Prayer For A Deeper Knowledge Of God

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you would give me a discerning heart, an honest and true heart that seeks to put You first in all things, a heart of understanding and a genuine desire for a deeper knowledge of You.

Lord, it is my desire that I walk worthy in You and that I may know You more and love You better. Give me thirst for Your Word of truth, for in it is life and heath and wholeness, and reading it and applying it will help me live a life that is holy unto the Lord, a life that is separated from the ways of the world.

Give me the strength, the courage and the power to make the right choices in my life and guide my thoughts by the power of Your Holy Spirit each day. Lord, I know that You desire truth in the inward parts and I pray that You would mould the inner secrets of my heart to be laid bare before You, so that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus as I draw ever closer to You day by day. In Jesus' name I pray,
