Heavenly Father, thank You for the Word of truth and the many lessons that it contains for our learning. Thank You for this amazing passage which takes us, step by step, through the prophesied events of the Great Tribulation, and the things that will take place when Israel returns to You, and cries out to You for salvation - when Christ returns to earth, in power and great glory, to set up His millennial rule on earth. Teach me all that I should learn, and enable me to live my life according to Your perfect plans and purposes during this Church dispensation. May I watch for Christ's any day return for His Church, and give me an opportunity to share the good news of the gospel of grace with a world that has been blinded by the evil one. Help me to do only those things that are righteous in Your eyes, and to watch for Your any day return so that I may hear You say, "well done," when I stand before You. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I am not appointed for wrath but have been saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus. Thank You that You have told us the end from the beginning so that we do not need to fear, knowing that You are in control and that one day You will set up Your kingdom of righteousness and peace. I pray that many may come to faith in Jesus today, and it is in His name I pray, AMEN.