Prayers for Purpose

Prayer For The Church To Be Sanctified

Father, we pray that as members of the body of Christ, we may learn to be imitators of You and to walk in love with one another, just as the Lord Jesus Christ loved us and gave Himself as an offering and sweet-smelling sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.

Thank You, Father, that in Christ we are children of the light. May we walk in the light of the Lord, Who is the Way, the Truth, the Light and the Life. And Lord, we know that Your purpose for the Church is to transform each one into the likeness of the Lord Jesus, until He is all in all.

We pray that as members of His Body, we may walk in all goodness and righteousness and live lives that are honoring to You. Teach us we pray, to do only those things that are pleasing in Your sight, and we ask that every member of the body of Christ may be sanctified, set apart unto You and cleansed with the washing of the water of the Word of God, and made holy in thought word and deed.

We pray that the Church may be purified by the Spirit of power, so that she may be without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and blameless before You in love. We ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Embrace Your Purpose In Christ

Thank You, Father, that I am Your child and that I have a citizenship laid up for me in the heaven, and I am awaiting my coming Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You, that Your purpose for humanity is all tied up in Him, and that He is to be honored above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.

Thank You, Father, that You have put all things in subjection under His feet, and given Him as Head over all things to the Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all.

Heavenly Father, as a part of that Body, I pray that I may fulfill the work that You have purposed for me to do. I thank You Father, that Your will for my life is to transform me into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I pray that my life may reflect His grace and beauty in all I say and do.

I pray that I may willingly submit to the work of the Holy Spirit in my life, even on those occasions when I do not understand, and ask that all that is of me may decrease and all that is of Christ may increase, until He is all in all in my life, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For Life Of Purpose

Heavenly Father, I thank You that Your perfect plans and purposes can never be frustrated and that You are working quietly in the background in order that Your divine will continues to progress towards its ultimate goal, as year succeeds to year.

I praise You that You have given me life and made me a new creation in Christ, and thank You Father, that You have a special purpose for my life too. Thank You, that by Your grace You are carrying out Your purposes in the lives of all Your children, that Christ is all and in all. I pray that this may be realized in my life too.

Enable and equip me I pray, to fulfill the plan and purpose that you have for me to do, and I ask that You would use each gift and every talent that You have graciously given to me, to Your praise and glory.

Help me to fulfill all that You would have me do in my life and may I be obedient to Your voice as I seek to carry out Your purpose for my life. May I rejoice evermore and pray without ceasing.

May I give thanks in all things as I hearken to the voice of Your Holy Spirit. And may I hold fast to that which is good, and abstain from all forms of evil, knowing that this is Your will for my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Purposed Filled Life.

Father, I know that you have a plan for each of our lives, and I understand that the main desire for every one of Your children is to know Jesus more and more and to live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to You and exults Your holy name.

Father, I know that Paul reminded us that as Your children we are to know You and the power of Your resurrection, and we are to fellowship in Your sufferings. I believe that the way we cope with the various difficulties and dangers, heartaches and sufferings, problems and pain, trials and temptations is connected to the fulfillment of the many plans that You have purposed for us, in our lives.

Help me I pray, to face the challenges of life looking to Jesus and relying on His sufficient strength and grace. Help me not to repay evil for evil, but to love my enemies, and to do good to those that despitefully use me.

Help me more and more to develop the beautiful fruit of the Spirit, and may an abundance of love and joy, peace and patience, kindness and goodness, faithfulness and self-control overflow from my life into the lives of all I meet, until Christ is formed in me and I live my life as unto Him. May I reflect Your purpose in my life from this day forward to Your praise and glory. This I ask in the name of Jesus my Saviour,


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