Heavenly Father, how easy it is for me to try to justify myself in Your sight through works of the Law, rather than accepting my salvation as a free gift of Your amazing grace. I know that there are no works of the Law that can justify me in Your sight, and when I try to work to justify myself, I simply expose my lack of understanding of Your perfect plan of redemption. Help me to remember that faith alone in Him alone is all I need. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus into the world at the right time. Thank You that Jesus became a man and fulfilled all the righteous requirements of the Law on my behalf so that I might be forgiven of my sins and adopted into Your family, for time and through eternity. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I never cease to be amazed at the grace that You have extended to me and to all who have been redeemed by faith in Jesus Christ. It is a thing most wonderful, almost too wonderful to believe, that God's own Son should come from heavenly glory and die to save a sinner like me. And yet it is true and I thank You with all of my being. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Abba, my loving Father, I realise I am standing on the holiest of ground. Thank You for doing such great things for me. I desire to develop the depth of fellowship with You that is demonstrated through the life of Jesus. May I submit in humble obedience to You so that my inner spirit may commune in godly intimacy with Your Holy Spirit. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that by faith in Christ, I have been born into Your family and am no longer a slave to sin, but a born-again son of God. Thank you for the many privileges and promises I have received through identification with Christ my Saviour. Thank You that I am no longer a slave, but a son and heir, through Christ. I pray that I may live as a dutiful child, doing only those things that are honouring to You. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I am not only justified by faith through the power of the Spirit, but I am to live by faith through the power of the Spirit, to walk by faith through the power of the Spirit, to grow in grace by faith through the power of the Spirit, and to become spiritually mature in the faith and sanctified through the power of the Spirit. Thank You that neither my justification nor my sanctification depends on what I do or do not do, but on what Christ did on the Cross and what Christ is doing in my life today so that it is not I that live but Christ that lives in me. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Dear Father God, thank You for the many blessings that we receive from You daily and especially for the wonderful gift of salvation, which we all have been given simply by trusting in Jesus as Saviour. Thank You, that He died to take the punishment I deserve for my sins, and that He rose again to break the power of sin and death in my life. How I praise You and worship You for all Your many blessing.
Lord, I thank You for my life. I know that we are wonderfully created and every part of our body is a miracle, but I come to You today as I am not at all well in my body and my health seems to be failing. I have always been fairly healthy Lord, for which I praise You, but have come down recently with a number of unrelated ailments and Lord, I feel so poorly and ask for Your healing touch on my life.
Be with me Lord, and with all that are facing similar problems in their lives. Lord, it seems that so many people that I know have contracted some sort of health problem, and I just ask You to visit each of us at this time of illness, stretch Your healing hand on each of our lives and restore us to good health.
Thank You, that You are a God Who hears and answers prayers. In Jesus' name I pray,
Heavenly Father, thank You that having been saved by grace through faith in Christ, I can progress to spiritual maturity as I live by grace through faith in Him. Help me to see that it is not my own works that are pleasing in the sight of God, but Christ living in me and working through me so that it is not I that live but Christ that lives in me. May I live my life to Your praise and glory, by grace through faith and not of works of the flesh. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that sin no longer has power over me, and I am no longer under the condemnation of the Law because there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus. Keep me from becoming ensnared under the curse of legalism, and may I live my new life in Christ in freedom. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for this peep into Isaiah's amazing prophecy that spoke of Sarah, that barren and desolate woman who was unable to conceive, after the flesh. Thank You that Paul opened up this amazing Scripture to us and showed that Sarah corresponds to the New Covenant, the heavenly Jerusalem, and the rejoicing mother of all Your spiritual children who have been saved by grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for the forgiveness of my sins and life everlasting. Thank You that I am part of that great congregation who have an inheritance in the New Jerusalem. May I live a life that is worthy of my calling - to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the beautiful, real-life story of Abraham and the allegory that Paul used to demonstrate the freedom we have in Christ by faith and the bondage we retain when we seek to live our Christian life according to the works of the flesh - or by following the Law. Thank You that in Christ I am a child of promise, having been supernaturally born again by the Spirit. May I jealously guard my freedom in Christ and not be enticed into the legalistic practices that place us back under bondage to the Law. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, what a blessing it is to know that we are not under bondage to sin, Satan, and the Law, but by grace through faith in Christ, we have been set free. Thank You that I am a citizen of heaven and connected with the Jerusalem above. In Jesus' name, AMEN.