Prayer for Jude 1:19

“These people create divisions and are merely natural, not having the Spirit.”

Praying through Jude 1:19

Heavenly Father, thank You for the many warnings of apostasy creeping into the churches of our land and the toxic nature of worldly minded, apostate teachers who slither into churches and slowly infect other believers. As I look around and see people who find fault, grumble, boast, flatter, and follow their own evil desires, help me to remember that You told us it would be this way just before Jesus returns. I pray that You would protect me and my loved ones from stumbling and from being polluted by their influence. Thank You that by Your grace we can be kept from stumbling, and protect us from being polluted by their influence. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. 

Source: Verse of the day for Jude 1:19