Prayer for Proverbs 12

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  • Proverbs 12
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Bedtime Prayer Against Anxiety

Dear Lord Jesus it seems that the problems and anxieties of life that I am going through, always seem to multiply and magnify during the night time hours. Help me never to forget that You have promised to be with me – even in the darkest times.

Thank You that Jesus is my Saviour and has promised to be with me throughout the long, night time hours. Keep me from dwelling on anxious thoughts and help me to hand all my cares over to You,, as soon as they come into my mind - so that my heart may be filled with Your quietness and promised peace.

Help me to give every single anxious thought over to You and keep me from going to sleep with worries and problems flooding through my mind. I pray that I would learn to keep the eyes of my heart looking to Jesus,  and the thoughts of my mind resting on You - because You have promised to give Your perfect peace to the everyone whose mind is stayed on Jesus .

May I cast all my anxious thoughts on You ; rest in Your love throughout the night and wake refreshed in the morning, in Jesus name I pray,


“Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.”
(Proverbs 12:25)
Category: Bedtime Prayers