Thank You Father that You know all things and that I can trust myself, my family, my friends, my work, my home, my finances, my relationships, my need and necessities into Your hands. I trust You Father. Keep me trusting. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father it is the desire of my heart to acknowledge You in every way, because I love You. Thank You that You are with me to lead and direct in all life's decisions and to plant my feet on the straight pathway. I pray that not only in the difficult times but in every situation of life, I would acknowledge You. In ALL circumstances and at all times, I pray that I will keep the eyes of my heart fixed firmly on Jesus, to Whom be all praise and glory, AMEN.
Dear Lord Jesus, You were the One who healed all manner of sickness and diseases when You walked on the shores of Galilee.
I come to You today to ask for Your healing touch in every area of my life, for I am weary in body, mind and spirit. My health is failing and I am not even sure what is wrong with me, except that I need Your touch on my life more that I have ever needed before. Strengthen me in spirit,
I pray that You renew my heart with Your healing touch and refresh me in body, soul and spirit. Thank You, Jesus,
Heavenly Father, thank You that You care enough for my spiritual maturity, that You will chasten me in love so that I may grow in grace and be a partaker of Your holiness. Give me an understanding heart to welcome Your correction and not grow weary of it. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank you for Your correction, for I know that Your discipline is for my good and for Your eternal glory. Enable me to learn all the lessons that You would teach me. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Thank You, Lord, for my bed and pillow and the benefits that You provide for us day by day. You truly are a God who provides for all Your children and a God Who is faithful to all His promises.
Give me a peaceful night sleep I pray.
Into Your hands O Lord, I commit my soul and body to be a living sacrifice of praise to You. I pray that in Your grace, You would wake me up in the morning, ready to praise You for all Your goodness and grace to me and to all men. This I pray in Jesus' precious name,