Prayer for Zechariah 1

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Praying through Zechariah 1:2

Heavenly Father, what a warning to all Your children to listen to Your voice, obey Your Word, eschew evil, and walk in the way of truth. Thank You for the many lessons I can learn from the foolish mistakes that Israel made, when they refused to heed Your Word, obey Your instructions, and fell into pagan ways and spiritual apostasy. But even though they broke the covenant they made at Sinai, You remained faithful to all the conditional and unconditional promises You gave them. Thank You for the assurance that You will also keep Your promises to the Church, for You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. May I pay heed to Your voice, obey Your Word, walk by faith, and be guided by the indwelling Holy Spirit of truth, for Your greater praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

“The LORD hath been sore displeased with your fathers.”
(Zechariah 1:2)
Source: Verse of the day for Zechariah 1:2