Heavenly Father, thank You that in Your Word, You have given us all we need to mature in the faith, to grow in grace and to live godly in Christ Jesus. We pray that all Your children may become like new-born babes who cry out in longing for the pure milk of the Word of God. Develop in each one an insatiable desire to know more of You and to know You more intimately, so that individually and corporately we may grow up and mature in every aspect of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is our Saviour and Head.
Strengthen each one we pray, knowing that in Christ we can do all things, but may we never forget that without Him at the helm of our lives we can achieve nothing in the spiritual realm.
Thank You, Father, that You are able to make all grace abound in the lives of each of all Your children, if only we will abide in Christ and walk in spirit and truth. We pray that in the power of the Holy Spirit, You would give us all sufficiency in everything and use us as You choose, in Your service, to Your praise and glory.
Give us discernment we pray, so that we may not be carried away by the error of unprincipled men, and prevent us from falling from our own steadfastness and faith, but enable us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and into the day of eternity. In Jesus' name,