Business Prayers

Prayer For Financial Breakthrough In Business

Loving Heavenly Father, I am really struggling in my business today. The economic climate has caused my thriving little enterprise to come to an almost standstill and I am finding that I am not in a position to pay some of my creditors. What is equally concerning is that a number of people owe money to me, but are withholding their payments, as they too are struggling.

Lord, I have no help but You and I thank You for all that You have provided so generously for me in the past. I come to You today and pray that in Your grace, You would bring a financial breakthrough to my struggling business, so that I will not go into debt while also being in a position to honour the payments that I too need to make.

Lord, into Your hands I commit all these difficulties to You. I am trusting in You Father. Lord, a verse in Psalm 37 comes to my mind today, "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." Lord, this is my testimony too. You have been very gracious to me throughout all my life, and I will trust You in this too. Lord, into Your hands I commit my future. 


For My Business And My Business Colleagues

Lord, I pray that You would shine the light of You grace and peace on my little business today, and thank You that You have placed me in this position of responsibility. I ask for Your blessing on each of my colleagues and all those who will cross my path during the course of today.

May I be wise in my choices, fair in my decisions, honest in my dealings and may You be the one Who directs and governs my actions and attitudes during course of the day. Give me integrity in my dealings with clients, and wisdom, should there be any difficulties arising today. Oversee all the electrical and electronic hardware, the computers and all that we need to keep the business running smoothly.

I thank You for those of my colleagues and clients who know and love the Lord Jesus, but I also pray that You would open the hearts of all those who have not accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour or received Your wonderful saving grace. This I pray in the name of Jesus,


Into Your Hand I Commit My Current Business

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, things are getting difficult throughout the whole business world, and the same is the case with my own little business. Yet I felt led by Your hand to go into this line of work some time ago, and You have been very gracious to me, for which I bless Your name. Father, I know that all things come from You and Your set-up, but You also lay aside when a job is completed.

Look down on my business Lord. Lord, it’s a failing business, for things are getting very difficult, and there are times when I wonder if I should shut the doors on this work entirely, or labour to maintain it. So Lord, I am casting this burden on You, for You have called all those that are heavy laden to cast their burdens on You and You have promised to carry them all. Praise Your name.

Lord, You know that this work is what I have been used to and I am ill-equipped to learn a new skill in this economic climate, but Father, I want to be in Your will, and so I want to hand my whole business enterprise into Your hands. I ask that You would show me what I ought to do. Lead me Lord, and guide me to do the wisest thing and give me wisdom to make the right choice. Father, my trust is in You, for all that I have is Yours and You have promised to provide all my needs, according to Your grace and riches in glory.


My Daily Prayer For My Business

Lord, I know that unless the Lord builds that house, it's builders labour in vain. Watch over all I do in my work today Lord, and I pray for all those whom my life will touch today, through this work into which You have placed me.

May I be a worthy worker, who has You as the director of my business and the one that oversees all my activities and transactions. Give me wisdom today in all the decisions I may need to make. I pray that I may demonstrate honesty and integrity in all my dealings, whether it is my relationship with people or my dealings with financial matters and the material side of my work.

Lord, I know that without You I can do nothing, but also You have promised that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So Lord, I rely on You to bless my business as You see fit. I pray Lord, that my business may thrive with You at the helm. I pray that in all things, You will lead and direct my business path. May You be glorified in my business dealings. I pray this in Jesus' name,


Trust In God’s Faithfulness

Father God, I have never seen a more critical time in my business career than I have witnessed over the past few months. There seem to be more and more people facing financial hardship and little businesses are finding themselves in a position that the door on an established family businesses – that has been seen many generations come and go – are increasingly having to close their doors. Lord, though sadness fills my heart when I witness so many people in this devastating position, whatever the reason for this economic failure, I am trusting in You and You alone. 

Words fail me Father, but what a blessing to be able to pray through the prayer that Habakkuk the prophet brought before You, so many centuries ago, and yet the words seem to be so relevant to the difficulties that so many are facing today; 

"My heart is pounding and my lips quiver, decay creeps into my bones, and my legs tremble at what is happening. Yet I will wait patiently for the Lord. Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls. Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour. The Sovereign Lord is my strength." 

Praise Your holy name! 


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The company I work for

Prayed for 102 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, Work has been slow, we have little orders and I'm getting worried everyone is worried here. Please send us companies that would like to do business with us and give us a lot of orders to fulfill so that we may stay in business for a long time and stay employed with this company, and create more jobs for others in this city. I have worked with this family for a long time and I love it here the people here have worked for a longer time than me. Please God answer my prayers
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First Lady her New Daughter

Prayed for 8 time. I Prayed For This

Bless our business and those that are apart of such a movement. Grant us the words to speak, encounters to initiate, and protection through love and grace. Have mercy upon our gifts and place our connections in social, financial, and global manners in the hands of the loving and communicating Father. Let there always be more than enough to share, give, save, and replenish in Jesus loving Christ name

Received: December 5, 2013