God of wisdom and love, I am not worthy to gather the crumbs under Your table and yet in mercy and love, You picked me up out of the miry clay and dressed me in the robe of Christ's righteousness, for His name’s sake. I praise You for the unconditional love You pour out on me in unhindered measure, because Your eternal character is measureless love. Thank You, Father, for Your everlasting love for me. Thank You that in loving-kindness, You drew me to Yourself and made me Your child. In Christ's name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the many prophetic writings of holy men of God like Jeremiah, who had to endure such pain and suffering so that we could receive Your written Word. Thank You for the many promises that You made to Your people, Israel, despite their apostasy, and for the hope that we all have in Christ Jesus, their Messiah and our Saviour. Thank You that Jesus is coming back to right all wrongs and that by Your grace You have told us the end from the beginning. Thank You that the day is coming when You will wipe away all tears from our eyes and Christ will return to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. Help me to learn the lessons that You would teach me and help me to anchor my hope in Christ. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Dear Lord Jesus, You were the One who healed all manner of sickness and diseases when You walked on the shores of Galilee.
I come to You today to ask for Your healing touch in every area of my life, for I am weary in body, mind and spirit. My health is failing and I am not even sure what is wrong with me, except that I need Your touch on my life more that I have ever needed before. Strengthen me in spirit,
I pray that You renew my heart with Your healing touch and refresh me in body, soul and spirit. Thank You, Jesus,
Heavenly Father, what a great and awesome God You are. Your faithfulness to Your people, Israel, and the promises You have given them are beyond our understanding. Thank You that Jesus came to earth as the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the Gentile world, and that through faith in Him, I have become Your child. Remove the blinkers from the eyes of Your chosen people, through Whom was born my own, precious Saviour, Who died for my sins and rose again, so that I too may rise into life immortal. I look forward to the day when Your New Covenant with the united kingdoms of Israel and Judah will be fully and finally ratified, when the earth will be subjected to Christ's kingdom of righteousness and justice. Thank You in Jesus' name, AMEN.