear mind to forgive in Jesus name Amen.
Received: September 9, 2015

Help with my finance

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord help me with my bills car and more u see and i just need big help i bring all my problems to your feet for help and comfort in my life help with children and relationship please lord im seeking wealth a mircirle so i can provide for my family please forgive me for my sin and bring this honor overnight thank you jesus in jesus name i pray amen
Received: September 2, 2015

Sexual Addiction

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, it's me again please forgive me for my sexual sins and help me overcome my Flesh which has caused lots of troubles in my young life.Amen
Dennis Adjei
Received: September 1, 2015

Help me Lord

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord please forgive me for all my sins,for my irresponsinle acts that led me into this trouble where I'm at now. Lord I dont know who else to turn to or whereelse to ask for help. I am in deep financial trouble.please give me another chance to start all over again.I already suffered too much from my wrongdoings in the past. I pray for your mercy Lord and for granting what my heart desires right now. I pray that someone would be able to help me with my finances, I pray that you will give me another chance, I'm not asking for too much, i'm only asking enough that would pay all my debts. Please I pray that I would be able to win the raffle from Al Ansari, enough to settle my finances is fine, I'm not asking for too much. Thank you so much Lord!Amen.
aubrey gonzles
Received: September 1, 2015

Prayer for reconciliation with my husband

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that my husband and I can come together in restoring our marriage. I pray that he may forgive me for all the wrong I may have done to let our marriage come to this. I pray for my husband, that he will open his heart to the Lord Jesus and accept him. I pray that we come together in love and kindness. That we are able to rebuild our marriage. To let go of the past. To raise our three beautiful children together. Please help me to forgive his unfaithfulness as he is a good and loving person. I know some blame must lie with me on that part. I pray to be able to continue to have patience. I pray for my husband, even in this difficult time that he will protected and at peace and no anger in his heart toward me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Received: September 1, 2015

Financial healing , prosperity & abundance in my family

Prayed for 21 time. I Prayed For This
Father God, I praise you and I glorify your name. Right at this moment, I need you to help me in our financial distress. Please, I ask a miracle to bless the company of my husband, that the salaries & benefits of my husband will now be released to him. We need money to pay all our debts. Especially our loans in, help me Lord Jesus, to pay all our debts,.. Give us the grace of wisdom, strength to face this trials in our family.. Forgive me for all our sins. Wash me with your most precious blood of Jesus. I declare that you are the God who is more than enough & that you will supply all our needs according to his riches & glory in Christ Jesus! Amen...
Received: August 21, 2015

Help me deny my flesh

Prayed for 69 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, I am tired of being hurt emotionally and physically by men. Help me to not be naive and to deny my flesh, give me the strength to fight and hold on strong to your word, and desires for my life. Forgive me for fornicating and heal my heart and body in Jesus Name Amen
Received: August 20, 2015

Please we need help we need prayer

Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord God, I know things could be better and aren't for many reasons, and it has been out of our hands lately. We are in dire need of many things from finances to health, and for a stronger marriage, but above all to be closer to you. Bills are piling up, there is not much to get food with. We are having a hard time with money, as we try to pay all the bills and medical costs, but it's hard when so much keeps breaking and needing repaired. Please show us a clear path to get us out of this hard place we are facing. Since my husband's health issues and surgeries, it left him not able to return to work, and therefore, has put us in such a tough place in life. I know it's not his fault, for things happen out our hands, things we have no control over. I help him because someone needs too, and he relies on me since he's deaf too. I need a job even, even just part time. My husband is getting unsure on many things and I need strength to get us through this, and peace not to lose my mind. We are turning everything over to you God, and we know we should have done so a long time ago ,but we were trying to make it right on our own. We need your help and we know you will see us through and turn things around. Forgive me for trying to do it all on my own and not coming to you first. Forgive me of all of my sins too. Come to us, to me and show us the path and direction needed, and if we can't see it, show me, show us, make us see it. I am so grateful to have you. Thank you for so much already. In Jesus name, Amen Amen Amen
Received: August 18, 2015

Show me the way

Prayed for 8 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, I pray that you will walk step for step with me through this awful custody battle. That you give me the wisdom to say the right things, strengthen my mind will to carry on for I am starting to feel weaker every day. Protect my children from the lies and manipulation they are truly innocent. Forgive me for the sins I have made and help me to forgive others. I know that it was your grace that saved me from the self-destroying life I used to live. And I count my blessings every day Lord, please give me and many others the strength to say no and walk away. Enter my heart and mind, like never before, Lord, I need you more than ever now. Amen
Received: August 17, 2015

My challenges

Prayed for 136 time. I Prayed For This
Help me O lord for all I want to you to forgive me for I am a sinner, also am going trough heartbreaks financial issues ad I miss my family, I am just so lonely. Nothing seems to be going right and I just want to give up
Received: August 9, 2015

Spiritual Renewal and Spiritual Growth in Faith

Prayed for 17 time. I Prayed For This
I ask that you agree with me in prayer that I gain spiritual renewal in Jesus Name. I ask that GOD renew my faith by making my faith strong. I also ask that you agree with me in prayer that GOD restores and reconcile my relationship with EARL. I pray that GOD brings us back together as one. I pray that GOD softens his heart so that he cold forgive me for any pain that I have caused him. I ask that you agree in prayer with me that GOD rekindles his heart the desire of wanting to spend the rest of his life with me, that he wants to be my husband again and me his wife again, that he wants to raise a family with me agin. I ask that you agree in prayer with me that GOD bless us as one again in CHRIST JESUS NAME AMEN.
Received: August 6, 2015

Financial hardship

Prayed for 80 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord I don't know what to do. My husband works overtime but does not get paid it. We are short in cash and overextended in bills. Payday is Thursday and I still won't have enough to last the weekend. Please forgive me for not managing money better. I beg u to please bless me. In Jesus name amen
Received: August 4, 2015

Strength wisdom, and love

Prayed for 13 time. I Prayed For This
Please forgive me for my selfish thoughts, actions. Help me save others souls so they don't endure hell. When my 3 yr old grandson passed away over drugs, it was hard for me, I wanted to retaliate, please forgive me for questioning your ways. I'm thankful he's not suffering anymore it still hurts so bad. Help me walk in your ways and sofyen my heart and words. In Jesus Christ name god bless you AMEM
Tammy sue
Received: July 29, 2015

Prayer to rescue from financial debts

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Father, thanks you for Your ove ,compassion,mercy and proetcion.Forgive me for this sins ..I humble myself before You, Father.I ask You dear Lord, to brek the yoke of debts in us and tear the bonds of debts that binds me with my creditors.Relase me and my friends from these bondage of debts.Lord, break this curse in Jesus Name.we are free from the curse, in Jesus NAme!!I pray that this bndage of debt will be broken in JESUS NAME and it willnot be transferred to my children and grandchildren.I ask this in JESUS NAme and zeal this prayer with Your blood and with the enabling of the Holy Spirit, i give you thnaks and praise AMEN
Received: June 23, 2015

Lord release me from the chains of my smoking addiction

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, I come to you to ask for forgiveness, forgive me for destroying my body by smoking. Lord, please heal my lungs and my body and give me strength to lay this habit down for good.I love you Lord and I thank you for all of my blessings
Angela H d
Received: June 12, 2015

Bring the love of my life back

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Oh Heavenly Father I come to you as your weak and humbled servant. Asking you to forgive me for all my transgression. I ask that you remove all the negative and hurtful things out my fiancee heart. I ask that you reunite us. And build us up stronger than ever. In you name a pray Amen. Im calling on you Jesus
Received: June 3, 2015

Pregnant and war is going on in home.

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear heavenly father, I want to reach out to you and ask that you watch over my unborn baby as me and his father have been recently fighting physically with each other. Dear Lord, I get so angry when my husband disrespects me and runs all over me as if I am a slave. He swore to me he does not want me or this baby. I have given in to the thought of abortion because of the way my husband makes me feel. And I ask for forgiveness Lord please forgive me for letting the devil into my mind to give me such horrible thought's. You have blessed me with this little creation and I am more then thankful for your blessings. Please humble mine and my husbands hearts so that we may get to be civil and show respect to one another to keep peace for this baby. In Jesus name, Amen.
Kristen & Emilio Alvarez
Received: May 20, 2015

Protection and restoration for me and my children

Prayed for 12 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus I come to you. I ask you to forgive me for my sins yesterday, today and tomorrow. I know I fall short. I know I am not worthy. But I still ask of you cuz you make all things possible. I ask you to protect my children, my two beloved sons. Give them peace, tranquility, and let them thrive in life, be strong well and that they get to know you. Speak to them Lord. They know of you and they ask of you. Specially my little one. I ask that I get sole custody of the boys and that their abusive, unhealthy, biological father stops doing what he's doing. Lord soften his heart and change him. This is not healthy and you have shown me what steps to take. I have gone thru the doors you've opened and the roads you've laid out. I ask you humbly to change this situation where me and my boys can be at peace and safe. Happy and well. Lord, I ask you to bine the enemy from him. Satan has a foothold of him. Depart him from him. I thank you for Joey, and I thank you for who he is. thank you for blessing him, keeping him safe and well. Be with him Lord, speak to him. Guide him and protect him in every way. We both are putting your full armor Lord and let us battle the spirits. Stay with us, hold us, lead us. Love and protect my boys. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Received: January 2, 2015


Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This
Father God, please heal my body from all illnesses. Heal our finances too. Forgive me for all my sins. Cover me and my family with your holy blood. Have mercy on us and I declare that you already answered my prayer, in Jesus name; amen.
Received: December 25, 2014

Betrayal Hurts

Prayed for 16 time. I Prayed For This
My mom recently passed away and never once checked on Mom's estate plans etc because I trusted my older brother and only brother was taking care of this since he was a financial advisor for many years. Needless to say he betrayed me and is now claiming that my Mom's wishes were for him to have the house etc ....I am beyond hurt. I am asking The Lord to forgive me for such anger and to acknowlsdge that I must forgive my brother but it is very difficult for me right now. My extended famiy offers NO support yet my church family and true friends have helped. I need the divine touch of my Lord and Savior to heal my hurt and help through this ...Thank you and God bless You !! Peter
Received: December 5, 2014

Take me to heaven

Prayed for 188 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that I would not be the 'great whore' in revelation. And God would deliver me from these evil spirits. And would forgive me for my whordoms thus far. And that if I am 'the great whore' that I would not be any longer based on my relationship with God. And that he would let me be in heaven for eternity.
Arleta Reed
Received: November 1, 2014

My marriage

Prayed for 118 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God please heal my marriage and help my husband with his struggle with temptation and lust. Please help heal my heart from the pain of all we have gone through in the years of our marriage. Help me to forgive and to have a peaceful heart and happy life without worrying about my marriage. Bless my husband and help him on his journey seeking you Lord. Please forgive me for my sins and keep my heart pure in you and always seeking you. I love you GOD heart and soul. Please help me to serve you all the days of my life. Jesus name I pray amen.
Received: July 15, 2014


Prayed for 26 time. I Prayed For This
Lord God, I'm very sorry because I have sinned against you once again. Lord God, please forgive me for I have sinned about lust. Lord God, please help me overcome temptations and cast all the lustful objects in my mind and replace it with good and kind deeds in my heart and soul. I'm really sorry Lord, please forgive me.
Received: June 27, 2014

Please forgive me

Prayed for 21 time. I Prayed For This

My Lord,please forgive me for my sins,you know i was in darkness,i committed sins without knowing what they are.please forgive me.today's time i'm not in mental peace,my husband is disturbed because of me,please give us peace,forgive me for my sins.Amen.

Received: February 24, 2014

Father please forgive me.....

Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This

Lord heavenly Father, I pray that you release all strongholds in my life. Please forgive me for committing fornication! Lord, please strenthen my weakness and prepare me for my Boaz..... Lord, on your name I bind every attack of the enemy & I decree prosperity....Lord, please bless my family Financially and continue to cover us with your blood... Lord, please remove me for bonage and continue to guide me..... Amen!

Received: November 7, 2013


Prayed for 24 time. I Prayed For This

Please God help me please..I love you so please help me to come closer to you. I'm sorry Jesus, Please forgive me for my sins. God I need help with my addictions and and all bad things i've been doing,.I honestly request you to help Val and me find our way back to each other we are broken and seperate because of me, he feels I have no remorse or am not sorry for what i have done but I am with all of my heart. I cannot think of spending my life with anyone else but him. Please Jesus come to my aid.

Received: October 30, 2013

Closer to You

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This

Please God help me please..i love you so please help.me to come closer to you. I'm sorry Jesus, please forgive me for my sins..God i need help with my addictions and and all bad things ive been doing. Please Jesus come to my aid. Llord i also ask please help me to go to truck driving school and get my g.e.d and to obtain my CDL license:-) i really want to make something of my self . :-) i want to be a truck driver and go to the truck stops and preach about you .. :-) ♥ Help me Lord glorify you in all i do, at work and many will come to the knowlegdge of Christ. 

Jason Zuniga
Received: October 29, 2013

Please give me strength

Prayed for 15 time. I Prayed For This

Lord Jesus please help me with my recent emotional and mental struggles, Also please be my armor and my shield against the demons of Addiction anxiety and worry. Lord Jesus I have fear in my heart and I just put it in your almighty hands. Please help me overcome the pain in my heart and the isolation and emptiness i feel. Please take away my doubt and my anger Lord. Also thank you for blessing me with my mother and please please forgive me for the way i have treated her. She is truly a blessing and she has a big caring heart. Please ease her pain and suffering as well lord. She deserves comfort more than i do. Also Lord please please watch over L, and  free him from the bondage of addiction, and open his heart Lord Jesus please, keep him safe from harm and take his anger and pain away. Lord he is a good person please, please, watch over him lord. In all your mercy and glory i put everything in your hands Lord. Lord hear my prayer. Amen.

Ms. Garcia
Received: October 18, 2013

I want to be a new person

Prayed for 40 time. I Prayed For This
I would like to ask God the Father to forgive me for all the wrong things that I did. I am asking God to help me live longer, and help my family with what I have to provide for them. God help me be a new person, to surrender my sins and overcome them. I am asking Lord the Father to bless our nation. I’m asking him to bless the children of Africa and the whole world. Bless my girl to be the girl you want her to be, for you my Lord,. Let her work for you and respect you always. Bless my family and everyone who cares about me. Bless my enemies and help them leave their evils. Help me Lord to perform my job and reach the target as required. Let me be a new person and forget the past, give me courage and wisdom to respect You and Your Son Jesus. I thank you O Lord. May your name be praised. In the name of Jesus I request. Amen
Received: October 7, 2013