A Prayer For Healing From Adultery

Father, I have been deeply hurt and grieved because of my spouse’s adultery and the pain at times is more than I can bear. It is so hard to come to terms with the fact that the one person in your life that you are closest to.. and have trusted implicitly, is discovered to be an adulterer who has betrayed the loving trust we have between us.

I lay my brokenness before You and pour out my heart to You, for I have no one to turn to Lord but You.. and I need Your comfort and healing touch to get through this tremendous sadness. 

Father.. in my heart I know that if I nurse this grief and continue to feel sorry for myself.. that it is likely to turn into sour bitterness and acidic resentment. Prevent me Lord from going down that self-indulgent route, but rather heal me I pray.

Touch the areas deep within that are still raw with pain; bathe my wounds with Your love and peace.. and bring me through this ordeal, stronger and more able to be of service to You.

Help me to forgive too.. I know that in my own strength this would be impossible, but I ask that You would give me the sufficient grace to forgive their unfaithfulness.. and the ability to remember their sin no more – this I ask in Jesus name,
