Search: "Cancer" 9 results

For A Child With Cancer

Loving Lord Jesus, You were the One that said, "let the little children come unto me," and You placed Your hands on all and blessed them. I come to You today to ask that Your healing hand would touch the life of this little child, who has been diagnosed with cancer.

Lord, their little body is racked with pain and life has become so difficult, as the cancer is encroaching through their tiny frame. Be close to this little one I pray, and hold them close to Yourself. Lord, I ask that they may be healed and spared any from more pain. Be close to this little one each hour of the day, I pray.

I lift up the parents who are baffled by this disease, and I ask for Your comfort and strength to uphold them as they seek to care for the little sick child. May they rest in You and be comforted and strengthened in this difficult time, and Lord, give them both the wisdom and skill to nurse their child back to full heath. I pray that they may the find their sufficiency and comfort in You, Whom to know is life eternal. 

Thank You Lord Jesus,


A Prayer For Worry About Cancer

Dear Lord, I am so worried as I have been diagnosed with cancer and I am frightened. I know that You are a God who can heal, but I pray that whatever happens in my life, You will give me Your peace and Your strength to face the future, knowing that all things work together for good to those that are Your children. Lord, I am Your child and I trust You in all areas of my life, including this illness. Thank You, that I can cast all my worry on You,


Prayer For All Who Are Suffering With Cancer

Loving Heavenly Father, I am coming to you of behalf of so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ that are suffering with cancer. Lord, I place each one into Your loving care and pray that in Your grace, You will comfort their heart and soothe away all anxieties.

Strengthen each one as they face a future which may be fraught with difficulties. Give them the peace that only comes from You, and I pray that You will uphold each one with the strength of Your mighty arm.

Give those that are treating and caring for these dear children of Yours, the skill and wisdom to do what is best in dealing with this destructive illness.

Father, I pray for healing of the body and health of the mind, but most of all I pray that through this trauma that has struck each life, You will draw each one of your children closer to the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Strength And Courage To Face Cancer

Dear God, I have been diagnosed with a destructive cancer that is eating away at the body that You have given me. Help me to be strong and courageous as I face this big health problem in my life.

I did not expect to be one that would suffer form cancer, but I pray that You will give me the strength and courage to face whatever may come my way.

Lord, You have promised to be with me in all things and to never leave me nor forsake me. I am putting my trust in You now and pray that You will use this evil in my life to some good.

Keep me under the shadow of Your wing and hold me close all the days of my life, until I come to be with You in my heavenly home.


A Christian’s Prayer For My Terminal Cancer

Dear God, You are the Father of all mercies and God of all comfort. Comfort me I pray, as I face this unexpected cancer, which I have been told is now terminal.

Though I don’t understand why this has happened, I do believe that everything that takes place in the lives of each of Your children, has a wider purpose in Your plan for our lives. Give me courage to hold onto the truth of Your Word, for I know Your plans for me are all for good.

Help me to face the future with courage and peace. Lord, there are many things that I had planned to do which now seem to have simply evaporated, but I pray that in the time that I have left you will hold me steady and help me to face the future with great courage and in the knowledge that You are my ever present help in times of trouble. I ask this in the name of Jesus, 


Prayer For My Family As I Am Face Cancer

Dear Lord Jesus, You have called us to come to You when we are in trouble or heavy laden and You will give us rest, hope and comfort. I come to You today, knowing that I have a been diagnosed with cancer that is so far advanced that I have been given but a short time to live. Lord, this is a shock and yet I want to trust You through it. Give me the courage I pray.

Give me the strength and courage to leave this evil cancer in Your hands, knowing that You have scheduled every day of my life and this is no surprise to You.

Be with my dear family, as I know that their hope seems to be shattered and they are in deep distress. I ask Lord, that through my illness You will draw each of them that I love into a saving faith and full fellowship with Yourself.

I pray that You would heal me, but whether I live or die, I lay my life into Your strong hands, and thank You that I am Your child.

Thank You that I can come to You and there find rest for my soul. 


Prayer for Healing of Cancer

Loving Lord, I know that nothing is impossible with You and nothing it too difficult for you to do. I know that you have healed many diseases and sicknesses and You have promised to be my Healer too.

I pray for Your healing touch on my life and the cancer that is now beginning to spread through my body.

Lord, I don’t know how to pray and at times I just feel unable to pray, but I lift my heart to You and pray that in Your time and in Your way You will touch my body and heal me of this disease.

Give me courage Lord for my hope is in You,


Prayer Against Getting Cancer

Dear God, I know a number of people I care about who are suffering with cancer and I am frightened about getting cancer myself. I am coming to You to ask that You keep me from getting any type of cancer in my body.

Please take this fear of cancer away I pray. I want to trust You, and I ask that You would heal those that do have cancer and help them to overcome this horrid disease and to put their faith in You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Healing Of Breast Cancer

Dear Jesus, my friend has developed a lump on her breast and is concerned that this might be cancer. I ask You Lord Jesus to comfort and help her and to guide her, as to who she ought to go and see and what to do about this concern that she has.

I know that You have said that if we ask anything in Your name You would do it. I ask You, Lord, to visit my friend at her point of need and minister to her and give her courage, as only You can – and Jesus, I ask that this lump may go right away.

I also pray that You will use me to be a comfort and support at this worrying time and I pray that we both learn to rest in You and to trust You in all things, knowing that You care about every part of our lives and our bodies.

Thank You that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and I pray for Your healing touch on my dear sister in Christ, that this lump will go away quickly, and we will praise Your name.

I ask this prayer in the name of Jesus,
