Prayers for Fertility

A Fruitful Womb And The Blessing Of A Baby

Loving Father, I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I thank and praise You that You knew me before I was conceived by my mother. You formed and knitted me together and breathed life into me.

Father, You told Your children to be fruitful and multiply and I long to carry my own child in my womb and hold my own precious babe in my arms, but I have not yet conceived and this grieves me deeply.

Loving Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life, and I pray that in Your goodness and grace You will enable me to conceive and bring into the world a little one that I may give back to You, just as Hannah gave her Samuel back into Your care.

Look down in love and pity me my barren womb and breath into me the breath of life, which was breathed into man at creation. Fill me to the fullness of Your joy so that I may bring forth a little baby.

I ask this in Jesus' name, 


Prayer For Another Child

Dear God, I thank You for the precious little children that you have been so gracious to bless me with. I ask now Lord, that I may have another little baby to be their little brother or sister.

I have not always had good health, but I place my life in Your hands and pray that I may conceive once again and enlarge the gates of our family.

May we all grow in grace and may You give me the wisdom I need to teaching and training my children. May they all come to a knowledge of Jesus as their Saviour, in whose name I pray,


Prayer To Become A Little Family Unit

Dear Lord Jesus, we are hoping to start a family soon and I long to be a mother holding a little baby in my arms to love and to cherish. Bless me I pray with a healthy pregnancy, and give us both the wisdom to be good and wise parents.

May Your will be done in our lives and help us to fulfil our purpose in life by becoming a little family rather than just a couple. O Lord hear my prayer,


Prayer To Have Healthy Children

Dear Lord, I know that children are a heritage and a gift from You. Lord, I am longing to have a baby and I pray that I may be blessed with many children.

I am Your child, and I pray that in Your love You will bless me with my own children, so that I may raise them up in the fear and nurture of the Lord.

Fill my womb I pray, with a healthy baby, and I will give You all the praise and all the glory.

Thank You Lord, I know that You are a God that answers prayers. I pray this in Jesus' name,


Help With Conceiving

Loving Father, I have a problem in my ovaries which is causing me to have real problems conceiving. You know Lord, that I have visited many doctors and am being advised that I need to undergo surgery to correct the problem.

Father, I know that you are a God that heals and You know every part of our bodies, for You formed each of us in the wombs of our own mothers. I ask You to correct and heal any internal problems I have, so that I may go on to conceive and bear children, which is what I long to do.

I come to You empty and ask that in Your grace You will heal me and fill me - not only within my body but in my heart and spirit, so that I may come to know and love You more and more. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer After A Miscarriage

Dear God, I feel so sad as I have had a number of miscarriages. Each time I have been pregnant, I have lost the little baby that I was carrying. I hurt inside.

I feel so sad and pray that You will heal the hurt and enable me to conceive in my womb and carry a baby to full term.

Give me the strength and courage to try again for a baby, for Lord this is what I desire so much. Thank You that You are a God that hears and answers prayer,


To Be Blessed With A Child

Dear God, we have been trying to conceive a baby for many years and I am becoming sad and anxious as I seem unable to conceive. I pray that You will give me the strength to conceive and give birth to a little baby as I long to be a mother.

It has been very hard as each month passes by and I remain infertile. I pray that it may be Your will to make me fruitful for I know that my times are in Your hands.

I pray that You will give us the joy of being parents and extend to us Your life-giving power to bring into our home the child that we long for. Bless us Father I pray,


To Be Fertile And Give Birth To A Baby

Dear God, I am coming to You asking that You would grant me the longing of my heart, which is to have a child. Remember me Lord, as You remembered Sarah, and make me fertile I pray.

I have been hoping for a baby for many years now and I am beginning to feel that I may not be able to have any children. But You Lord are the God of the impossible, and I ask You to grant me this prayer in Jesus name,


To Be Fruitful And To Multiply

Dear Lord, the Word of God tells those that are married to be fruitful and to multiply and to bring up our children to know and respect the Lord our God. Lord, empower me I pray, to conceive and bear children to your praise and glory.

You have told us in Your Word that children are a heritage from the Lord, and that the fruit of the womb is a gift from You, so I ask in humility of heart that You would make me a fruitful person.

Thank You, Lord,  


To Conceive Following A Sill-Born Baby

Dear Lord, You know what happened to me and how the little baby I was carrying was still-born. Lord, You know the pain and grief that caused me and is still causing me, and I ask for your healing, Your comfort and peace. Thank You for the people that tried to offer me comfort and for the encouragement and strength that You sent my way.

Lord, that experience caused me to hold on to You ever more closely, and for that I praise You, but Lord Jesus, I ask once again to give me the desire of my heart and fill my womb with a living growing baby that I may carry and deliver to full term.

PLEASE Lord, be gracious to me and may I conceive and bear a healthy little baby, and I will give you ALL the praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Request for twins this month

Prayed for 893 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Jesus, I am married and been trying to fall pregnant with twins please help me and my husband have the experience of being parents to our children, in the bible you say that we should multiply ..Make my womb fruitful make my husband fruitful, in Jesus name, I pray this month we will be parents with healthy beautiful children. Amen
Received: August 14, 2015

Help me and my husband to conceive this month

Prayed for 457 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Heavenly Father, who knew about me and my husband, before our parents know about us. I am here today, I'd like to ask the need of our hearts, for baby boy twins, I believe that you're the only solution of what I want, you'll give to me as you promise in the word of life. Dear Lord, let my enemies walk away, and forgive them in Jesus name, I receive, Amen
Received: August 10, 2015

I really want a baby

Prayed for 237 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, I am marry for 2 years and I realy want to have a baby.
Alice T
Received: July 20, 2015

Prayer for a pregnancy`

Prayed for 133 time. I Prayed For This
God, please answer my prayers for a healthy pregnancy to comfort my broken heart suffered from the loss of my precious 7 month old son one year ago May 13th who is with you now.
Received: May 5, 2015

Praying to concive a health adorable baby

Prayed for 104 time. I Prayed For This
Please my lord Jesus don't let me down I have been trying for years and spend lots of money please give me the child I long for amen more people will praise u with the miracle I recive from u in Jesus name I pray
Received: May 2, 2015

Prayer for a baby

Prayed for 134 time. I Prayed For This
Loving Father, it has been 8years that I have been waiting for a child. You know our pains and hurts. I believe that you are God of impossibilities and may your will for us to have a child be upon us. Thank you for our lives and the life of our future child/children. This we pray in Jesus name. Amen
Received: April 16, 2015

Prayers for pregnañcy

Prayed for 115 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord bless me and my husband with our own baby please my God
Received: April 8, 2015

Prayer to avoid family extinction

Prayed for 50 time. I Prayed For This
My God, my Redeemer and my Rock, Thou gave us the mandate to go into the World to increase and multiply. Thou also created us male and female. I thank Thee my Father for the beautiful and loving female children Thou hast given me and I pray to Thee my Father,to give me a male child as Thou favourably gave to Hanna in Jesus' Mighty Name, I pray. Amen.
Received: February 25, 2015


Prayed for 198 time. I Prayed For This
My prayer request is that GOD should bless me with twins this month in JESUS name Amen
Received: February 19, 2015

Dreams to have a baby

Prayed for 97 time. I Prayed For This
My friend Boriska dreams to have a baby for 6 years , but cannot. Please help her Lord.
Received: February 17, 2015

Bless us with the gift of Children

Prayed for 126 time. I Prayed For This
Lord we come to you as husband and wife and we ask that you bless us with the gift of Children to teach them to love and respect you. Please bless us with the means to care for them and patience to raise them in the right direction. Please keep our marriage strong as we enter a new phase of life and honor the ultimate gift of children
Received: January 15, 2015

Prayer to conceive

Prayed for 119 time. I Prayed For This
Dear lord I pray and ask that you make me fertile to conceive my long awaited son before the year is thru. Thanks for prayers answered in Jesus precious name Amen.
Received: June 25, 2014

Prayer to get pregnant

Prayed for 51 time. I Prayed For This

Lord give me a baby and open my womb to conceive ..with you Lord all things are possible....i entrust you for a baby lord...i claim it lord thank u lord god..i ask this in jesus name my lord and my savior...praise you lord god..amen

Received: December 5, 2013

Prayer to get pregnant

Prayed for 38 time. I Prayed For This

Lord Jesus I need your hand in my marriage , I am trusting you for a baby Lord.... Lord make it possible for my husband to be around when I ovulate, Lord pls bless me also with a job in Jesus name amen.

Received: November 24, 2013

For the fruit of the womb

Prayed for 24 time. I Prayed For This

Dear God,  bless me with the fruit of the womb this year. And deliver my husband from the bleeding piles of 3yrs now, also bless me with a miracle job O LORD I pray. In Jesus name.

Received: November 7, 2013

Prayer for a baby

Prayed for 39 time. I Prayed For This

Lord Jesus thanks for the wonderful things you have done for me. Lord please am asking for a baby . Bless my marriage with a baby and rekindle the love between I and my husband in Jesus Name. Amen

Received: November 6, 2013

Praying for a child

Prayed for 41 time. I Prayed For This

Lord God Almighty, I have been married for almost three years but not yet blessed with a child. I have irregular periods. .I am praying kneeling down before you Father. .give me a child O Lord. I pray in Jesus name. Amen

Received: October 31, 2013

Prayer to have a baby

Prayed for 43 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord give us a baby that will be cherished and loved forever. We promise to be a good parents. Lord.thank you and i love u. Amen!

Leilani dumigpe
Received: October 31, 2013

Personal prayer

Prayed for 27 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord I  pray for me and my hubby Rosario Pereira for the gift of children.

Freva Pereira
Received: October 29, 2013

Baby and a job

Prayed for 25 time. I Prayed For This

Lord Jesus thanks so much for all you have been doing for me, Iam grateful.  I want to be bless my marriage with a child and also with a job. Lord I know you will hear my cry in. Jesus Name Amen

Orinya linda
Received: October 28, 2013

Prayer for fruitfulness.

Prayed for 36 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I pray for the fruits of my womb. I desire to have my children, a set of twin a boy and a girl. I have had some miscarriages.

Received: October 24, 2013

Fruit of womb

Prayed for 89 time. I Prayed For This

I have been married for about 2 yrs now and nothing has happened,pls pray along with me, that i could become pregnant. Amen

Received: October 5, 2013