Prayers For Adultery Forgiveness

Lord to my shame I have committed adultery, broken my marriage vows.. both to You and to my spouse and caused untold pain – and I am so sorry Lord and repent of all my sin and the evil consequences of my fleshy weakness.

Lord I confess that I am weak in this area, but that is no excuse and I ask that in the power of the Holy Spirit You would help me to turn right away from this gross and evil sexual sin. Help me to overcome temptation and not to fall prey to the enticements of flesh lusts.

Help me to run from sexual sin as the Bible says, and to break free from any sexual soul-ties that I have made - and keep me I pray, from being tempted to make any further contact. I ask that You would help me to resist all temptation and to help me make a complete break with this ungodly part of my life.

Purify my heart I pray and enable me to turn away forever from this fleshly weakness – which I know must be called for what it is – ungodly sexual sin - adultery. Help me to no longer live for my own gratification but rather I pray that I may be enabled to change my whole behaviour towards my spouse - and live in marriage union with my spouse, as You have outlined in Your Word.

Give us both fresh, new love for each other and may this evil that I have done not become a stumbling-block in our marriage but the start of a new closer fellowship with each other - and with You. This I ask in Jesus name,
