Lord Jesus, it says in Your Word, examine Yourself to see it you are in the faith. Lord, I realise that this is not talking to unbelievers but to all of us who are Your children in Christ Jesus. Lord, help me to examine myself, and all that I am learning from You and Your Word, so that I truly may say with conviction, "I know in Whom I have believed and am walking in the path on which He has placed me."
Keep me also from critical thoughts of others, and prevent me Lord, from having a spirit of control, or by pretending to hold others accountable to You, when the beam in my own eye is greater than the speck that is in my brothers’ eye. Keep me humble before Your throne of grace.
Thank You for all my Christian friends and family. Keep us all walking close to You in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name I pray,
Heavenly Father, we know that every good and perfect gift comes from You and that children are a special heritage from the Lord. But Father, we also know that the enemy of our soul seeks to kill and destroy all that is from You, and especially the lives of little babies in the womb.
And so we lift up all women who may be planning to have an abortion, or who have been deceived into thinking that this is a woman’s right, rather than a sin against their creator God, and we pray that You would create in their hearts a desire to do what is right and a realisation of the evil that surrounds the practice of abortion, that they themselves are considering
Bring into the life of each mother those that would give godly counsel and change the hearts of those who have already made a decision to go down the route of abortion.
Instil in the heart of each woman a deep love for the baby they are carrying, and we pray that many may be prompted to turn from their planned abortion and look to the Lord Jesus, for the grace do what is right. This we ask in Jesus' name,
Thank You, Father, that in Your wisdom You do not renew and restore the old fallen sin-nature in Adam, but You give us a new nature, a new, born-again life, received through faith in Christ. Thank You for the lessons we can learn from biblical saints like David, who was cleansed of his sin, when he confessed his faults and cried out to You. Thank You for the indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit, and I pray that You would point out all the areas in my life that grieve You or quench Your ongoing work within. Create in me a clean heart I pray, and renew a steadfast spirit within me, and may Christ be seen in me as I submit to Your Spirit's leading and do only those things I hear from Him. In Christ's name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I have the permanent, indwelling Holy Spirit to lead and guide me. I don't want to grieve or quench the Spirit through unbelief or pride of life. May my life be led by the Spirit, by the power of the Spirit, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, I understand more and more the importance of humility of heart, a contrite spirit, and the need to be broken before You. In this state, the beautiful character of the Lord Jesus can be formed and developed in me. Search me O God, and show me areas where I have not yet submitted to Your leading and guidance, for I desire my life to be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.