Prayer for Matthew 13:12

“For whoever has, [more] will be given to him, and he will have more than enough. But whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

Praying through Matthew 13:12

Heavenly Father, what a gracious and wise God You are to permit man to choose life or death, heaven or hell, forgiveness or condemnation, as a matter of free-will. Thank You for the light of the gospel of grace and for opening my eyes to the truth. Have mercy on those who of their own volition, choose the path to death, destruction, and condemnation. Continue to open my eyes to the truth and help me to choose the good and eschew the evil.. and reveal to rebellious men the horrific consequences of rejecting the gospel of Christ. This I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN.

Source: Verse of the day for Matthew 13:12